NEWS of the WEEK
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3,000 VEHICLES USING HOMEPRODUCED FUEL INFORMATION about alternative 1 fuels was sought in the House of Commons last week by Mr. David Adams. Mr. Grenfell replying, said that returns furnished by the Ministry of Transport showed that at the beginning of September 1,038 steam road vehicles were in use, whilst at least 650 goods and other vehicles were running on producer gas. Complete returns were not available for the number of vehicles using coal gas, but, in addition to those already mentioned, at least 1,500 vehicles were running on other home-produced fuels, the greater part of which employed coal gas as a means for propulsion. Over 3,000 vehicles were, therefore, now using home-produced fuel, and the number of conversions continued steadily to increase.
Modifying Section 19
BY the Emergency Powers (Defence) Road Vehicles and Drivers (Amendment No. 2) Order, 1940, dated September 23, a Commissioner may (1) as regards goods vehicles, on the application of a Road Haulage Area Wages Board, or (2) as regards a public-service vehicle, on the application of an organization representative of operators of such vehicles and after consultation with an organization representative of p.s.v. drivers in the district, direct that Section 19 of the Road Traffic Act, 1930, as amended, shall not apply in relation to such vehicles in any locality specified in the Order for any period prescribed, but not longer than three months, provided their work appears to the Commissioner to be essential for the defence of the realm, the efficient prosecution of the war or the life of the community.
The Commissioner may, however, impose such restrictions and obligations with respect to hours of work and of rest as he thinks fit.
Mobilizing Idle Vehicles
WE have good reasons to believe that the Ministry of Transport is likely shortly to take action in connection with the large numbers of commercial.
vehicles which, for some reason or Other, have not teen licensed and are, consequently, lying idle at a time when their services could well be employed. This is a point to which we have drawn attention on several occasions.
There is also more than a possibility of some form of price control in connection with the disposal of used vehicles. There is a feeling in official circles that ' such vehicles are often being retained by their owners, not because they particularly want them, but in order to obtain the highest possible prices.
In connection with any action of the latter nature, we would emphasize the claims of those reputable agents who, in view of the lack of business in new vehicles, have developed largely on the used-vehicle side and, apart from merely buying and selling, really do a sound job in servicing to bring the machines into a good state of repair. It will be a serious matter for them if this business be unduly strictly controlled.
Workers and Employers Get Together on Wages RESULTING from strong opposition from members of the Federation of Yorkshire Road Transport Employers towards the application for a further increase in wages by the Transport and General Workers Union, a prominent official of the Union was invited to meet road-transport employers to discuss the matter.
Accordingly, Mr. J. E. Corrin', national secretary of the Road Transport Group (Commercial) of the T.G.W.U., and chairman of the Workers' Panel of the Central Wages Board, will be the chief speaker at a meeting to he held, in Leeds, next Sunday (October 20) at the Metropole Hotel, King Street.
Invitations have been sent to all road-transport organizations in Yorkshire and Lancashire, and the Federation is assured a fully representative meeting of employers in both counties. The meeting offers one of. those rarer opportunities for members of both sides openly to discuss problems with which they are confronted.
AREA WAGES BOARDS RECONSTITUTED I T is announced by the Ministry of Labour and National 'Service that the Area Wages Boards, set up under the Road Haulage Wages Act, 1938, have now been reconstituted, and arrangements have been made for each of them to meet at an early date. The Boards are as follow:--Metropolitan, Scotland, North Western. North Eastern, South Eastern, Eastern, East Midland, West Midland, Northern, Wales and Western.
The Purple Warning Fading QWING to the great difficulty of operating in the black-out with no other lights than the. side; it has been decided by the Ministry of Home Security that during the purple warning it will he permissible for all vehicles to utilize their masked head lamps. In addition, public-service vehicles will be permitted to employ up to one-third of the interior lights now allowed by the regulations, also the lamp for the platform. This does not alter the situation as regards the extinguishing of head lamps and interior lighting when the red warning is in force.
Hauliers' Bid for Higher Milk Rates LAST week, a report on the work of its haulage committee was given by Mr. T. G. Anderson, Scottish Co-operative Wholesale Society, at a meeting of the Scottish Co-operative Milk Trade Assoaation, in Glasgow. Mr. Anderson said that the Milk Marketing Board had not agreed to the hauliers' request for a 20 per cent, increase in rates.
Hauliers had sent a letter to the Minister of Food complaining of the Board's action in fixing existing rates, in view, of increased costs and asking the Minister to take any necessary steps to satisfy himself of the hauliers' demand.
Since that meeting the Milk Marketing Board had been given powers, under the national emergency regulations, to say how milk would be lifted and to where it would be delivered. Mr. Anderson urged societies to assist the claim by allowing inspection of books, if that be necessary.
