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An efficient telephone system took our FedEx booking and promised

18th December 2008
Page 73
Page 73, 18th December 2008 — An efficient telephone system took our FedEx booking and promised
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collection before 15:00. At 12:45, a "shaggy-haired but very nice and polite lad" wearing a FedEx fleece arrived in a clean Sprinter. Again the process took less than 10 minutes. although the credit card details were just written on the documentation and no receipt was left. The postscript was that FedEx later called to point out that the company had an account and could get a discounted price.

We pointed out it was a private parcel, but it was a welcome touch that could have cost them money.

Last time around, FedEx had a disastrous showing, taking an enormous nine days.

This time around, of the four collected parcels, FedEx's was again the slowest, albeit Ti a more respectable 27 hours, despite West Kingsdown appearing on the delivery paperwork as 'Sestknigsdoun'.