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A Forecast of the Commercial Motor Section of the 23rd Scottish Automobile Show.
MHE Scottish Motor Show, the 23rd of the series organized by the Scottish Motor Trade Association, Ltd., of -which Mr. David A. Fairley is the secretary (his address, in case it may prove useful to readers, being 2, Castle Street, Edinburgh), opens at Kelvin Hall, Glasgow, on Friday next, November 21st, and remains open until the following Saturday week, November 29th. Corinnercial motor vehicles are being shown, and, dealing with the exhibits in their order of stand number, the first of interest to readers will be :— Guy Motors, Ltd" Stand No. 125. Fallings Park, Wolverhampton.
The three exhibits here will include a 25-cwt. fire engine chassis, equipped with solid tyres, the engine being an 18 h.p. four-cylindered unit ; a 25-seater omnibus on a 4-ton Guy chassis fitted with solid tyres, the engine being of 25 h.p. ; the remaining exhibit being a 30-cwt. Guy chassis mounted on an 18seater motor coach body. This vehicle also is equipped with solid tyres, but pneumatic tyres can be supplied at an extra price.
D. McNeil, Ltd., Stand No. 126.
144, Buchanan Street, Glasgow.
Here will be shown two 12-25-cwt. Star chassis' one of them equipped with a van body, the engine employed on this chassis being of 90 mm. bore by 120 rum stroke, four-cylindered, the four cylinders being cast en bloc. The price of this chassis is £350, and with pneumatic tyres, including spare wheel and tyre, the price is £375.•
Albion Motor Co., Ltd. Stand No. 127. Scotstoun, Gla§gow.
There will be five exhibits on this stand, the first being a 30-cwt. W.D. subsidy vehicle having a box-van body. It is equipped with super-cushion tyres on the wheels and twin solids on the rear wheels. The engine is of 31, ins. stroke and 5 ins, bore, the R.A.O. rating being 24 h.p. This type of engine is employed on three of the other models to be shown, one being a 2-ton lorry with sparred skies, the second a 21-seater saloon bus with front and rear entrance, and the third being a 19-seater Viking motor coach built specially low with only one step, and being very well appointed. The remaining exhibit will be a 3-ton lorry, Mark 11 model, having a 4i-in bore by 5-in. stroke.
Vulcan Motor and Engineering Co.
(1906), Ltd., Stand No. 128. Crossens.
'hires vehicle will he on view on this stand, these being a 25 h.p. four-cylinder Vulcan omnibus to seat 26 passengers ; a 22.4 h.p. four-cylindered Vulcan timber wagon, specially designed and reinforced for the transport of long lengths of timber ; and a 20 11:13. fourcylindered general-purpose lorry.
Western Motor Co., Ltd., Stand No. 129. 117-127, Berkeley Street, Glasgow. Five Chevrolet vehicles will constitute the exhibit here, each of them equipped -with a 21.7 h.p. four-cylindered engine. B44 The first will be a char-a-bancs, the second a 1-ton tipping wagon, and the third a rural bus with accommodation for seven people, or capable of carrying 10 cwt. of goods, the remaining two will
be a 10-cwt. box van having a special traveller's box body, and a coachbuilt traveller's brougham, also with a capacity of 10 cwt.
Alexander Motors, Stand No. 144. Semple Street, Edinburgh.
This firm will be showing three 2025-cwt. Bean vehicles, each equipped with a 75 min, bore by 135 mm. stroke four-cylindered engine, the Treasury rating of which is 14 h.p. One of these exhibits will be a chassis priced at £265-075, according to size of tyres ; another will be a Bean flat lorry with folding sides, and the final exhibit will be a well-finished van with a partition behind the driver and divided doors at the back. Peebles Motor Co., Ltd., Stand No. 145. 89-105, Haymarket Terrace, h:dinburgh.
This company will be showing four Guy vehicles, viz., a 20-seater motor coach on the Speed model chassis ; HO-seater bus on a 2-ton chassis ; a tipping wagon on the 30-cwt. chassis ; and a van on the 25-cwt. chassis.
Rossleigh, Ltd , Stand No. 146, 32, Shandwick Place, Edinburgh.
