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18th November 1999
Page 52
Page 52, 18th November 1999 — RECENT& IMMINENT LEGISLATION
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

The Unfair Dismissal and Statement of Reasons for Dismissal (Variation of Qualifying Period) Order 1999. CIF 1June 1999. Reduces the qualifying period giving employees protection against Unfair dismissal from two years to one year, and requires employers to give written reasons for a dismissal (if requested).

The Road Vehicles (Construction and Use) (Amendment) Regulations 1999. CIF 1August 1999. Simply amend the definition of The Emissions Publication referred to in Schedule 78 of the C&U Regulations 1986 to refer to the most recent (ie the fifth) edition of this publication.

The Motor Cars (Driving Instruction) (Admission of Community Licence Holders) Regulations 1999. CIF 1 April 1999. Provide that the holder of an EEA state-issued driving licence may be registered as an

approved driving instructor without having to change his existing licence.

Motor Vehicles (Driving Licences) (Amendment) Regulations 1999, CIF 10 February 1999, Increase a variety of driving test and driving licence fees.

The Road Vehicles (Authorised Weight) Regulations 1998. CIF 1 January 1999. Amend the C&U Regulations 1986 to allow new maximum authorised weights for vehicles and

vehicle combinations.

The Transport of Dangerous Goods (Safety Advisers) Regulations 1999. CIF 1March 1999. Implement Directive 96/35 regarding the appointment and qualification of Dangerous Goods Safety Advisers. UK companies covered by the regulations and loading or transporting dangerous goods by road or rail are required to appoint safety advisers by 21 December 1999,

The Carriage of Dangerous Goods (Amendment) Regulations 1999. CIF 5 March 1999. Implement changes from ADP and RID agreements, including markings on swap-bodies/ containers, formats of written emergency instructions and training requirements.

The Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 (Amendment) Order 1999. CIF 16 June 1999, Empowers local authorities to impose 20mph speed limits without obtaining the consent of the Secretary of State.

The Driving Licences (Exchangeable Licences) Order 1909. CIF 2 July 1999. Enables a person holding South African or Canadian entitlements to exchange a driving licence for a car and other, predominantly lightweight, categories.

The Goods Vehicle Operators (Qualifications) Regulations 1999. CIF 1 October 1999. Amends operator licensing legislation to take into account new requirements of the Admission to the Occupation directive; for example, as regards good repute and financial standing, The Motor Vehicles (Third Party Risks) (Amendment) Regulations 1999. CIF 17 September 1999. Remove the need fora person applying for a vehicle excise licence to produce evidence of insurance cover provided the insurer has an agreement with the authorities and maintains an electronic database for verification purposes. The Motor Vehicles (Test) (Amendment) Regulations 1999. CIF 1 September 1999. Amend annual MoT test fees for light vehicles and PSVs. The fee for goods vehicles not exceeding 3,500kg increases from £32.70 to £33.80.

The Motor Vehicles (Approval) (Amendment) Regulations 1999. CIF 23 July 1999. Amend The Motor Vehicles (Approval) (Amendment) Regulations 1996 so that vehicles meeting UK-equivalent approval regulations in another state in the FEA may be deemed to meet UK requirements.

The Motor Vehicles Regulations 1999. CIF 1September 1999. Prescribe the fees payable for the examination of vehicles in connection with EC and national-type schemes.

The Motor Vehicles (EC Type Approval) (Amendment )1o2) Regulation 1999. CIF 16 September 1999. Amend the 1998 regulations by adding to the lists of amending separate directives with Schedule 1.

• CIF: Comes into force.