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-"The wheel of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage it; by
. the roughness of the roads over which it runs."—John Beattie Crozier.
.War Lorries for Sale.
The exhibition of cars rejected by the French Army authorities opened at St. Didier, Paris, on Monday last, and included some 80 vehicles. They were divided into two groups, the first of30 vans' omnibuses, etc., while the remaining 50 were torpedoes or limousines. The prices ranged from £32 to £600, the latter being the minimum price asked for a 130 h.p. car. As we mentioned recently, the minimum price of each car is shown on the vehicle, it being disposed of to the highest bidder.
Fuel Standardization.
A most interesting paper on a subject of wide importance, entitled " Testing and Standardization of Motor Fuel," wasread by Mr. E. Lawson Lomax, M.Sc., F.C.S., on Tuesday last, at a meeting of the Institution of Petroleum. Technologists, held at the Royal Society of Arts.
Sheffield Sweepers.
In the latest report of the Sheffield Highways and Sewerage Committee issued by the 'Surveyor s Department for the year ended 25th March last, much interesting information is embodied concerning the three motor roadsweepers employed. These sweepers have replaced 19 horses, and they had covered 18,636, 14,082 and 9587 miles respectively, up to the time of the report being made. A noteworthy fact is that each machine has been designed and constructed d epartm ent ally,second-hand
chassis having been utilized for the purpose. A steam wagon is now at work removing sweepings, whilst an electric wagon is on order for similar work. The
In use at Burton. Why not standardize a similar sign for display by firms in a position to supply gas ?
committee are also endeavouring to obtain a machine to be hauled by a motor vehicle which not only sweeps the streets, but picks up the sweepings and deposits them in the lorry ready for transfer to the tip. •
The average weekly mileage swept was 790, the road mileage treated being 35L This means that the streets were swept about twice a week. Busy thoroughfares are cleansed every day. The cost per mile of roadway cleansed amounted to £104 per annum, a decrease as compared with the previous year's working in spite of certain,operating increases. The total amount spent on street cleansing for the year was £36,573, a reduction of £632 as compared with the figure for the previous year. Other sections of the report devoted to highway upkeep, road construction and traffic conditions afford interesting statistics.
London Gas Depot.
It is interesting to record that Wolseley Motors, Ltd., have installed at. their London depot, York Street, Westminster, S.W., a large meter fitted with a 3-in. outlet pipe.
1918 Lyons Fair.
We are interested to learn that the third annual Lyons Fair will be held between let and 15th March, 1918. This fair has proved extremely popular on previous occasions. Last year, for instance, there were 2169 French exhibitors and 424 foreign. Frill particulars can be obtained from M. G. Berthillier, 85, Rue Cuvier, Lyon, France. Tractor Demonstrations.
Morris, Russell and Co., Ltd., 75, Curtain Road, KC.) notify us that a comprehensive list of demonstrations throeghout the country has been arranged of the " Eros " tractor attachment, for which conversion set they are agents. , Practical tests can be witneesed by the courtesy of, the following users in each of their particular districts :—J. W. Saunders, GiImorton, Lutterworth; Gee. Smart, Brook End Farm Drayton Bussett; Chas. Patchett, Long Itehington, nr. Rugby; Percy, Gilman, Congerstone, Atherstene; Harry Beeby, Melton Mowbray.
The undermentioned firms are also holding demonstrations from time to time, particulars of which can be had, on request :—Castle Motor Co., Ltd., New Road, Kidderminster ; Frances Motors, Ltd., 5-17, Harriman Street, Deansgate, Manchester; Geo, Baxter, Hole Road Works, Fakenham ; Motor House, 82, Fishergate, Preston, Lanes.
For particulars of demonstrations in Scotland apply to Alexander and Co., Central Motor Garage, Nottingham Place, Edinburgh.
For particulars of demonstrations in Ireland apply to Hnet Bros., 106 and 107, Middle Abbey Street, Dublin. The Bates Motor Works, Malden, Essex, have arranged to demonstrate at various spots in south-eastern eounties on twelve different occasions up to the end of November. They are also prepared to give a private test to any interested farmer on his own land free of charge.
Steel Rolling Shutters.
The illustration we reproduce herewith shows front and side elevations in part of a Kinnear patent steel rolling shutter as made by Messrs. A. L. Gibson, Radnor Works, Twickenham. The chief distinguishing point in construction of this make of shutter is that instead of being made in iron or steel with separate state connected by hinges, the slats are rolled out of light sheet steel; the section of the
slat is such as to secure strength and rigidity with the minimum of weight. The slats form in themselves a flexible interlocking hinge throughout their entire lengths By this construction the replacing of individual slats in the event of damage is greatly facilitated. The malleable iron end-locks attached to the
slate prevent lateral movement and also provide a good wearing eurface.
From exhaustive testa which have been carried out we are given to understand that when the Kinnear shutter is used for fire-protection purposes the distinctive construction of the slats allows them to expand individually when subjected to intense heat, without causing the shutter to buckle as a whole. They are made in all widths up to 40 ft. and to any height.
