Page 19

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IT IS of the utmost importance, if theefficiency of a steam wagon is to remain unimpaired for considerable periods,, that the water employed in its boiler should he as pure as possible. It is difficult whenrunning a wagon through strange country to make certain that the water obtained from streams, ponds, etc., is quite pure so far as dissolved ingredients are concerned, but at least effort should he made to see that nc solid foreign matte! passes into the tank.
In order to arrest Such matter, a 1 1 makers of s team wagons and tractors fit some kind of strainer at the end of the suction hosepipe, but the holes are often so large that nothing but the largest pieces are arrested, and driver have to employ var1.. ons expedients, such . placing the strainers into a pail immersed ii the stream, order to make them more efficient.
Messrs. Rosson Bros., of Crewe Road,. Sandbach, have recently placed on the market an improved type of strainer for this purpose. This strainer consists of an outer casing with fairly large holes and two, one of coarse mesh, and the inner of fine mesh, so that the in
arresting of the solid matter is carried out in stages, and thus the fine gauze in the interior is not so apt to he choked.
After use, the strainer is automatically cleaned, for so soon as the hosepipe is uncoupled at the water lifter end all foreign matter which has accumulated in the strainer is flushed out 'by the pressure of the water as it leaves the hosepipe. As an addi tional safeguard, the internal parts of the strainer are easily accessible for periodical examination or cleaning. By the use of such a device dirt is prevented from reaching the working parts of the injector and feed pump, and inconvenience caused by particles becoming lodged in the injector cones and bexeath the pump valves is obviated.