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PIERS CARROLL Vice chairman of Saints Transport • Make sure

18th December 2008
Page 10
Page 10, 18th December 2008 — PIERS CARROLL Vice chairman of Saints Transport • Make sure
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

we can opt out of the Working Time Directive. If people want to work harder to provide more for themselves and their families, why shouldn't they be allowed to?

• Provide a level playing field regarding safety and legality. It seems to be a choice to run legally and properly, rather than through fear of repercussions if you don't. Everyone makes the odd mistake, everyone is going to have accidents; all you can do is ensure you've tried to minimise this.

• Make foreign drivers pay their share of road tax. If they use the road system, they can help repair and maintain it.

• Don't introduce LHVs. We simply don't have the road network and structure to support them.

• We very much like the London low-emission zone and would be in favour of a system that raises road tax by 10% or 20% per year after the first five years, so as the truck gets older and more environmentally damaging, it is charged accordingly.