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Van sales

18th November 2004
Page 20
Page 20, 18th November 2004 — Van sales
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Heavy van sales (2.6-3.5 tonnes) continue to drive CV sales, pushing October's monthly figures up 24% and year-to-date figures up 16%. Light van sales fell 2.4% in October and 2.4% for the year, while growth in the medium van sector (1.8-3.5 tonnes) continued, with registrations up 20.7% on October 2003.

Duck sales

October truck registrations fell 1.6% to 5,236 but annual truck regstrations are still heading for a year-end figure close to 56,000. Registrations for trucks over 15 tonnes dipped 4.4% in October, while sales of light and medium trucks grew 3.8%. The SMMT expects growth to continue into at least the first half of next year

Fuel prices

The average price of UK diesel rose by 2.6p/lit in October, with rising oil prices fuelled by Hurricane Ivan in the Gulf of Mexico. The US government says daily output fell below five million barrels in September for the first time since April 1950. Ivan closed refineries accounting for 13% of US production, with low output for the next few months. The UK remains the most expensive EU country for fuel at €1.21/lit compared to €0.78/tit in Luxembourg.