Tyresoles on Active Service
nUITE a number of the personnel of
Tyresoles, Ltd., the well-known tyre-reconditioning concern of Wembley and Stockport, is serving with the Forces. Recently, Mr. Baker, the company's technical director, took up an important position with the Ministry of. Aircraft Production. He has been responsible for the technical development of Tyresoles since its inception in this country. Col. R. P. A. Helps, 0.B.E., M.C., the company's joint sales director, returned to the army to command a unit of the Royal Corps of Signals at the outbreak of war.
In addition, a number of members of the executive staff has joined up or rejoined their units. In all, some 87 members of the Tyresoles organization are serving with the Forces.
THE Minister of Transport informed Mr. Groves in the House of Commons last week that, in connection with passengers who were compelled to pay their fares again, after having been asked to alight and take shelter during an air raid, the Transport Board's instructions on this point were that, in the circumstances, passengers might, without further payment, continue to their destinations by any other bus on
the same route or on any other route that would serve. The attention of the staff had once more been drawn to these instructions.
"Aeroplane Recognition Tests "
PR 2 of "Aeroplane Recognition Tests" has just been published by Temple Press Ltd., Bowling Green Lane, London, E.C.1. It is intended as a companion to Part 1 of the series
and is an invaluable aid to the identification of friendly and enemy aeroplanes. The pictures in the booklet are taken from distances and angles which are representative of active-service conditions. The illustrations are supported by brief reference matter for each type. The price of the booklet is 6d, Leicester " Smalls " Carriers Show Foresight
THE Leicester Service Parcels
HE have held several meetings to fix the stability of rates and conditions of carriage and of employment. These meetings have been highly successful, and progress can already be reported in several directions. All members realize the vital importance of unity, and there is little question that the Leicester " smalls " carriers will have reason to be proud of their foresight in these critical times, because it will' offer a firm foundation when more settled times arrive.
100,000 Miles' Service Guarantee WITH each of its lorries sold during YV the past year the Diamond T Motor Car Co., of Chicago, has given a factory warranty which goes far beyond ordinary custom, in that it guarantees the vehicle for a full year of operation, or 100,000 miles.
The manufacturer attributes the fact that it is able to give this guarantee to its use of high-quality materials. For instance, the engine block is cast from a nickel-chromium-molybdenum iron, produced in the electric furnace. The dense grained, uniforrin structure of this alloy iron assures high-wear resistance, with ready machinability to a fine finish. The normal rate of wear is said to be only a quarter of that experienced with ordinary unalloyed castings.
The principal highly stressed components are made from nickel-alloy steels, whilst the crankshaft bearings are of a recentlydeveloped cadmium. nickel alloy.
Notek's New Address W/E are informed that the Notek VI' Electric Co., Ltd., has removed to The Little Grange, Crofton Avenue, Orpington, Kent. Phone, Farnboro' 3305. HAULIER FINED £20 FOR FUEL OF FENCE
FOUND guilty of having in his possession, in a garage at Palnackie, on June 13, a quantity of paraffin admixed with another hydrocarbon oil, enabling it to be used for supplying motive power for mechanically propelled vehicles—the total admixture amounting to 180 gallons—contrary to the Motor Petroleum Act, George lIalliday, Jun., partner in the firm of Messrs. W. C. and G. Halliday, haulage contractors, Palnackie, was fined £20, with the option of 60 days in prison, at Kirkcudbright Sheriff Court on October 10.
Scotland Develops All-purpose Fire-fighter
SCOTLAND has taken the lead in designing an all-in fire-fighting unit consisting of a fire tender, which carries seven men, a 60-ft. fire-escape and a trailer pump. Dumbarton Burgh Fire Brigade has acquired this unit, and it went into service last week. The outfit, which was built by Messrs. J. C. Bennett and Co., to the Dumbarton Firemaster's requirements, is exceedingly compact. The whole unit can be unlimbered in a matter of seconds, and the 60-ft. escape can easily be removed from the tender by two men. Cheapness is also an important factor, the cost being only a fraction of that for a full-%ize pump and escape. Other authorities are reported to be greatly interested in this new all-purpose firefighting unit.
Repair Aluminium Parts Instead of Purchasing New THAT versatile gentleman, Mr. C. W.
1 Brett, managing director of Barimar, Ltd., 14-18, Lamb's Conduit Street, London, W.C.1, wishes to remind our readers that vehicle users can play their _part in conserving aluminium, magneSium and their alloys. This can be effected by having crankcases, gearboxes, etc., of these metals repaired, when necessary, by welding as a desirable alternative to ordering replacements.
From what we have seen of the work performed, in few instances need a satisfactory repair be despaired of. Almost shattered parts have been successfully built up into practically new condition, sometimes better than new because they can, where required, be strengthened to compensate for inherent weaknesses; even missing sections can be replaced. SUGGESTED FLAT RATE FOR GOODS TRANSPORT
QUGGESTIONS that the northern th-3counties should unite, in pressing upon the Government the necessity of instituting a flat rate for the transport of goods to and from the north, received unanimous support at a meeting of Nairnshire Agricultural Executive Committed', at which Lord Leven presided.
