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Sross fine, axle discharge

18th July 1975, Page 6
18th July 1975
Page 6
Page 6, 18th July 1975 — Sross fine, axle discharge
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, LORRY DRIVER, stopped by olice in Canterbury on his ray to a weighbridge, was ned for exceeding the veicle's maximum permitted ross weight but discharged DE exceeding the permitted laximurn axle weight when he ppeared in court last Friday. on Taylor, of Vigo Bungalow, ,unstead Lane, Teynham, Kent, .ad admitted using a lorry vhich exceeded the maximum Iermitted gross weight and xle weight. He was fined £50 or the first offence and order:d to pay £10 costs. He was ;iven an absolute discharge on he second offence.

The court heard that the orry was stopped in Upper 3ridge Street, Canterbury, and ,hen taken to the Vauxhall ndustrial Estate where it was veighed, The gross weight was L9 tons 5cwt, 3 tons 5cwt overweight, and the rear axle weight was 13 tons lcwt, 3 :ons lcwt over.

Taylor told the court he was Is.arrying a load of rubble and concrete. He had been the only orry to turn up at a site where iix lorries had been expected. He decided to take the lorry to a weighbridge after it had been loaded and drove down the main street. He decided not to risk crossing a road bridge in case there was a weight restriction, and went round the Canterbury ring road. Then he was stopped, He said he was being paid by the hour and not by the load, so he did not gain by carrying extra weight,