Thea Purchase Department.
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Where to Buy Your Necessary Supplies and Accessories.
You Can Get It At 111.T." (Woolwich).—W. T. Flather, Ltd., Standard Steel ',Works, Sheffield, is the maker of " Ubasite case-hardening compound.
"SILT." (Walham Green).—The " Perfection " spring terminal can be obtained from Brown .Brothers, Ltd., 22-34, Great Eastern Street, London, E.C.
" Garage.-"—Barinaar, Ltd., 10, Poland Street., Great Marlborough Street, London, W., will probably be able to repair satisfactorily your damaged radiator.
"N.Y." (Walthamstow).—The Barron Expanding Ferrule Co., Ltd., 27, Braemar Road, South Tottenham, London, N., is the maker of the ferrule you mention for preventing steam-wagon boiler tubes from leaking. (See paragraph below.)
W. and P. Carburetters,
A copy of the latest booklet issued by White and Poppe, Ltd., Lockhurst Lane, Coventry, is to hand. It contains a number of clear illustrations of 1916 models, together with information concerning fitting dimensions, and a few hints as to the most suitable method of fitting each type. Reference is made to the fact that the modern White and Poppe carburetter is designed so that it can be assembled in varied positions, so that in oon • sidering the cost of fitting an up-to-date accessory, the question of extensive alterations to existing controls does not arise.
A copy of the booklet can be olytaine1 from the address of the manufacturer given above.
Barron Expanding Ferrules.
We have received from the Barron Expanding Ferrule Co., Ltd., 27, Braemar Road„ South Tottenham, London, N. a leaflet which explains the 'use of the ferrules made by this concern for preventing boiler tubes on steam-wagons and tractors from leaking.
Our readers will probably be aware that this design of ferrule starts making the joint from the water side of the plate, and continues it throughout the length of the hole in the tube plate, until, when finally in position, there is a solid and complete metallic contact between tube and plate throughout the entire thickness of the plate. , As ferrule, tube and .plate become to all purposes homogeneous the joint is not affected by variations in temperature. When the ferrules are once in position, they cannot be dislodged when the tubes are swept, in fact, the joint remains perfect so long as the tube lasts.
Giant Goodrich Pneumatic Tires.
In endeavouring to popularize the Ilse of large pneumatic tires for motorvans and heavy passengercarrying vehicles, the manufacturer of such a tire has to combat, not only the solid tire proposition, but the advocates of the twin pneumatic. It is agreed by some tire authorities that this latter system possesses certain inherent disadvantages, and perhaps the most important of these is the difficulty of obtaining equal air pressure in any pair of pneumatic tires mounted alongside each other. Of course, without equality-Of pressure, one or the other of the does not actually perform its functional duties, and then; again, the difficulty of removing the inner • tire, should it be found necesSary in the event of • puncture, is another troublesome point. Ti is with a view to overcoming such difficulties as these we have mentioned, that the Goodrich Tyre and Rubbar Co. (Gt. Britain), Ltd., Central House, Kingsway, London, W.C., is at present manufacturing its big single pneumatic tire. The possibility of this class of tire being easily punctured is, of course, much more remote than in the ease of most other pneumatic tires of ordinary construction. The blocks on the tread, which is of sturdy construction, prevent, it is stated, to a great extent the danger of skidding.
These large-size Goodrich tires undoubtedly have a future before them ; in fact, it is believed by many capable American engineers that in a few years time most types of commercial vehicles, which have a carrying capacity up to two tons, will be shod with this class of'tire.
We published an illustration showing the comparative sizes of various pneumatic tires produced by the Goodrich Co., suitable for vehicles ranging from a light van to a five-tonner, in our issue for the 30th March last. .
Tangye Jacks.
The illustration which we reproduce herewith shows a quick-lifting jack, which is being manufactured by Tangyes, Ltd., Birmingham, and marketed by Imperial Motor Industries, Ltd., 11 Denmark Street, Charing Cross Road, London, W.t.1/. It is constructed specially for use with heavy-class vehicles, and is similar in design to the jack which is to be found in considerable use amongst touring-car
owners ; i
it is, of course, much. heavier in -construction than this design, but s, nevertheless, quite simply made. It is stated to be the most convenient and handy form of jack for its purpose which has so far been marketed, and naturally possesses advantages over the old form .of screw jack with a tommy bar. With this commercial-vehicle jack, the full load can easily be lifted by one man. The rack can be instantly lifted to its work, and just as quickly lowered after use. There is, we understand,.no internal mechanism of any kind. It is strongly made in malleable steel, and is considered to be practically unbreakable. Two sizes are constructed suitale for vehicles weighing up to three tons, whilst two other types are also made for heavier vehicles weighing up to six tons.