"Railways Will Not Undercut"
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" WE have a definite promise .that if we get our industry sufficiently organized, and produce a really good scale of rates, the railway companies will agree to them. They will support them and they will not undercut them," said Mr. A. Duncan, chairman, at a meeting held in Aberdeen, on Sunday night, by the Scottish Carriers and , Haulage Contractors Association.
The meeting was the focal point of an effort to put new life into the local branch of the Association. A committee was appointed to consider how a strong organization could be created in the district.
Mr. Duncan said that, in Scotland, the first real step towards unity had been achieved by the formation of a federation of the three major associations—the Scottish C.M.U.A., the Scottish Horse and Motor Owners Association and the S.C.H.C.A. The federation had opened an office in Glasgow, and would be functioning fully within a week or two. Discussing the problem of rate.. cutting, he declared that it was only by having a national organization, which would undertake to make neighbouring districts respect the rates agreements of other districts, that ratecutting could he abolished.
It was stated that, in Southern Scotland, an unopposed application for the renewal of an A or B licence was granted without the necessity of appearing in court. In Northern Scotland, however, said Mr. H. MacDougall, " the new permanent secretary of the Association, applicants had to appear, whether there were objections or not. The federation had been asked to take steps with a view to eliminating this difficulty.
Another complaint to which Mr. MacDougall referred was that applicants sometimes went to considerable trouble to prepare evidence in support of an application and, thert found that an objection was not pressed by the railways.
.Dorset and Hants hauliers met, last week, under the auspices of the local sub-area of A.R.O., to hear and discuss an address by S.T.R., The Commercial Motor costs expert, on operating costs and their proper utilization as a basis for rational rates. Mr. A. J. Wright, of Southern Roadways, Ltd., was in the chair. Mr. J. W. Hescroff, secretary of the Southern Area, was also present, and among the audience was Mr. H. Newland, of Bournemouth.
The interest evoked by the address may be gauged by the fact that .the meeting did not break up until well after II p.m. Questions asked covered almost the whole gamut of items of operating cost and details cif charges.
The underlying reason for the inadequacy of municipal rates was a point which was stressed. It became evident that the minds of hauliers in this area are becoming exercised as to the possibility of implementing, in the near future, the recommendations of the wages commission.
Mr. Wright, in proposing a vote of thanks, recommended everyone present to read The Commercial Motor every week; its views were sane and sound, and it was free from exaggeration.
C.M.U.A..Elects Sectional Boards.
At a meeting of the London and Home Counties divisional committee of the C.M.U.A„ the following were elected to serve on the respective boards of the division :
Ancillary Board: Messrs. 0. W. Bartle, W. Buckley, R. G. Cromwell, J. Fairgrieve, W. Ffoldsworth. S. N. Horne, FL M. Lawrence, J. R. Maidens, A. H. Pavia, J. L. Pigg. C. P. Roberts, C. A. Roberts, C. Smith, R. A. B. Smith, R. V. Tears, G. A. Vincent, W. A. Winson.
Haulage Board: Messrs, F. P. Arnold, Crow, E. R. H. Davis, S. F. Kneller. F. Loftier. J. S. Nichol!, E. W. Rudd, T. It. Sanders, W. A. Winson, F. F. Fowler, Miss C. Culverlaouse. Passenger Board: Messrs. F. P. Arnold, A. II. Bourne, J. Britten, C. E. Cartwright, W, J. Eggleton, F. A. Filo, W. S. Keen, J. McCredie, H. Neal, G. Nowell, S. D. Oddy. IL Filcher, F. J. Speight, W. A. Tinmson (3. Valli. Miss C. Oulve rhouse.
A.R.O. Yorkshire Elections of Officials Completed.
Election of officials and committees of A.R.O. Yorkshire Area was completed at meetings in Leeds, last week. The new chairman of the Yorkshire Area is Mr. J. A. M. Bright, of A. J. Fryer, Ltd., haulage contractor. Selby, and the vice-chairman is Mr. J. J. Granter, of Upton.
Mr. Bright is also chairman of the Yorkshire Haulage Sectional Board. Mr. Granter is chairman of the Yorkshire Passenger Sectional Board, a position to which he was elected last week, when Councillor T. H. Burrows, of Wombwell, was appointed vice-chairman. Messrs. Granter and Burrows were elected to represent the Yorkshire Passenger Board on the National Pas. senger Board.
Mr. Bright and Mr. A. H. Butterwick, of Leeds, were appointed the Yorkshire Haulage Board's representatives on the National Haulage Board.
The Yorkshire Passenger Board elected the following to be its representatives on the Area committee:— Messrs. L. Baddeley .(Holmilrth), E. Pare:sh
(RatSeld), A. Feather (Bradford), T. H. Burrows (Wombaell), J. .1. Granter (Upton), W. H. Barker (Scarborough) and A. Ifeeley (New Tuptoul.
C.M.U.A. Considers Baillie Report. The London and Home Counties Division of the C.M,U.A. has accepted a sub-committee's report on the findings of the wages inquiry. The committee comprised Messrs. F. F. Fowler (chairman), F. J. Speight, C. Smith, W. A. Winson, S. N. Horne, and R. G. Cromwell .
Grays Representative on C.M.U.A. Divisional Committee.
Grays and District area of the C.M.U.A. has nominated Mr. F. I.eftley to represent that area on the divisional committee. Mr. J. Whittaker has been elected to the committee of the Grays Area.
C.M.U.A. Courts Bournemouth.
