The Wheels of Industry.
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This journal, dealing as it does with the "Chariots of War," no less than with the "Wheels of Industry," continues of national importance. Its interests embrace impartially the transport wagon and the parcelcar, the military tractor and the steam lorry.
Proposals and Purchases by Local Authorities.
The Bradford GUardians are about to purchase a light. motoevan.
The Town Council of Chesterfield is proposing to adopt motor haulage for refuse removal.
Sheffield Corporation has bought 2500 gallons of motor spirit from Messrs. Meade-King, Robinson and Co., of Liverpool.
Three more Daimler motorbuses have been ordered by the Walsall Corporation, each to be fitted wit!i single-deck bodies, at L1008 each.
Ilford U.D.C. finds that its recently delivered battery-equipped coal wagon is short of the .seeeified capacity, and the vehicle has been returned to the makers for the deficiency to be rectified.
The Fire Brigade Committee of the L.C.C. reports that the cost of completing the equipment of the brigade with motor fire appliances will probably be £135,000, compared with the original estimate of £160,000.
A. house-to-house collection is being made, at Gerrard's Cross, Bocks., in order to obtain funds to purchase a motor fire-engine. The hon. treasurer is Mr. H. C. Sweatman, of Repton, Bulstrode Way, Gerrards Cross.
Recent Registrations.
..A.nzae Motor Co., Ltd. (R20,000), with its office at 78-8, Brompton Road, S.W.
Liverpool Motor and Garage Co., Ltd. (f.!.500), with its office at 34, Stater Street, Liverpool.
The Road Board.
In the House of Commons, on the 9th inst., Mr. Molten() moved an amendment with the object of altering Clause 41 of the Finance, Bill (No. 3), so that the Road Board should enjoy a reduced income, instead of having its income takeo away entirely and being left to use only funds in hand. Mr. McKenna stated that the amendment was wholly irrelevant. The Toad Board had more than £3,000,000 in hand, and the existing funds would last for 10 years.
Mr. McKenna is evidently incorrectly advised as to the true situation. How he can imagine that less than 2400,000 a year can enable the Road Board to carry on for the next 10 years is beyond our comprehension. The total maintenance of the roads and streets of the United Kingdom, including those in cities and 'boroughs, county areas, and urban and rural districts, annually,
B36, is £14,000,000. Help is wanted from the Road Board, merely to maintain things as they are, at a rate of certainly not less than £1,000,000 per annum.
Red Cross Hospitals.
The latest country house to be placed at the disposal Of the British Red Cross Society, • for hospital purposes, is Buckenham Hall, Norfolk; the residence of Mr. H. C. B. IThderdown, chairman and -Managing director of Commercial Cars, Ltd.
Penwortham Old Bridge.
We wish again to remind owners and drivers, whose vehicles may at the moment be in the habit of using Penwortham Old Bridge, across the Ribble, on the south side of Preston, that they must, if any vehicle with its load exceeds three tons, use the new bridge, on and after the 1st prox.
In North and East Lancashire.
Owners and intending owners of commercial motors whose places of business are in N-orth and East Lancashire will do well, in their own interests, to get into communication with Mr. J. H. Ward, 41, Fishergate, Pi eston, who is the secretary of the North and East Lancashire Commercial Motor -Users Association.
Dunlop Accounts.
It is announced by the directors of the Dunlop Rubber Co., Ltd., that the depletion of the cleric:al staff of the company, consequent upon enlistment, has been of such. effect that the accounts of the company cannot be issued until a little later than was the case last year. It is expected that the trading results will be regarded by the shareholders as quite satisfactory. Avoidance of Weak Roads in Lancashire.
The Manchester, Liverpool and Counties C.AI.U.A., at its meeting on the 8th inst., unanimously adopted the following resolution ; " That this Committee is of the opinion that the restrictions suggested by the Lancashire County Council should be acceded to, subject to satisfactory assurances being given by the County Council that they would endeavour to ensure that a more reasonable interpretation of the motorcar regulations should be adopted by the Borough authorities through whose area the main roads pass.''
We have not yet received an official communication regarding the decision of the North and East Lancs. C.M.U.A., but we have no doubt that the point of artificial effects, due to abnormal restrictive police action in certain County Boroughs, will receive attention at the hands of that Association, as well as at the hands of the one whose views we have reported in the middle column.
Motor traffic cannot be forced to deviate from its natural and strong routes, and to use unsuitable roads; with real benefit to anybody, and we trust that the Lancashire County Council may decide to take a hand officially in making representations concerning the adverse economic results which have followed upon the extra-ordinary hostility of, for example, the Bolton police, which results are certainly of the most harmful character from both the county and national points of view. Selfish action by an individual borough cannot be allowed to continue in these days of unprecedented stress. It is, apparently, both small and spiteful motives which prompt such behaviour.
