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MR. T. W. M. FORSYTH, agent for Leyland Motors, Ltd., in Cairo, is returning to Egypt after a two-months' business stay in England.
ALDERMAN ROWLAND WINN, Of Rowland Winn, Ltd., Leeds, who began business over 40 years ago as a cycle repairer in a Leeds ,basement and is now one of the leading motor traders in the north, was elected Lord Mayor of Leeds last week_
CAPTAIN j, S. iRVING, of Bendix, Ltd., entered a nursing home last Sunday to undergo an operation, but his many friends in the industry will be relieved to know that this is not of too serious a nature. lie will not, however, be able to maintain contact with them for some time, but hopes to be about again in approximately a month.
MR. R. GRANT-FERRIS, M.P. for St. Pancras North, and MR. CHARLES L. DES FORGES, town clerk of Rotherham, have been appointedmembers of the Committee On Highway Law Consolidation to fill the vacancies occasioned by the death of Mr. Frans Clarke, 1VI.P., and the resignation of Mr. F.. Warbreck Howell, on relinquishing the post of town clerk of Manchester. The chairman of the Committee is Lord .3imulree.
M. C. G. GRIFFIN, who has been assistant managing director of Vauxhall Motors, Ltd., since 1930, has relinquished his position and has been appointed a director of General Motors, Ltd., A. C. Sphinx, Ltd., and DelcoRemy, Ltd. He will continue as a director of Vauxhall Motors, Ltd. MR. W. G. GrUTHRIE has been elected assistant managing director and will concentrate largely on the production side.
MR. J. T. CHADWICK has been appointed assistant manager of the commercial and municipal department of Tecalemit, Ltd., which is under the management of Mn. C. B. BRUDENELL. MT. Chadwick was formerly with the Laycock Engineering Co., Ltd., Sheffield, and will operate in the northern ,counties and in Scotland. MR. R. F. LAMB has been appointed to look after Tecalemit sales in the western counties and midland territories MR. C. D. WATERS, who has recently been appointed a director of Wellworthy Piston Rings, Ltd., joined the company in 1922, after serving an engineering apprenticeship in Portsmouth Dockyard. In 1930 he opened the company's first service depot (at 89, Blackfriars Road, S.E.1), and upon the formation of other depots in the London district, became London area manager. Early this year he was appointed field sales manager, in charge of Wellworthy depots throughout the, country, and he continues to exercise this control in his new capacity.
MR. E. CECIL I,CNv, the originator of the novel scheme for the more intensive employment of electric vehicles, which is dealt with elseivbere in this issue, is a. mechanical and electrical engineer, who received his early training in the motor industrY. Although barely 50, he belongs to the .small. band . of pioneers in flying, having aeliiev'ed his
" figures of eight " in 1910, following which he was engaged on aircraft construction. After the war, he acted as industrial adviser to the Government departments concerned with reconstruction and with the development of new industries, until be temporarily lost his eyesight, which, fortunately, he regained. In later years he became more intimately associated with transport problems, including the conver, don of Continental tramways to British trolleybus systems. During the past three years he has studied, both here and abroad, problems connected with the use of home-produced fuel. BRITISH TRACTOR MAKERS BACKWARD?
Speaking on Farm Haulage,last week, at a conference held in Aberdeen, under the auspices of the North of Scotland -College of Agriculture, Mr. " Arthur Crichton, of the .Ronrett Research Institute, Aberdeen-, criticized the failure of -British manufacturers to proVide all efficient tractor for all farm
purposes. He had fciund that the nearest -approach to it was made in America.
A demonstration of tractors. an the Institute -farni, the following day, was witnessed by seine 2,000 people. Despite wet ground, the work by the •various types of tractor and plough was remarkably Well done.
A Mortis-Commercial "Technical
Evening." .
As many as 120 drivers, mechanics, and maintenance engineers, working with Morris-C-ommercial vehicles, attended a Morris-Coinmercial " techrtical evening" at Dundee, last WeeK when experts dealt with trouble prevention. Mr. W. Semple, Birmingham. dealt with preventive maintenance, and gave useful hints and tips with regard
to the care of vehicles. Mr. G. H. Lewis, of Joseph Lucas, Ltd., Birmingham, spoke on the maintenance of electrical equipment, whilst Mr, J. G. Cameron, Glasgow, of the Dunlop Rubber Co., Ltd., explained how to get the best out of tyres.
The event was organized. by. Saint Roque's Automobile Co., Ltd., Dundee,. Morris-Commercial distributor, • and Mr. Frank A. Hibberd, manager and secretary of that company, presided.
S.A.R. Requires Six-wheelers.
The South African Railways and Harbours Administration is calling far tenders (Tender No. 1943) for the supply of a number of 7-ton sixcylinder petrol-engined six-wheeled forward-control vehicles. The Department of Overseas Trade, 35, Old Queen Street, London, S.w.i, can supply -fuller details, and tenders have to be delivered to the secretary of the Board by January •9 next.
