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Congestion may lead to HGV restriction on stretch of A14

18th December 2008
Page 14
Page 14, 18th December 2008 — Congestion may lead to HGV restriction on stretch of A14
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By Chris Tindall THE El GHWAYS Agency (HA) is considering restricting lorries from the outside lane on a stretch of the A14 to alleviate the sheer volume of traffic near the UK's largest container terminal, Felixstowe.

Following Commercial Motor's investigation into the government's attempts to ease traffic problems on the A14 ('Highway to hell', CM 11 December), the HA reveals it is working with port operators and Suffolk County Council to address capacity problems.

However, despite concerns among operators and trade associations that foreign lorry drivers are regularly flouting overtaking bans on the A14 in Cambridgeshire, the HA is now considering introducing a ban in Suffolk as well.

A spokeswoman says: "We recognise that traffic flows between J56 Wherstead and J57 Nacton are getting close to capacity. Our congestion reduction plan indicates [that] by 2017 demand will marginally exceed capacity at certain times of the day. We are investigating a proposal to restrict HGVs from lane two over the Orwell Bridge to smooth out traffic flows."

She adds that a Freight Quality Partnership in Suffolk is developing an action plan that will review the Orwell Bridge stretch of the A14 in light of increased freight movements.