NEWS of the WEEK
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In the House of Commons on Tuesday, Mr. Grant-Ferris asked the Minister of Transport whether he proposed to extend the period of currency of carriers' licences. Mr. Burgin's reply was: " Yes. I referred this question to the Transport Adviscrry Council and am about to publish its report, which recommends an increase of the periods to five years for A and C licences and to two years for B licences, provided that the observance of the conditions of licences be upheld by the strongest possible measures, including, after fair warning, suspension and revocation of licences. I have accepted its recommendations and shall make the necessary regulations with as little delay as possible."
Hackneys Up But Goods Vehicles Down in December.
Pressure of space precludes the publication in this issue of our monthly analysis of registration returns, but those which have just been issued for December will be reviewed in our issue for next week. The number of new goods vehicles licensed in December last was 6,334, contrasted' with 7,565 in the comparable month of 1936, whilst the totals for hackney vehicles were 635 and 556 respectively.
Imports and Exports Up and Down.
The Board of Trade returns for January, 1938, show that the value of commercial vehicles, cars, chassis and accessories imported during that month was £525,431, contrasted with £471,598 in the comparable month of 1937.
The number of commercial vehicles exported was 230, which is a marked decline on the previous year's comparable total (655). In spite of the big fall in numbers, however, the value of exports actually showed an increase, and advanced from £105,855 in January, 1937, to £134,502 in the corresponding month of 1938.
So far as commercial chassis are concerned, here, again, there was a fail, a total of 1.191 for January. 1937, dropping to 857 a year later. In this case, too, the fall in numbers was not reflected in the value, because the total of £208,229 for ' January, •1937, advanced to £240,421 in January, 1938.
Wages and Rates Progress in Yorkshire.
The annual report of the Bradford and District Commercial Vehicle Owners Federation criticizes the Baillie Committee's recommendation of the simultaneous setting up of a central board and area boards for the regulation of wages and conditions, and suggests that the central board should be formed from representatives of the area boards.
The report also remarks that if C1318 licence holders are brought within the scope of the machinery applicable to A and B licensees, careful action will be necessary to make the proposal workable. Transport wages paid by C licensees in the Federation, it is pointed out, are governed by those paid in their particular industries, and it is feared that if this arrangement be interfered with complications will result.
The report states that in some districts stabilized rates have been agreed upon and put into operation. APPELLANT'S CONDUCT NOT RELATIVE.
The Appeal Tribunal sitting at York on Monday announced its decision to allow the appeal of Joseph and Edward Keeling, trading as A. E. Keeling and Sons, Kirkstall Road, Leeds, against the Yorkshire Licensing Authority's refusal to regrant them an A licence. without variation, in respect of ten vehicles and two trailers.
• When the appeal was heard at York in January it was stated that-the Yorkshire Licensing Authority • (Mr. • J. Farndale) refused to rcgrant the licence because of convictions against Mr. Joseph Keeling at Leeds Assizes, which he considered related to Mr. Keeling's capacity as a carrier of goods. Mr. H. R. B. Shepherd, for the appellants, contended that the offences did not relate to his capacity as a carrier.
For the respondents, the L.N.E. Railway Co., Mr. E. P. Merritt argued that the Licensing Authority was entitled to take into account the previous conduct of an applicant in some capacity other than that of a carrier of goods, if it affected public interest.
In announcing its decision to allow the appeal, the Tribunal stated that it did not agree with the Licensing Authority's view that Mr. Joseph Keeling's actions resulting in his being convicted at Leeds Assizes were in his capacity as a carrier of goods. It was not prepared to express an opinion as to whether the Licensing Authority was entitled to have regard to the previous conduct of an applicant other than in this capacity. LIABLE TO 11,260 PENALTY FOR HOURS OFFENCES.
At Dumfries Sheriff Court last week, Messrs. J. Carswell and Sons, Barrbridge Mills, Dalbeattie, pleaded guilty to having, between August 6, 1937, and November 9, 1937, caused and permitted drivers in their employment to drive goods vehicles on 55 occasions for continuous periods of more than 5/. hours; between August 20 and October 14, on seven occasions, caused and permitted drivers to drive vehicles for continuous periods amounting to more than 11 hours in 24; and on one occasion caused and permitted an employee to drive so that he had not at least 10 consecutive hours' rest in 24.
For the respondents, Mr. S. T. Austin stated that what the drivers omitted to do was show that they had a morning or afternoon break. He thought he could quite fairly say that respondents did not cause the men to drive for more than 51 hours. But for a decision in a recent case in the Court of Justiciary, Edinburgh, the case would probably have been contested.
