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The strength of the motor industry, on both the commercial and private sides, and the interest in the Scottish Show were well displayed by the fact that the banquet of the S.M.T.A. was attended by well over 400 members and guests, with Mr. James C. Lamb, B.Sc., M.I.A.E., the President, in the chair.
Sir lain Colquhoun, Bart., of Luss, gave the toast of the S.M.T.A. and Exhibition, introducing into his . remarks a touch of humour which strongly appealed to all. A particularly important remark was that the products of the motor industry are now not only indispensable to the life of the nation, but are of vital importance in the event of war, and it was gratifying to know that the Association had placed its resources and services at the disposal of the Government.
Response was made by Mr. Lamb. Then Mr. D. L. Melvin, vice-president, S.M.T.A., gave the toast of the S.M.M. and T., Kindred Associations and Guests. He referred to the many rules and regulations applying to the sale of motor vehicles, but the important point after these had been attended to was to find the customer. Amongst the guests, he referred particularly to Lords Kenilworth and Austin, also heartily welcoming Captain G. E. T. Eyston, M.C., all of whom responded.
Little was said by any of the speakers at this function as to the commercial side of transport, most of the remarks being confined to what we may term the internal politics of the industry Longer Drivers' Hours Sought.
The Minister of Transport has received applications from the Institution of British Launderers, Ltd., and from the Associates Committee of the British Road Federation, on behalf of 27 organizations, for a variation of drivers' hours in respect of not more than two days in each of the three weeks ending on December 17, 24 and 812 31, sanction being sought for the hours to be increased to 12. The variation is to apply only to drivers of Clicensed vehicles.
The Associates Committee of the B.R.F. suggests that any Order made should_ be of a permanent nature, applicable to successive Christmas seasons.
The applications will be heard on November 22, at 11 a.m., at 1. Abbey Gardens, London, S.W.I.
Bill Further to Restrict Traffic.
Mr. H. Strauss has given notice of a Parliamentary Bill to provide for the preservation of the amenities of certain highways by the prohibition or restriction of traffic using them. The second reading has been put down for February 24, 1939.
New Bridge to Span the Thames.
The Minister of Transport has accepted the tender of Sir William Arrol and Co., Ltd., for the construction of a new bridge over the River Thames, near Bray Lock. The contract price is 2128,000, and the bridge_ will form part of the projected Maidenhead by-pass, which, when completed, will take the place of a section of the present London-Bristol trunk road. It is expected that the bridge will take about two years to build.
1939 Chassis Prices.
We are asked to make the following corrections tc, the list of 1939 commercial-vehicle chassis models and prices published last week. The correct figures are these :—
Austin: Seven van, £110; Ten van, £159; Twelve van, £187; Taxicab, Heavy Twelve, chassis, £235: Arnim:since, 18 h.p., £490; Ambulance, 20 b.p., 4830.
Scammel! • 1.3-tonner, P. 41,465: 13-tonner. 0, £1,715.; 15-tonner, Art, P. £1,675; 15(sober. Art, 0, £1,925; 15-tonner, rigid, 0. 11,790
Lords Accident Committee Reappointed.
The Select Committee of the House of Lords on Road Accidents, which took evidence last session, has been reappointed, to resume consideration of the evidence and prepare a report. LIGHT ON LONDON'S TRAFFIC PROBLEM.
With commendable enterprise, the Evening Standard is investigating the time losses caused by London's traffic congestion. One of this paper's delivery vans is being used for this purpose, while ,engaged on its normal work.
It is marked "Timed Trip" and carries a large four-faced clock with two hands which tick off the minutes and seconds. Observations are made and times for the distances traversed and_the .waits in traffic are recorded.
On the first day, the worst delay was experienced between the Strand end of Chancery Lane and Shoe Lane. This run should have occupied two minutes, but it actually took eight minutes.
Slow traffic between docks and railway termini is mainly blamed, and the solution to the traffic problem, it is suggested by the Evening Standard, lies in the Bressey Report. Sir Charles Bressey recommends, for example, a fly-over crossing at Ludgate Circus and the extension of the Chelsea Embankment westwards.
Clarifying the Wages Act.
Any publication which clarifies the provisions and purpose of current wages legislation is undoubtedly welcome to the industry as a whole.
Sweet and Maxwell, Ltd., 2 and 3, Chancery Lane, London, W.C.2, well known for its legal publications, has published a book containing 116 pages on the Road Haulage Wages Act, 1938 The author is Mr. H. F. R.. Sturge, B.A., of the Inner Temple.
Our impression of the work is a most favourable one, for it is an aid not only to those who defend operators' interest. in courts of law, but to operators themselves and their employees.
The introduction of this book contains a short history of wages legislation in the road-haulage industry, from 1930 onwards, this being followed by a clear guide, to employers, on the provisions and objects of the Act, also one for employees.