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Seeing sense on speed...

18th November 2004
Page 25
Page 25, 18th November 2004 — Seeing sense on speed...
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

REGARDINGTHE speed limit for trucks on single-carriageway roads. a 50mph limit would be far more sensible for a number of reasons, Trucks would complete their journeys quicker; cars would not be held up behind them to the same extent; and car drivers would be less tempted to perform dangerous manoeuvres in their attempts to overtake.

The fact that trucks are involved in a large percentage of fatal accidents is probably purely and simply because a truck has a much larger impact than a car, thereby increasing the risk of a fatality in a collision.

Incidentally, we have recently replaced 20 of our vehicles with new Volvos which have a better braking system.

Another added benefit would be the ability to drive in top gear, therefore saving fuel which cannot be ignored in the current climate of rapidly escalating fuel prices.