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Firms 'only pay lip service' to tail-lift maintenance

18th December 2008
Page 14
Page 14, 18th December 2008 — Firms 'only pay lip service' to tail-lift maintenance
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OPERATORS ARE losing money through the poor maintenance of tail-lifts, according to Mike Bird, operations director at tail-lift parts supplier PartsServe.

"Tail-lift maintenance is an oftenoverlooked area of operation, with many companies only paying Hp service to this extremely important piece of equipment," Bird says.

"Too often we're called to jobs where a tail-lift has failed and the vehicle and its load are stranded, only to find the issue is directly related to poor maintenance. With better preventive care, many of these issues are easily avoided."

PartsServe is the UK's leading supplier of Ray Smith Group tail-lift parts — it is owned by the Lawrence David Group and was set up when Ray Smith Group went into liquidation at the beginning of 2008.