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CFS 'lay-offs' after MFI collapse

18th December 2008
Page 7
Page 7, 18th December 2008 — CFS 'lay-offs' after MFI collapse
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CRANLEIGH FREIGHT Services (CFS) has had to lay off staff in the wake of MFI going into administration, with the firm admitting that the account represented almost a fifth of its annual turnover.

Becky Young, CFS group sales and marketing manager, says a number of staff at Dunsfold Park and Hemel Hempstead were laid off after the furniture retailer went into administration on 26 November.

The company would not confirm the exact number of staff affected, but said that it had no fear of collapse. While the group liaises with administrators, staff will still receive wages and there are currently no redundancies.

CFS says, It is with regret that due to unforeseen problems we are experiencing with one of our retail clients, we have needed to apply the lay-off clause as per the employee handbook," Although the MEI account represents about 18% of the firm's turnover, Young believes the business is otherwise strong.

The haulier has signed a threeyear deal with ANA Aviation Services, the airline management provider, for an undisclosed sum, which is scheduled to begin in January 2009.

Graham Young, joint manager of CFS, says: "This represents a great opportunity.'