The Sheriff stated that there were 63 charges in all and that respondents were liable to a penalty of £1,260, although he would modify the penalty to one of £10.
Bouts-Tillotson a Newcomer?
Bouts-Tillotson Transport, Ltd., has appealed against the decision of the North-Western Deputy Licensing Authority to refuse to grant it an A licence for seven vehicles of 181-tons total unladen weight for local collection and delivery work in the Liverpool district. The hearing took place at Liverpool in June and October last year, when Mr. E. S. Herbert, for the company, said that if the application was granted seven vehicles would be transferred from its south-eastern area licence to Liverpool. It had had a depot there for the past three years.
The main-line railways contended that the company must be treated as a newcomer to Liverpool and should justify its application on that basis.
The appeal raises an important issue involving collection and delivery services from trunk-service routes.
S.A.R. Wants Many Trailers, The South African Railways and Harbours Administration is calling for tenders for the supply of S9 or more 5-ton four-wheeled, welded-frame road trailers. Tenders, endorsed " Tender No. 1,598: Trailers," have to be addressed to the Secretary of the Tender Board, headquarters offices of the S.A.R., Johannesburg, and must be received by April 19.
In addition, a number of solid-tyred trailers is also required, whilst one or more 5-ton welded-frame trailers is needed for the transport of plate glass. In the last-named case, the tender number is 1,612, and the closing date is April 25.
Fuller details of these calls for tenders may be obtained from the Department of Overseas Trade, 35, Old Queen Street, London, S.W.1. In each case, local representation is essential and the D.O.T. can help in this respect.
Electrie Vehicle Association Officers. At the first meeting of the Electric Vehicle Association of Great Britain, Ltd., which is the new title of the Electric Vehicle Committee of Great Britain, Ltd., the following officers were elected for the ensuing yeart—President, Col. R. E. Crompton, C-I3., F.R.S. ; chairman, Col. G. D. Ozanne, MC., M.I.E.E. ; vice-chairman, Major A. L. Trundle, F.C.I.S.
The recent introduction of an optional four-cylindered engine in the Fordson 3-ton chassis has proved popular, and the option is now to be extended to other models in the company's range. It is now available in the Fordson 2-ton 9-ft. 19-in, wheelbase forward-control chassis, and within a short time it will be fitted, where desired, in the 2-ton and 3-ton 13-ft. 1-in, wheelbase chassis.
These chassis are already in production with eight-cylindered engines, which will be continued, and thus an extensive range will be available with alternative power units.
Bridge Toll Free After 30 Years?
There is every likelihood that Kirkstead (Lines) Toll Bridge, across the River Witham at Woodhall J unction Station, will be freed in the near future. It is hoped that the bridge will soon be purchased jointly by Lindsey and Kesteven County Councils.
It is 30 years since the first petition, promoted by the Council and residents at Woodhall Spa, was presented to the authorities.
Cleansing Department Tax Burdens.
Aberdeen Cleansing Committee has decided to approach other Scottish municipalities with a view to joint action being taken to induce the Ministry of Transport to reduce the tax on heavy vehicles used by cleansing departments. Mr. Alexander. cleansing superintendent, has said that the tax cost his department £1,429 each year and that non-trading departments should be relieved in part, as were fire and ambulance services.
Shipping Guide for Hauliers.
The following is the number of ships arriving at the London docks, wharves and jetties named, from February 18 to 26 inclusive. Docits: King George V. 7; Royal Albert, 5; Royal Victoria, 6; Surrey Commercial, 7: West India, 3; South West India, 1; Tilbury, 6; Tilbury Stage, 3; Millwall, 6. WHARVES: Hays, 6; Butler's, 2; Tilbury Jetty, 1. Regent's Canal, 1.
More B-licence Red Tape,..
There are indications of a tighteningup in one direction of the control of B-licence holders in the Yorkshire
Traffic Area. Cases are reported in which B-licence operators have been asked by the Authority to specify in greater detail, on applying for a re-grant of their licences, the types of goods they seek authority to carry. Hitherto, for example, they have been authorized to carry "building material and the like goods," but now they are required to state what are " the like goods" they wish to transport.
It is reported that the tightening-up has arisen because of complaints that some operators, particularly in the Doncaster district, have placed too wide an interpretation on the term "and the like goods." CONSULTING ENGINEERS DINE.