Following the successful meeting of the London and Home Counties division of -the C.M.U.A., held at Bournemouth a short while ago, another meeting haS been arranged for June 21 and will be held at the Grand Hotel, at 8 p.m. Mr. F. F. Fowler will be in the chair, and he will be supported by Mr. Dudley A. Elwes, licensing administrator, and Mr. j. L. Kinder, national organizer.
B.R.F. Deputation on Container Taxation.
The British Road Federation has arranged a deputation to wait upon the Ministry of Transport on June 22, to discuss Clause 7 of the Finance Bill, 1937, with regard to the taxation of containers. The deputation will be introduced by Col. Sandeman Allen and Capt. Strickland, and the following will represent operators :
Messrs. A. Coombe (National Association of Furniture Warehousemen and Removers), C. Is M. Gosselin (C.MILA.), W. Edwards (National Road Transport Employers Federation), R. W. Sewill (A.R.0.), and R. Gresham Cooke (B.R.F.).
Interesting Papers for C.M.U.A. Conference.
The following papers will be read at the Annual Conference of the C.M.U.A., which is to be held at Porthcawl from September 20-22 :—
Current Legislation as it Affects Commercial Motor Users," by Mr. D. I. Sandelson, ALA., 0.B.E., solicitor, North-Eastern Division, C.M.U.A.: "Some Aspects of Road Safety from the Official Point of View," by Major C. G. Godfrey, 0.B.E., chief constable, Salford; "The Comparative Advantages and Disadvantages of Petrol and Other Types of Engine for Commercial-motor Purposes," by Capt. J. B. Walton. M.I.T.A., chief mechanical engineer, Unilever. Ltd.; "Some Problems of the P.S.V. Operator," by Mr. Raymond Birch, Birch Bros., Ltd.
B.R.F. Announces More Talks to
Rotary Clubs..
Last week The Commercial Motor published the programme of talks which has been arranged by the British Road Federation to chambers of commerce, rotary clubs, etc.
Arrangements have now been made for Mr. R. Gresham Cooke, secretary of the B.R.F., to address Lewes Rotary Club on July 1, on the subject of" The Dependence of Industry upon Modern Transport," Mr. F. G. Bristow; general secretary of the C.M.U.A., is also booked to speak before the Enfield Rotary Club on July 20. He will deal with "Road Conditions and Public Safety." A.R.O. HAULAGE SECTIONAL BOARD ELECTED.
At a meeting of the Haulage Sec. tional Board of A.R.O. on Monday, the following were elected to serve on the Board for the forthcoming year
Messrs. J. F. E. P. Ockenden (Metropolitan); A. Todd, W. W. Walton (Northern): J. A. M. Bright, A. H. Butterwiek (Yorkshire): R. Hindley, W. Tweedale (East Lancashire): T. F. Hargreaves, L. Stubbs (North Western): T. A. Kirby, R. J. Newland (East Midland): J. W. Beresford, A. Rutty (West Midland): H. J. Lloyd, G. W. Irwin (Eastern); D. Richardson, 0. S. Moore (South Eastern): I'. J. Downer, L. L. Baker (Southern); A. A. Andrews. E. Morris (South Wales); G. Smart, Cant, J. W. Jones (Western); W. R. Hawke. C. Wooden (Devon and Cornwall); H. A. Palmer. J. F. Archbold. N. E. Bennett, M. H. Harris (Freight Brokers' section).
Following the election of the board, the representatives to the National Council were appointed. These are as follow:—
Messrs. A. Todd. J. A. hi. Bright. R. Kindles. T. F. Hargreaves. R. J. Newland. 5. W. Beres. ford, IL J. Lloyd, J. F. E. Fps, D. Richardson, F. J. Downer, A. Andrews. G. Smart. W. R. Hawke, If. A. Palmer and Capt. J W. Jones.
A discussion took place on the position of A.R.O. in relation to the Transport Advisory Council and the Committee on Co-ordination, and it was resolved that the matter could not be allowed to remain as it is at present.
Instructions were given to delegates attending meetings of the National Joint Conciliation Board that they were to press for acceptance of the Baillie report.
Committee for New C.M.U.A. Branch.
The following have been elected as the officers and committee of the C.M.U.A. Uxbridge Area:— Chairman. Mr. G. M. T. Rouse; vice-chairman, Mr. G. W. Betties. Committee: Messrs. H. Ashdown. T. Baldwin, S. R. Bush, H. S. Dimrock. W. G. Gilbert, E. Goulding, J. Hotchin, H. E. Bull, F. Morga,n, W. Mickley, C. B. Rattray, R. Rumble, S. M. Rumble, J. Suter, G. E. Westwood. T. W. Wilkinson.
The hon. secretary is Mr. A. M. Fulford, of Gregory's of Uxbridge, Ltd., 53, High Street, Uxbridge.
Tantar Bridge Backers Gaining Support.
Support for the campaign, organized by A.R.O. T)evon and Cornwall Area, in favour of a bridge across the River Tamar is increasing and is being backed by various Members of Parliament and public bodies. This fact was made known at the area committee's meeting, last week.
In response to a request from the National Council for a report on the subject of ancillary users' subscriptions, the Devon and Cornwall committee decided to urge that they should he less than those of other operators.
Mr. Humphrey Cooke, one of the area solicitors, declared that the Baillie Committee's recommendations concerning central and area boards were "the wrong way round." He contended that the areas should have powers of initiation, instead merely of criticism of the central board's ideas.
Mr. K. G. Foster, chairman, expressed preference for a trade board, similar to that for agricultural labour.
A resolution was passed in favour of the retention of the identity of the Devon and Cornwall Area Board, instead of its being merged with the suggested boards corresponding with the Traffic Areas.