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Half of HMIs in check fail diesel leak test

18th March 1999, Page 12
18th March 1999
Page 12
Page 12, 18th March 1999 — Half of HMIs in check fail diesel leak test
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

• Nearly half the 35 HGVs checked by West Mercia police earlier this month were found to be leaking diesel.

Sergeant Jim Hudson of the traffic management division was especially worried by comments he heard from drivers of vehicles with dual tanks. "They only fill one of the tanks in order to save time when refuelling," he says. "Given that it is then full to the brim, leaking takes place when turning." However, he accepts the figures might not be typical as his officers were targeting 'vehicles that looked like they could be diesel spillers".

Another check was planned for Tuesday (16 March). Hudson stresses these are only fact-finding exercises but he adds: "If there is sufficient concern, these checks could go nationwide."

The weekly newspaper Motor Cycle News is urging its readers to write to Roads Minister Lord Whitty as part of a "Stop the Spill" campaign. Spilt diesel causes many motorcycle crashes, particularly on corners—which is where diesel tends to be spilt.

MCNwants the Government to make the spilling of diesel an endorsable offence. It is also calling for action to improve the design of diesel fuel systems to make spills less likely.