Last Friday we attended the annual dinner of the Institute of Consulting Motor Engineers. The chair was taken by the president, Mr. F. A. Thomas.' Mr. M. Berryman, barrister-at-law, proposed the toast of the Institute. He referred to the fact that the organization was started in 1932 with the object of the interchanging of ideas and the raising of the status of the members.
The president, replying, said that the Institute was in a strong financial position, whilst its membership extended to South Africa, Australia, France and all over Great Britain and Ireland, and it maintained close contact with the Insurance Institute.
The President-elect is Mr. J. Arden White. The Institute is growing steadily, and some 70 members and guests were present at the dinner.
Ford Works Handle Huge Tonnage.
Over 1,000,000 tons of cargo were handled at the private jetty of the Ford Motor Co., Ltd., at Dagenham, • last . year. An indication of the activity which this huge tonnage implies may be judged from . the fact that it approaches the total tonnage handled at Southampton docks. The Ford shipments comprised incoming raw materials and exports of commercial vehicles, tractors, cars and parts.
Piston Reconditioning by Peening.
A new process called Ramconizing has been introduced into this country from America for enlarging pistons which have acquired excessive clearance through wear suffered by themselves or the walls of their cylinders. The operation is performed by a special machine, which peens the skirts of the pistons, thus slightly enlarging their diameter and at .the same time imparting perfect circularity to the exterior.
Messrs. Thompson 's Garages, 266, Beulah Hill, London, S.E.19, are handling the Ramconizer, and, we understand, plan to establish a Ramconizer service.
Meeting for Merseyside Parcel Carriers.
The formation of a parcel carrier's action of the Liverpool Cart and Motor Owners Association Will be the subject of discussion at an open meeting to be held in the Association's offices, 20, Chapel Street, Liverpool, at 8 p.m. on Monday, February 28.
One of the primary duties of such a section would be to frame a schedule of rates suitable to the needs of all operators engaged in this type of business in the Merseyside area.
The section would function along the lines of the sections of the Association already in existence and which haye dealt successfully for many years with rates questions. This new section would be a Liverpool Subcommittee of the National Conference of Parcel Carriers.
Mr. Allen Walter, secretary of the Liverpool Cart and Motor Owners Association, who is the convener of the n20 meeting, states :—" At some time and somewhere, those operating a regular service for the delivery of small lots and parcels will have to get together and tackle this rates job—the report of the Transport Advisory Council clear:y indicates that. . . ."
Valeting 1,000 Vehicles a Day.
We referred last week, under "Passing Comments,'' to the new quick-vale ti ng station of Kennings, Ltd., at 407, Edgware Road, London, W.2. At that time we had not seen the plant, but we visited it last Thursday and were extremely impressed by its organization, speed of operation . and the excellent equipment supplied by Tecalemit, Ltd. The plant was declared open by Capt. G. E. T. Eyston. In the ordinary way the Kenning station deals with 500 vehicles daily, but by operating two shifts it can wash and grease 1,000 in the 24 hours. Between 10 and 20 tons of wet mud are collected per day, and in view of the controversy regarding the increase in the weight of commercial vehicles during service, it was interesting to learn that even a private car carries mud which weighs, on the average, 40 lb. when wet.
Almost every type of service can be provided—for instance, tyres can be treated by the Pneugrippa cutting process, whilst Tyresoles, Ltd., has an attractive display stand.
New Invincible Office. Invincible Policies, Ltd., has recently opened a new branch at 48, Park Street, • Bristol, under the managership of Mr. W. Morris Jones. PERSONAL PARS.
MR. LEVI WILKES, assistant traffic superintendent of Walsall Transport Department, has been appointed traffic superintendent of Darwen Transport Department.
MR. WILLIAM YOUNG, of Messrs. Young Windows, Wishaw, left England. yesterday for a cruise to the West Indies and Florida, mainly for health reasons. He will be hack in this country towards the end of March.
MR. B. J. HEGARTY, export manager of the Austin Motor Co., Ltd., has, for the second year in succession, been appointed chairman of the Overseas Trade Relations Committee of the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders.
MR. H. SAGAR JACKSON, of Leeds, who has been secretary of the Yorkshire Furniture 'Removers' Association practically since its formation in 1935, has resigned that Position on becoming a partner in the firm of William Henry nd Co., solicitors, of Leeds.
MR. MATTHEW ANDERSON has been appointed director of the Coal Utilisation Council, a post which was left vacant by the resignation of Mr. W. R. Gordon. He has had a wide experience of journalism, newspaper management, industrial development work and industrial publicity. He is expected to take up his new duties in March.
