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• Use the hard shoulder to slow down before coming

18th November 2004
Page 50
Page 50, 18th November 2004 — • Use the hard shoulder to slow down before coming
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to a halt • Park on the hard shoulder facing straight ahead, leave the vehicle and get as far away from the carriageway as possible, even if it is raining better wet than dead 'Switch on hazard lights in daylight and use a warring triangle. In poor visibility leave vehicle sidelights and hazards on *Take charge of any passengers • Always alight from the vehicle on the opposite side to the live running lane • It you have a reflective jacket -wear it • Use the emergency SOS phones as these give a specific location and alert the police. If you have to use a mobile phone ask the breakdown service to inform the police. Face oncoming traffic when using the phone • Give as precise information as possible regarding location, nature of fault and whether the load is hazardous etc • Under no circumstances attempt to cross the lanes or central reservation • Follow the instructions of the breakdown/recovery technician