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A farm full of trucks...

18th December 2003
Page 67
Page 67, 18th December 2003 — A farm full of trucks...
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Manheim triples its CV holding area to a massive 14 acres.

Vchicle auctioneer Manheim is expanding its Cokhester site from 38 to 49 acres, giving a huge 14 acres of parked trucks for sale.

Jeremy Martell, Manheim's national HGV and plant manager, says this expansion is further evidence of the firm's commitment to its customers in the CV marketplace. "It's not had for a company that has only been in the UK for the past five years," he adds.

The good news for buyers in this windswept corner of East Anglia is that wagons will now roll through a purpose-built indoor viewing area.

As before, Colchester will host three auctions a week, in co-ordination with Manheim's other sites. Martell reports that throughput at the Essex venue has increased by 20% over the past year. •