Better Haulage Rates at Wolverhampton.
Wolverhampton Haulage Committee recommends that the rates to be paid to contractors for haulage work executed on behalf of the corporation be increased by the following amounts:—Team hire: by 4d. per day to 165. ld. per day; vehicles not exceeding I ton: by id. per hour to 3s. 70. per hour; vehicles exceeding 1 ton but not exceeding 2 tons: by id. per hour to 4s. lid. per hour.
Haulier's "Shocking History."
Stated to have had eight convictions for excessive speed in 2 years, James Leggate, a Methil contractor, was told that he had a "shocking history," this comment being made by Mr. Henry Riches, Northern Scotland Licensing Authority. at Kirkcaldy on February 9.
Asked to state why his A licence should not be revoked or suspended, Leggate"said his record was not really as bad as it appeared. Mr. Riches remarked that unless he could be shown reason to the contrary he would have to suspend it.
Following a consultation with Mr. A. Reid, by whom the contractor was represented, Mr. Riches stated that, as he understood certain negotiations were in progress between Leggate and another party, and as he was not anxious to hinder them, the case would be adjourned for three months. FARMERS SUFFER LOSSES THROUGH SPEED LIMIT.
The inconvenience and loss caused to farmers who were unable to have their livestock conveyed to the markets in time for sales as a result of the 20 m.p.h. speed limit on certain types of livestock-carrying floats were discussed last week at the annual meeting of the' Stirling County Executive of the National Farmers' Union of Scotland, at Stirling. The committee agreed to approach the authorities with a request that the previous method of weighing floats be adopted. This, it was claimed, would permit the floats to be weighed without the capes and would bring the vehicles within the 21-tons standard, over which they are restricted to a speed of 20 m.p.h.
Rail Objection to Milk Transport Fails.
At a sitting of the Northern Scotland Licensing Authority in Cupar on February 10, Messrs. W. and J. Tarvet; St. Monance, were granted a licence for a 35-cwt. vehicle. The application was for a B licence, and it was stated that the additional vehicle was needed on account of the increase in the carriage of milk from farms in the district to Dysart Creamery. Figures for the business showed a substantial increase over the past three years. The application had been unsuccessfully opposed by the London and ,North-Eastern Railway Co.
Fife Driver with k`,Terrible Record."
"You are not the type of man to have charge of a bus when people's lives are at stake. The only thing you can drive now is a lorry weighing under 2i tons." This was what Mr. Henry Riches, Northern Scotland Licensing Authority, told a Fife driver at Cupar on February 10, when he emphasized that he would not tolerate repeated instances of speeding by drivers of heavy motor vehicles. Mr. Riches described the record as a terrible one, and one of which any driver should be ashamed.
The driver's record revealed that in January he had resumed driving after 14 days' disqualification. The following day he was again trapped and disqualified for a month. Since 1933 he had had eight convictions, including two fines of £4 and two disqualifications.
Joint Meeting on Roact-Safety.
On March 1, at 7 p.m„ in the Great Hall of the Institution of Civil Engineers, Great George Street, London, S.W.1, 16 societies are combining in a joint meeting, organized by the Institution of Automobile Engineers, for the presentation and discussion of papers on the subject of "Essential Road Conditions Governing the Safety of Modern Traffic."
The subject will be treated from three different angles by the following authors :—" Road Planning," by Dr. T. Adams, F.R.I.B.A., F.S.I..; "Road Construction," by Mr. C. Howard Humphreys, M.Inst.C.E., M.I.Meth.E.; and "Road Illumination," by Messrs. L. J. Davies, M.A., B.Sc., and G. S. Lucas, M.I.E.E.
The discussions on each subject will be opened, respectively, by Sir Charles Bressey, C.B., Professor R. G. Clements, M.C., and Dr. C. C. Paterson. The chair will be occupied by Major F. C. Cook, D.S.O., M.C., who is the chief engineer of the Ministry of Transport. 34 TROLLEYBUSES WANTED BY PRETORIA.
Pretoria City Council is calling for tenders for the supply of 24 single-deck and 10 double-deck trolleybuses. Tenders, endorsed " Specification No. 1SS/33--Troileybuses," have to he addressed to the Town Clerk, City Hall, Market Street, Pretoria, and will be received up to March 2. Full details from Department of Overseas Trade, 35, Old Queen Street, London, S.W.1.