" The very greatest care must be exercised by licence-holders, in so far as breaches of the conditions of their licences are concerned," declared Mr. Henry Riches, Northern Scotland Licensing Authority, at Aberdeen, last week. When Messrs. Watt and Davidson, haulage contractors, Aberdeen, applied for the renewal of two A licences, Mr. Riches drew attention to the number of convictions against their drivers. He warned the applicants that if greater care were not exercised in future by the drivers, the licences might be in jeopardy.
Mr. John Angus, advocate, pointed out that over and above the fine imposed, which the drivers had to pay themselves, it had been the custom of Messrs. Watt and Davidson to suspend the drivers for a week or a fortnight.
Mr. Riches said that some contractors were still paying their drivers' fines, and he expressed approval of the action taken by Messrs. Watt and Davidson.
Review of Ribbon Development Restriction.
The review of decisions, given by the Minister of Transport, on appeals made under Section 7 of the Restriction of Ribbon Development Act, 1935, published as a Blue Book in August, 1937, has now been brought up to date by the publication of a further review :->f decisions made between July 1, 1937. and March 31, 1938. During these nine months, 78 appeals were decided, as compared with 105 during tiff, 14 months covered by the first book. As before, there has been great diversity in the nature of the appeals. The price of the review is 2s. net, and it may he --obtained from the Stationery Office.
American Companies' New Range of Oilers.
General Motors Corporation is into: during, for 1939, 10 oil-engined five being of conventional type and five being cab-over-engine models. Specially designed for medium and heavy duty. the new vehicles have a pay-load range of 2 tons to 12 tons. The new engines are of the two-cycle type, and were fully described in the issue of The Commercial Motor dated February 18, 1998
The International Harvester Co. is adding 12 oiler models to its lorry products. Until now, the company has built oil-engined vehicles to order only. This company's products will include six four-wheeled models with a capacity of 3 tons to 7,1 tons and six six-wheeled models of 2i tons to 15 tons.
Morris Organization Entertains Scottish Distributors.
On Monday, a luncheon was given to the Scottish distributors of MorrTsCommercial Cars, Ltd., and of the private-car products of the Morris organization. Lord Nuffield took the opportunity of mentioning the very good trade which was being experi s14 enced by the different branches of the business, which was being promoted by the excellence of the products.
Mr. I. Mc William, referring to politics, made the amusing comment that "apathy was rampant." He mentioned that one-tenth of the direct taxation of the nation is paid by road transport. He hoped that Lord Nuffield would be able to start one of his enterprises in Scotland, where some of the finest workmen are available.
Other responses were made by Sir William Sleigh and Messrs. H. Prosser and P. N. Shihnie.
The Portable Gas Producer.
A paper by Messrs. Goldman and Clarke-Jones, entitled " The Modern Portable Gas Producer," will be read on December 8, at 6 p.m., at the rooms of the Geological Society of London, Burlington House, Piccadilly, London, W.1, before a meeting of the Institute of Fuel. It will deal with the history and development of small gas producers as used for road vehicles, and with pertinent matters of design, fuel and economics.
Shipping Guide for Hauliers.
The following is the number of ships arriving at the London docks, wharves and jetties named, from November 18 to 26 inclusive:—Docxs: King George V. 6; Royal Albert, 9; Royal Victoria. 4; Surrey Commercial, 7; East India, 1; West India, 6; South West India, 1; Tilbury, 8; Tilbury Stage, 3; 4: London, 1. WHARVES: Hays, 6; Mark Brown's, 1; Butler's, 2. Tilbury Jetty, I. BRIDGE RESTRICTIONS ON LORRIES BUT NOT TRAMS.
An anomalous situation in Glasgow. with regard to weight restrictions affecting vehicles crossing a bridge over the London, Midland and Scottish Railway line near Pollokshields West Station, has been the subject of bitter complaint by lorry drivers. The bridge is restricted to the use of vehicles not exceeding a weight of 5 tons.
Tramcars, however, are permitted to cross the bridge, and drivers of heavy lorries who are strange to the district are unaware that they are breaking any regulation in following suit, until they are stopped by inspectors and informed of an offence. Glasgow tramcars weigh from 10 to 20 tons, according to type.
The matter has become so serious that a strong plea is likely to be made to the responsible authorities to place motor vehicles on the same footing as fixed-track vehicles.
/1,000,000 West Coast Road Project.
Hopes of the building of a westcoast road from Lancashire to Scotland are still being held out in Cumberland, despite the apathy of the Ministry of Transport to the scheme, which, it is estimated, would cost £1,000,000. At the recent quarterly meeting of Cumberland County Council it was stated that the surveyor had met Lancashire County Council's surveyor, and they had agreed upon a route, Efforts are being made by the Cumberland authority to arrange a joint conference with Westmorland and Lancashire on the question. TAKING A LEAF FROM A RAILWAY BOOK.
