Continental News.
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The Kaiser's Cup for Alcohol-Driven The Leasing of Roumanian Oil-Fields.
Commercial Motors. New Roumanian Act.
The German Agricultural Society, in lao3, organised a competition for alcohol-driven freight vehicles, one of the prizes being offered by the German Emperor, who, by the way, has just , given a further instance of his practical interest in MOtorism by taking over the protectorate of the German Automobile Club and exalting that body into the " Imperial Automobile Club." The trials in that year, however, failed to produce results which could be held to justify the society in distributing the prizes, in money and kind, at their disponi. Prizes were awarded, it is true, but only small ones, as a means of encouragement, and in recognition of earnest attempts to realise what, in the opinion of the jury, had not been achieved. So it came about that a second series of trials was organised for two years later. They duly took place in the Harz district, in the vicinity of Quedlinburg, during the last week in September, and were reported in our columns at that date. Several types of vehicles participated, amongst them three from the N.A.G. Company's works. Two of this company 's vehicles received prizes, but with respect to the NAG, road 'train, the members of the jury could not make up their minds; hence, they decided to put it to a still more
severe and more protracted test. For some weeks the " train " was used on the MUnchshof estate, near Quedlinburg, in connection with the beet-root crop, and it did such excellent service and proved itself so mechanically reliable that the Preisrichter-Kollegium had no difficulty about awarding it the German Emperor's Prize of Honour, consisting of a magnificent porcelain vase from the Royal. Porcelain Factory, together with a cash prize of .4:120. Through the courtesy of the manager of the Neuf! Automobil-Gesellschaf t our Berlin correspondent enables us to illustrate the Emperor's chrysanthemum cup.
prize In Roumania the leasing of State oil-fields has hitherto been a sort of football for political parties, and with a view to preventing a repetition of the " game " the present Government decided to bring in a Petroleum Bill. This ha, resulted in shipwreck for the plan which the Opposition thought of materialising with the help of their national company " Roumania." But the Roumanian Premier, M. Cantacuzeno --himself largely interested in native petroleum fields•manifested no hostility towards foreign capital, and the Bill, which has now become an Act, will enable the foreigner, as well as the Roumanian, to exploit the fields, whilst putting an end to monopoly. Neither Rockefeller nor the Deutsche Bank will have a chance of laying a monoptaising hand on Roumania's petroleum s, Tes. It is
feardl, none the less, that the Act is not Ili_ to bring about an increased demand for State wells; its operation will probably be to drive up the value of private fieldswhich may be acquired under freer conditions, The most important companies, in which mainly German capital is invested, have at their disposal sufficient fields to satisfy their exporting activity for several years to come. We reproduce some sections of the new Leasing of Petroleum Fields Act : (a) The Government is empowered in respect of State domains to lease, for a period not exceeding fifty years, lots of prospected, together with unprospected, petroleum land of maximum areas of loo and razoo hectares respectively. Full discretionary powers are invested in the Ministerial -Council in the matter of concessions. Where the application is made for the same lot by several persons or companies, the concession will be granted to the party offering the highest redevance, (Percentage of gross profits on working.--En) (b) No More than three lots can be leased to one and the same concessionaire, each lot in the extent provided for under Section I., nevertheless with the proviso that whoever applies for the lease shall adduce proofs of possessing the necessary capital.
(c) This capital must be at least two million francs for every too-hectare lot of prospected land and i,ocolot of unprospeeted land, and the sum shall be deposited.
(a) Amalgamation or assignment is illegal. Secret fusion involves the annulment of all concessioas coafleeted with this fusion.
(e) In drawing up a tabulated register of lots to be leased, a third of every prospected lot shall be regarded as reserve, and the half of every unprospected lot. All these lands shall constitute the State petroleum reserve for the future.
(t) The State petroleum reserve is inalienable by concession for le years from the date of this Act.
(g) The State reserves to itself the exclusive right of working all means of transport for petroleum, etc.
(h) The State demands a compensation of at least io per cent, on the gross profits of the working.
(i) Over and above the aforementioned redevance, the State participates in the net profits of the working as follows :—(t) One-third should the net profits fluctuate between ro and 30 per cent.; (2) from 30 and more per cent, the share of the State is so per cent, of the net profits.
(k) The State levies upon concessionaires—in accordance with the Mining Act—a lease-charge of zo francs per hectare. In addition, the general taxes are to be paid.
(I) In disputes between State and a concessionaire, Roumanian courts of law are authoritative. All concescessions of State petroleum kind are subject to the Roumenian laws and regulations, and the State assumes no responsibility for the profitablenese of land leased.
Further sections determine the time within Which the working of leased land must begin.