These well-known agents will have on view four different makes. They will include the Armstrong Siddeley ambulance on a 14 h.p. four-cylindered chassis, the price, complete with full equipment, being £385. Two Berliets will be shown, one having a 25-seater bus body on a 4-ton chassis, and the other a 14-seater char-a-bancs body on the 30-35-cwt. chassis. A 1-ton platform lorry of Berliet production will be shown. There will also be two Overlands, each having an 18.2 h.p. f ourcylitniered engine and in one case a taxi landau let body and in the other a 10-cwt.
delivery van body. This ex-hibit will also _include a 2i-ton Dennis chassis equipped with solid tyres.
John I. Thornycroft and Co., Ltd., Stand No. 147.
61, Bishop Street, Anderston, Glasgow.
This company will be exhibiting four vehicles—an 18-seater motor coach mounted on a 30-cwt. W.D. subsidy chassis having a 25 h.p. chassis with a bore of 3t ins, and a stroke of 5 ins. On the same type of chassis will be shown a standard box van body. A standard 4-ton lorry will be shown equipped with a 50 h.p. engine, whilst a Boadicea passenger chassis will be on view fitted with a 30-seater single-deck saloon bus body, one of a fleet of eight Vehicles for the Kilmarnock Corporation Tramways.
Space does not permit of the exhibition of a chassis of the W.D. subsidy model, but practically the whole of the units will be shown. .Rankin Bros., Stand No. 148.
58, Dun.las Street, Glasgow.
On the 55 h.p. four-cylindered Laneia (Pentaiota) chassis will be shown a saloon bus to seat 25 passengers and a motor coach to seat 20 passengers, whilst a third exhibit will be a chassis of the same type as is employed for each of the two complete vehicles.
Scottish Commercial Cars Co., Ltd., Stand No. 149.
98, Duke Street, Glasgow.
Here will be seen two Guy productions-one a 20-seater char-h-bancs on the 2-ten chassis with 25 h.p. engine, and the other a 14-seater bus on the 25-cwt.. chassis. It had been intended to show a Caledon vehicle, but up to the time of going to press no definite information On the matter has reached us.
Glasgow and Paris Motor Co., Ltd., Stand No. 150.
Avenuepark Street, Maryhill, Glasgow.
. The exhibits on this stand will consist of four Delahaye and two Latil productions. Of the former, one is a 2-ton lorry having 17.5 h.p, engine ; the second is a. 25-30 h.p. passenger chassis, the engine of which has a 100 min. bore and 160 mm. stroke; the third is a 25-cwt. chassis with an engine of 65 mm. bore and 130 mm. stroke; whilst the fourth is a traveller's brougham on a chassis having an engine of 70 rum. bore and 120 mm. stroke. The two Latils to be shown will be a 30.cwt. van and a chassis with a special underswept frame for cattle, heavy goods, etc.
James Ross and Sons, Stand No. 151.
Lochrin, Tollcross, Edinburgh.
This concern will be showing three Karriers, one a 2-ton chassis equipped with 20-seater single-deck one-manoperated bus and mounted on pneumatic tyres, the second exhibit being a 25-cwt. chassis equipped with a 14seater char-a-banes body, also on pneumatic tyres, and the third a 5-6-ton chassis fitted with brewer's lorry body and cab.
Beardmore Motors. Ltd., Stand No. 166. Anniesland, Glasgow.
The whole range of exhibits to be seen on this stand will employ the fourcylindered engine with a bore of 4 ins. and a stroke of 4a ins., the engine also being shown as a separate. exhibit. The chassis is shown separately and also equipped with a taxicab body and with a 15-cwt box van body. Utilized also in heavier chassis, this engine is used to move 30-cwt. loads. Three of these 30-cwt. chassis will be shown, one fitted with a 14-seater char-d-bancs body, one with a box van body, and One with a general utility lorry. body.
Hatley's Industrial Motors, Ltd., Stand No. 167. Yoker, Glasgow.
Four complete vehicles will be on view on this stand, viz., a 30 11,-p. fourcyliridered chassis.with a 19-seater. charh-bancs body, a 40 h.p. ,six-cylindered chassis with a 19-seater de luxe saloon body, and the same type of chassis with a bus body similar to that supplied to the Glasgow Corporation Tramways, the fourth exhibit being' a 35 h.p. chassis for loads of 3-4-ton and fitted with a standard platform lorry body.