. Kinnear shutters afford a . convenient and satisfactory means of closing openings where speed of operation is required.
Welding Processes.
Constantly extending the range of their activities in the field of scientific welding, Barimar, Ltd., inform us that their works to-day offer greater facilities than ever for all kinds of metal fusion, the processes now in operation including their well-known metallurgical system, oxy-acetylene' cry-hydrogen and electric welding and brazing. The fact is well known that not all processes are equally
applicable to all metals, and Barimar, Ltd., claim that, as one or other of their systems. is adaptable to every known metallic combination, their range of usefulness to the machinery user is most comprehensive. All kinds of mechanical failures can be quickly dealt with b's the company at 10, Poland Street, W. 1_ •
Water for Steamers.
The Furniture Warehousemen and Removers Association, Ltd., have recently been taking steps with regard to the difficulty experienced by members in obtaining water for steam wagons and steam road tractors on their journeys. The Metropolitan Water Beard have informed the association that they are prepared to afford every assistance in the matter. Arrangements have been made in a number of' provincial towns and districts for water to be taken from street stand-pipes or hydrants, and the Metropolitan Borough Councils are now being urged to consider the advisability of supplying water at a charge of 6d. ,per 150 gallons from defined stand-pipes or hydrants situated, in streets which are in close proximity to the main thoroughfares.
"Safety First."
The energetic campaign being carried on by the London "Safety First" Cows
di, 31, Westminster Broadway, S.W., continues to make much headway. The latest poster issued by the Council is entitled " Tips and Cues for Pedestrians," and contains a long list of " don'ts " well worth reading. The need to,,." Took round" is the point emphasized on this particular poster.
Recent Registrations.
E. D. Motors, Ltd., with a capital of £1000 in £1 shares, to be agents for, dealers in, and letters on hire of motor vehicles.
Universal Motor and Engineering Co., Ltd.: witha capital of £3060 in £1 shares, to be manufacturers of motor vehicles, etc.
Producer Gas Plants, Ltd., with a capital of £25,000 in £1 shares, to acquire and develop certain patents relating to the production of gaseous fuel by means of portable apparatus, and for the manufacture of machinery for the propulsion of mechanical vehicles by such fuel. Registered, office is at 5, Albany Court Yard, Piccadilly, W.
" Eros " Gas Containers.
We have been asked to state by Morris, Russell and Co., Ltd., that, by an unfortunate error, the price of the " Eros " gas container was given in a recent advertisement of the company as £18. This should have been 18 guineas.
Italian Motor Industry.
According to official and semi-official figures, the Italian motor industry produced, in 1916, 21,100 motor vehicles of all kinds, and employed about 26,000 wurkpeople. The F.I,A.T. works had the list with 15,000cars and 20,000 workpeople, The detailed figures arc:— Although these figures are taken from the best sources' they must not be considered as more than approximately correct. The variations in the ratio between cars and workpeople are explained by the fact that some of the factories are engaged in producing other essential war material. On the whole, however, the Italian motor factories have remained car-producing workshops. The F.I.A.T. Co. can claim to have supplied a greater nuiaber of motor vehicles to the different Allied armies than any other factory in the world, the number delivered up to the end of last year being 38,000.
More French Ambulances.
There are some 30,000 motor ambulances in use with the French Army, and it has now been announced' that a further 10,000 are to be procured immediately. In the French Chairiber recently, in addition to the present allowance. 76
million francs was demanded for the ambulance service for 1918.
Tractor Transportation.
A very striking and commendable performance has to be recorded to the credit of a Burford commercial vehicle. On 2nd October a Burford-Cleveland tractor and plough were working at King's Lynn at 4.30 in the afternoon. They were then trinsported back to London on the Burford commercial lorry, and, after the men had taken their rest, the journey was made to Bristol, arriving at that city on the morning of 4th October, and the tractor, plough and lorry were on exhibition at the market before noon.
Gas Bags for Buses.
'Halifax and Rotherham Town Councils are buying flexible containers for running their buses on coal-gas.
Slopping by Straker.
The Highways Committee of the Marylebone B.C. reports that they have inspected . the Straker-Squire vacuum . galley cleaner employed by the Southwark B.C., with a view to considerinc, the purchase of a similar machine. The machine employed by the Southwark B.C. has been in operation for two years. Jt is doing the work of five horses and slop vans, and in the district in question it clears about 50 gulleys per day, thus dealing with about 15 tons of slops; at this rate, one of these cleaners would be able to deal with the whole of the street galleys in the Marylebone. district. The machine is a Straker-Squire 50 h.p. fivetonner, and the capacity of the tank fitted is 800 gallons. The Marylebone • Oorrmlittee estimate that by the employment of one of these machines a saving of £2 18s. per working day, or £890 per annum, would be effected. As a result of the satisfactory working of the Southwark Council's vehicle, the Marylebone B.C. have decided to purchase one of these machines for similar duties from the firm of Straker-Squire, Ltd., at a cost of £950.