" This is not a theatre," said .Mr. Henry 'Riches, Northern Scotland Licensing Authority, at Aberdeen, last week, when an amusing incident occurred during the hearing of , an application by Mr. William Christie, jun., Kinneff, for an additional A licence. Mr. W. Emslie. for applicant, was examining Mr. Christie in the witness box, when a railway agent (the railway companies were objecting to the application) took exception to Mr. Ernslie's putting questions to the witness and supplying the answers at the same time. " I plead guilty," retorte,1 Mr. Emslie, "and ask forgiveness for it, but I was taking my cue from my frien:Is across the way" (the railway
agents). At this reply there was a stamping of feet, laughter, and a murmur of applause from road hauliers in the Court.
Applicant said the restrictions on rt:s B licence did not allow him to under take all the work he was offered. His customers had to wait for days before he could fulfil the orders. He wished to be alloWed to run to Dundee and. Aberdeen. The hearing was adjourned until November 30.
Glasgow Coachbuilder's Progress.
Croft Bodybuilding and Engineering Co., Ltd., has opened an extensive shod at 1,009, Gallowgate, Glasgow. It covers an area of 5,600 sq. yds., and the coachbuilding section alone is 200 ft. long and 90 ft. wide. There are no pillars or other obstructions in this big shop and ample natural light is afforded. The company operates the Vigorized paint system, whereby five or more coats may be applied in a day.
Distributor for the New Chevrolets.
Major Motors, Ltd., Thornton Road, Thornton Heath, has been appointed a distributor for the new Chevrolet commercial vehicles for the Thornton Heath, Mitcham, Sutton, Coulsdon, Caterhain and Limpsfield areas, as well as for the whole of the Croydon county borough. The company has extensive workshops, covering an area of 14,000 sq.. ft. and is well equipped to undertake all,classes•of repair work, its equipment incleding a Crypton analyser, the Shell:Tecalemit high-pressure lubricat ing outfit, Black and Decker valverefacing equipment, complete battery charging plant, etc. The concern is also equipped with two breakdown ambulances, complete with cranes, etc.
Can 81 Tons Replace 131 Tons?
Abnormal loads, both in bulk and weight, were discussed from the railway and road aspects at a case which was concluded in Manchester recently, on the fourth day of a hearing which has, for various reasons, been spread oval about a 'year. Walter Denton, Ltd., of Hyde. Manchester, was applicant for a 7-tonner to complete, with a Foden 81-ton oiler and a 16-ton steamer, a team for excessively heavy and bulky haulage. The difficulty, had been brought about by the impossibility of replacing a 131-ton steamer that had worn out.
For the objector (the Hays Wharf Cartage Co., as representing Norman E Box, Ltd., and other railway-associated road hauliers), it was urged by Mr. B.
de H. Periera that there was no need for this additional heavy vehicle on the road and that in the 81-ton oiler the applicant had more than an equivalent for the worn-out 131-tonner.
Mr. H. Backhouse, for the applicant, sought to show that the work the company had done for many years could not be continued without the vehicle applied for.
The decision of the North-western Licensing Authority, Mr. W. Chambetlain, is awaited with interest.
Mr. Riches Refuses Business Transfer
Application for renewal of his A licence was made last week before Mr. Henry Riches, the Northern Scotland Licensing Authority, by Mr. Alexander Buchan, St. Combs. The applicant stated that Messrs. French and Son, Aberdeen, had done the work for him while he was in hospital for two months, and they offered to buy the business
Mr. Riches said there had been na business, as Mes'srs. French had been unable to undertake the work themselves. The vehicle had not been in use since June 30. He refused Mr. Buchan's application, and turned down Messrs. French's application to acquire the business. CLEARING-HOUSE APPEAL CASE LIKELY.
What may be regarded as.a test case, of importance both to clearing houses and haulage Contractors, came before the Leeds Stipendiary Magistrate (Mr. Horace Marshall) last week. The defendant was Archbold and Co., a Leeds clearing-house concern which was summoned at the instance of the Yorkshire Licensing Authority, Mr. J. Ferndale. The summons alleged that the company had operated a lorry for hire or reward without a carrier's licence.
The vehicle in question, it was explained, is owned by a Liverpool operator, When it arrived in Leeds a relief driver, arranged for by Archbold and Co., was put on to the vehicle to deliver the pick-up loads during the statutory period of rest of the Liverpool driver. The latter went to bed, and later returned to Liverpool with the loaded vehicle.
The submission of the prosecution, conducted by Mr. J. Worzat of Leeds, was that as the relief driver worked under Archbold and Co.'s instructions, and received his wages from that company, he was its employee and was driving the vehicle on its behalf, although the company was not licensed to operate it.
The case for the defence, conducted by Mr. Fox Andrews, was that the relief driver was not an employee of Archbold and Co., but was driving the vehicle as the agent of the Liverpool haulier who owned the vehicle. Under a signed agreement with the Liverpool operator, Archbold and Co. made arrangements for the hiring of relief drivers on a casual basis: but did not pay their wages. These were charged to the Liverpool haulier's account.
The hearing of the case was adjourned sine die, and the Stipendiary Magistrate will give his decision later. It is likely that, whatever the decision, the case will, in due course, go to the High Court on appeal.
The resident representative of Fodens, Ltd., at Paisley,: has asked us to say that his name and address are:—Mr. D. S. Thompson, 34, Darvel
Crescent, Ralston, Paisley. • 1.