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New year wish List

18th December 2008
Page 10
Page 10, 18th December 2008 — New year wish List
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Times are tough for hauliers, so we asked a group of transport bosses to compile a wish list for 2009.

Words: Roger Brown

WHENEVER YOU canvass those in the industry on what they want the future to hold, a booming economy, a stable diesel price and a more sympathetic government tend to be popular answers. But other issues are more divisive, such as the adoption of longer, heavier vehicles (LHVs).

CM asked a selection of operators what measures the government could introduce to help hauliers, their drivers and other employees. If you could make changes to the road transport industry in 2009, what would they be? What would make life easier for a transport boss? And we received some thoughtprovoking responses... • If you want to have your say about the industry in 2009, log on to www.