Mackay and Jardine, Ltd., StandNo, 168. West Cross, Wishaw.
.A Clyde chassis and two complete vehicles will constitute the exhibit of this company. The chassis, in each case, will have a four-cylindered engine, 3a ins, bore and 52,ins. stroke. The complete vehicles will be a 14-18-seater saloon bus, the tyres employed being Dunlop giants, and a 50-cwt. lorry with pneumatics on the rear wheels.
Leyland Motors, Ltd., Stand No. 169. Bothwell Street, Glasgow.
The Leyland exhibit will consist of a 26-seater saloon bus on the standard 30 h.p. model chassis, equipped with pneumatic tyres, a Trojan parcel van, and a Leyland port5b1e fire pump.
Armour and Melvin, Stand No. 170. Newlands Garage, Newlands, G.asgow.
Here will be exhibited a 30-40-cwt. Spa chassis, equipped wifh a 24.8 h.p. engine, and the same type of chaSsis fitted with a 21-seater bus body.
South-Western Coach Works. Ltd., Stand No. 171.
333, Scotland Street, Glasgow.
The four Fiat productions which will be shown on this stand Will include a 30-cwt. van oh the 25 h.p. chassis; a motor coach on the 15-20 h.p. chassis ; traveller's brougham, on the seine type of chassis, designed to carry a load of 15 cwt., and a specimen of the 15-cwt. chassis, the engine of which has a bore and stroke of .65 mm. and 110 mm. respectik ely.
David Carlaw and Sons, Ltd , Stand No, 172.
18, Bothwell Street, Glasgow.
The exhibits to be shown on this stand will consist of • a 20 h.p. fourcylindered Austin. chassis fitted with an ambulance body;. a 30-cwt: G.M.C. chassis with a flat lorry body ; and a 30-cwt, chassis fitted with • a van body.
A. and D. Fraser, Stand No. 174. 41, Bothwell Street, Glasgow.
On this stand will be exhibited an 8.w-t. standard Morris van, which sells complete at £235, and an 8-cwt. van de luxe, the price of which is £250. So far as we are aware, the one-ton
Morris truck is not announced for exhibition, but, as there are always many changes in the exhibits before the doors of the exhibition are opened, we hope that oue will be on view. II not, we believe that there will be a special display of the Morris 1-ton trucks, in the form of a chassis, lorry, standard van and van de luxe at the depot in Bothwell Street.
Macharg, Rennie end Lindsay, Ltd., Stand No, 185.
16, Berkeley Street, Glasgow.
Four 18 h.p. Overland exhibits will be seen here, one in chassis form and the others with bodies. The three latter will include a .traveller's brougham and two vans, .Wiltiani Law and Sons, Stand No, 186. 934.946, South St., Scotstoun, Glasgow.
Two Leyland products will form the display on this stand. One exhibit wilt be a 30-seater front-entrance de luxe saloon bus with fireproof flooring and patent emergency exit, mounted on the model C7 chassis, having a 36-40
engine, and fitted with giant pneumatic tyres. The other exhibit will be a 2-ton lorry On the model Al chassis, having a 30-32 h.p. engine and pneumatic-tyre equipment.
Hendry and Co', Ltd., Stand No. 187. 117-121, Bothwell Street, Glasgow.
On view on this stand will be a 17-24 h.p. • four-eylindered 15-cwt. Dodge Brothers' panel van. There Will also be a 1.4-seater motor coach, a, 16-seater saloon bus and a van mounted on 30-cwt. Graham Brothers' chassis, which, in each ease. embodies a Dodge Brothers' power unit.
Dodge Brothers (Britain), Ltd, Stand No. 188.
Stevenage Wharf, Fulham, London,
The Graham Bros. chassis having a 12-24 h.p, four-cyrindered Dodge engine will be shown equipped with 15-cwt. panel van, with a motor coach body and with a single-deck saloon bus body. The exhibits on Stand No. 188 thus would seem to duplicate those on Stand No. 187, -but we can only repeat the information given to us and confirmed on special inquiry.