Wheels of Industry—Con.
A petition for the winding up of the Motor Cab Garages, Ltd., has been presented to the High Court of Justice by the Motor Owners Petrol Combine, Ltd., and this is down for hearing on the 23rd inst.
A meeting of the members of the FIAT. Motor Cab Co., Ltd. (in voluntary liquidation), will be held at 18, Fleet Street, E.C., on the. 14th prox., at 12 noon, for the purpose of considering the usual accounts and reports concerning the winding-up.
Garrett Wagons.
We learn that the Gas Light and Coke Co., Ltd., has placed another order with Richard Garrett and Sons, Ltd., of Leiston, for six of that company's light type of superheated steam wagons. This is the third repeat order which the company has received from the same. source.
Purchase of Fire Extinguishers.
The Commissioner of Police of the Metropolis, Sir E. R. Henry, line issued the following warning : " In view of the possibility of further attacks by hostile aircraft, the Commissioner of Police deems it advisable to call attention to the public warning published on the 28th June, recommending residents to remain under cover and advising them, for dealing with incendiary fires, to keep a supply of water and sand readily available. The opportunity was taken of suggesting that chemical liquid, fire extinguishers should not he purchased without a written guarantee that they comply with the specification of the Board of Trade.. Office of Works, Metropolitan Police, or some approved Fire Prevention Committee. Many dry powder fire extinguishers are much advertised. The Commissioner warns the public, as the re suit of experiments made, at 1118 instance, by a Committee of Experts, that no reliance can be
placed upon such appliances for effectively controlling fires such as are likely to be caused by bombs, explosive or incendiary. The Commissioner is advised as the result if these experiments that the provision, and prompt and intelligent use of water, or of sand, or of both, in dealing with such outbreaks of fire, is the best, simplest and most economical safeguard."
" Release " Deliveries.
The earliest examples of deliveries to civilian users from established commercial-vehicle works are now being made. We publish photographs of two representative machines of this kind on this page. British makers are naturally glad to have this partial release from impressment of output.
Cycle and Motor Trades Benevolent Fund.
We must congratulate Mr. A. J. Wilson, the general hon. sec. and treasurer of the above fund, whose offices are at 154, Clerkenwell Road, E.G., upon the continued support which he is able to secure, despite other and numerous calls which have met a response in motoring circles. In the financial year, the Committee has distributed a sum of £2700 between 140 applicants, and has contributed more than 2100 to hospitals and similar institutions. The subscription receipts during the year, however, amounted to a little below £1700, which fact shows that donations other than annual in character must be forthcomin.p,'. to keep this excellent fund on the right side for 1915-1916.
" Mr. Harry Smith, managing director of the Rover Co., is president for the year 1015-1916, and he has issued an appeal, in the absence of the annual banquet, expressing the hope that there will be no falling off, as compared with earlier years, in the matter of donations. New annual subscriptions will be welcomed.
Wheels oi Industry—con.
Mr. A. P. Coppinger.
Many of our northern readers will be interested to know, through our columns, that Mr:A. P. Coppinger, for so many years identified with the Grosny motor spirit., and later with PAer Union tires, is now in charge of the Manchester and district office of the Union Petroleum Products Co , Ltd., at Lloyd's Bank Buildings, King Street, ManchesterMr Coppinger has proved himself a k.:,,en and successful man of business in past years, and we doubt not that he will quickly find growing markets for "Red Line? and " Ensign " spirits. The latter is the commercial quality for which his new connections are responsible, and one of the first successes to he.recorded in Lancashire is the securing of the contract for the whole supply of the Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway Co.
Battery Equipment.
The use of motoryans and motor lorries which are equipped with batteries for propulsive purposes appears to make steady progress. We recently had a report before us, concerning a 30-cwt, electric lorry, fitted with Edison accumulators, which was supplied by Drake and Gorham. Ltd., of 47, Spring Gardens, Manchester, to the Blackpool Industrial Co-opera -live Society. It is found, in this
company's experience, that its lorry is more easily controlled and driven than any petrol _lorry, the summary of conditions for the driver being thus stated by the company: "He has no laborious cranking to do before starting, no gear-changing to perform when starting and stopping and negotiating hills, no carburetter to worry about and to keep clear of grit, and no oily engine to make his hands dirty. Further, there is no possibility of his being ceithented on a dark, rainy evening with the problem of having to light three acetylene or oil lamps in a high wind and discovering that he has only one match to do it with I He retains his seat beneath the shelter of his canopy, and merely turns on the lighting switch." This is all very well, and no doubt true to seine extent ; it takes the worst states of petrol-vehicle operation as a basis for comparison—surely, not quite a fair way to proceedl