Lights on Vehicles Act, 1907.
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The Home Office noiiiies various regulations which have been made under this Act.
Additional Illumination.
r. By-laws requiring that an additional lamp attached on the left side and showing a white light to the front shall be carried— (a) By all vehicles—Glamorpm, Monmouth, and Stafford County Councils; Town Councils of Dudley, Hanley, :Merthyr Tydvil, Newcastle-on-Tyne, and Stafford.
(14 By stage carriages (not being tramcars)Town Council of Hastings.
2, By-laws requiring that a lamp or lamps showing a red light to the rear shall be carried— (a) By all vehicles—West Riding (Yorks.) County Council, Leeds City Council, Newcastle-on-Tyne and Reigate Town Councils.
(b) By covered vans—Glamorgan and Monmouth County Councils, Merthyr Tydyil Town Council.
(c) By any vehicle or load on wheels drawn by another vehicle-Gloucester, Monmouth, Warwick, and Worcester County Councils. (d) By vehicles used for the purpose of carrying loads projecting to the reat—Ilastings Town Counel.
(e) By heavy and slow going vehicles—Salford Town Council.
3. By-laws requiring certain vehicles drawn or pra?..11cd by hand (to which the Act does not apply) to carry a lamp showing a white light to the front :— Town Council of Hastings.
Exemptions for Farm Vehicles.
Orders under Section 4 of the Act, exempting from the operation of the Act, throughout their respective counties, vehicles carrying in the course of harvesting operations any farm produce to stack or barn, during certain months of the year, have been made by County Councils as follow :— llav loth to October t Oh -Southampton.
June to September.—Carmarthen, Dorset, Essex, Gloucester, Hertford, Monmouth, Oxford, Stafford, E. Suffolk, W. Suffolk, Wilts., Worcester.
June to October—Berks., Cornwall, Lancashire, Montgomery, Nottingham, Somerset, Yorkshire (W. Riding, June r5th to October isth), Leicester (June 21)111 to Or 3 1st).
Jun:: to November—Northampton.
July to September.—Cambridge, Norfolk, W. Sussex, Yorkshire (W. Riding), Westmoreland (and first two weeks in October).
July to October—Devon, Peterborough. July to November •Huntingdon, Kesteven (Lincs.), Lindsey (Lincs.), Radnor. August and September--Buckingham, Isle of Ely. August to October Cheshire, Northumberland, York
shire (F., Riding). • September to November---Durham.
The Herefordshire County Council have made an Order exempting from June to September (inclusive) vehicles actually laden with and carrying to stack or barn in the course of harvesting any farm produce (not being roots or other non-inflammable produce) and proceeding at a walking pace.
Other Exemptions.
Orders of exemption from the operation of the Act have been made under Section 3 as follow :— Hersey Docks and Harbour Board.—Any vehicles being within the boundaries of the Mersey Dock Estate.
Liverpool City Council and Bootle Town Council.—(a) Vehicles carrying cotton, and (h) all vehicles constructed and used for the carriage of goods while in certain parts of the city or borough. Birkenhead Town Council.—All vehicles constructed and used for the carriage of goods while in certain ,parts of the borough. Automobile Engineers.
Mr. Dugald Clerk, F.R.S. , the President, occupied the chair at the meeting of the Incorporated Institution of Automobile Engineers which was held, on the loth instant, at the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Storey's Gate, Westminster, S. W., when Professor Bertram Hopkinson, o Cambridge University, read another of his highly-interesting and instructive papers. The title of his contribution was " The effect of size and speed upon the performance of an internalcombustion engine," and it recounted numerous comparative experiments which he had conducted with : (1), 4oh.p. Crossley gas engine; (2), a four-cylinder Daimler petrol engine with cylinders L31.inches in diameter ; and (3), a four-cylinder Siddeley engine whose cylinders are, approximately, 4 inches in diameter. The results of his experiments tended to
disprove the assumption, previously held by other experimenters, that the heat loss and the efficiency of an engine are independent of the speed at which it is run. In all his tests of the engine's efficiencies, Professor Hopkinson subjected the exhaust gases to analysis, and in this manner mudi useful data were obtained,
The subsequent discussion was opened by Mr. A. A, Remington (of the Wolseley Company), followed by Mr. W. Mergan (of the Daimler
Company), Mr. F. W. Lanchestcr, Mr. L. A. Legros, Mr. Bircham, Dr. Heie-Shaw, and the President.
Professor Hopkinson, on account of the lateness of the hour, was unable to reply fully to the various speakers ; he, therefore, dealt only with one or two of the points which had been raised ; his complete reply will be communicated to the secretary of the institution for issue in the proceedings.
Splashguard Orders.
The Shrapnel Splash-guard Company, of 46, Queen Victoria Street, E.C„ advises us of the receipt of a letter, in the following terms, from Messrs. J. Puller and Sons, of Perth " Referring to the mudguards recently supplied, we shall be glad to have your prices for another set of four to suit the same size wheels and ran; also say how soon you could deliver." This repeat order is an encouraging sign, as other owners of vans who take a pride in their behaviour will probably follow suit.