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Cantilever lifts

18th December 2008
Page 52
Page 52, 18th December 2008 — Cantilever lifts
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These are mounted to the vehicle or trailer chassis and have a platform that is opened. closed, raised and lowered using hydraulics. Depending on the lifts capacity, there can be single, double or four-cylinder lifts.

The platform stows against the rear of the truck or trailer body, or tucks or slides under the tail. The platform is opened before it is lifted and lowered. The platforms can be used as a levelling aid between the dock and the vehicle, atthough care needs to be taken that the platform can cope with impact loads from forklift trucks. It can also double as the rear closure, which saves weight.

• The platform must be opened to give access to the load, although there are halfand third-width platforms that overcome this drawback.