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18th October 1917
Page 4
Page 4, 18th October 1917 — • THE SCOTTISH TRACTOR 'TRIALS.
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The Scheme of Judging : List of Entries.

THE DEMONSTRATION of agricultural tractors and ploughs organized by the Highland and Agricultural Society at the request IA the Board of Agriculture for Scotland c o mmented yesterday (Wednesday), it East Craigie Home Farm, Craraond Bridge, near Edinburgh' and continues to-day (Thursday) and on Monday, Tuesday, Friday and Saturday of next week, at Glasgow and Perth. The points to which special attention will be directed in the judging will be as follow :—(a) Weight of machine • (b) mechanical design and construction ; (c) quality of work; • (d) time taken and attendance require41 ; (e) adaptability for ploughing different widths and depths ; (f) adaptability to various kinds of work, such as cultivating, harveeting, road haulage, and the like ; (g) ease and safety of hand ling ; (h) ease of turning, and space and time required for same and uniformity of furrow ends in ploughing; (i) facility and efficiency i of attachment of tractor to plough and other farm implements; (j) price. The entries number 36 tractors, of which 11 are of British make and 25 are of American make, in addi tion to which a number of two and three-furrow tractor ploughs, some of them of the self-lifting type, and also the Once-over tiller; are being exhibited and demonstrated.

The British tractors entered are as follow : Alldays 25 h.p. general purpose tractor, price £485; Weeks-Dimgey New Simplex, 22i h.p,, price 2295; Wyles motor with plough, price £228:; Boon motor plough, 6-8 h.p. (developing 20 b.h.p.), price £400; _Fowler motor plough, 12-14 price £336; Liddle, 22 h.p.; Martin plough and tractor (engine 3.1 in. bore by 5 in. stroke), price £375; Saunderson Universal tractor ; Cale