It was stated that it would probably be better for all districts to get together than to try to secure immediate concessions on innumerable complaints.
Lord Leven said that they all knew in that area they paid more for what they bought and got less for what they sold than the farmer in the south, and transport rates were an important factor. If all the northern counties got together on the flat-rate question it might have more effect than pressing for many different concessions.
He • suggested that a meeting of representatives in the north might be held in Inverness and the committee gave unanimous support to the view that something should be done.
Army Drivers Must Observe Speed Limits in Built-up Areas ALTHOUGH Army lorries are not restricted on the open road to 39 m.p.h., snc.h vehicles must, in accordance with Section 1 of the Road Traffic
Act, 1934. conform to the 30-mile limit in built-up areas. This point emerged at the Paisley Sheriff Court, when an Army driver was charged with a speeding offence in a built-up area at Newton Mearns.
Mr. J. Hill, Procurator-Fiscal, said that, in this case, he was not pressing for a penalty, because he was sure that the respondent had committed the offence in ignorance.
In admonishing the respondent, Sheriff Hamilton sard that this was an important matter. On the open road a vehicle could travel at any speed, pro
vided it was driven with care, but it must obey the 30 m.p.h. limit in builtup areas.
Yorkshire Nominations for Wages Board
THE Yorkshire Area Board of A.R.O. has nominated the following, with a view to their appointment on the employers' panel of the reconstituted Yorkshire Area Wages Board:—Mr. R. E. Britton, Jameson Garage, Hull, chairman of A.R.O.'s Yorkshire
Haulage Sectional Board; Mr. J. A. M. Bright, Onward Road Transport, Ltd., Selby; Mr. A. H. Butterwick, Butterwick Transport, Ltd., Leeds; Mr. H. Redgard, Redgard Brothers, Stainforth; and Mr. W. J, Lowe, secretary of A.R.O.'s Yorkshire Area.
Crypton's New Works
WE are advised that the works of Crypton Equipment, Ltd.. of Park Royal, London, N.W.10, have now been transferred to St. Mary's Street, Bridgwater, Somerset.
1DRADFORD Horse and Motor Owners' LiAssociation has adopted a plan to help meet the one-man business problem arising from the calling up of hauliers for service in the Forces. In any case where a one-man business proprietor joins the Forces and leaves his wife or some other deputy to carry on the business, the Association offers to give help to those left behind by way of advice on matters with which they
are unfamiliar, such as petrol rationing.
" The idea is that experienced hauliers on our committee will guide people who are new to road-haulage operations, so that they will work along the right lines," an official of the Association explained to our correspondent.
Retires to the Country
THE headquarters of the National Farmers' Union was recently moved from London to 478, West Wycombe Road, High Wycombe, Bucks, to which address all communications should be sent.
NrOBILE canteens or vehicles of the V1 shooting-box type, which could easily be converted into such, are required by the Ministry of Food. Those wishing to dispose of suitable models should send particulars at once to Mobile Canteens, Ministry of Food, Neville House, Page Street, London. S.W.1.
Coke-transport Rates Raised
WIDNES Corporation has increased VI' the haulage charges for the delivery of gas coke. Details are as follow:— Distances up to half-mile, for quantities 5 cwt. to 2 tons, 3s. 10d. per ton, over 2 tons 3s. 4d.; one mile, 4s. 4d. and 3s. 10d. respectively; two miles, 4s. 10d. and 4s. 4d. respectively; three miles, 5s. 4d. and 4s. 10d. respectively; four miles, 55. 10d. and 5s. 4d. respectively, with a minimum charge for one ton.
Learner's Licence Extended
OWING to the cessation of examinations for driving licences, there has been a little confusion, over the-question of the learner's licence costing 5s. for only three months and then being -renewable after each period of that duration. This procedure has now been changed, and the provisional driving licence will be current for a year from the date of renewal. This does not, however, absolve the holder from Adergoing the proper test at some date
after the war. _ I.A.E. Awards for Past Session
AT a recent meeting of the Council of the Institution of Automobile Engineers, the following awards for the 1939-40 session were made:—The Crompton Medal—for the best paper read before the senior centres during the session—to Dr. J. S. Clarke, of Birmingham Gas Department, for his paper entitled "The Use of Gas as a Fuel for Motor Vehicles." Graduates' prizes—for the best papers read before the graduate section during the session —first prize, not awarded; second prize, to Mr. J. F. Norwood for his paper entitled "Gear Tooth Profiles "; third prize, to Mr. F. W. Judd, for his paper entitled "The Trend in the Development of the Compression-ignition Engine."
Slow Producer-gas Progress in Australia FROM an Australian contemporary we learn, on the authority of Prof. A. F. Burstall, of the University of .Melbourne, that there are now between 50 and 60 concerns in the Commonwealth manufacturing producer-gas units for motor vehicles. But only slow progress with their adoption has, so far, been made.
In order to encourage and develop' their use, technical committees have been formed in each of the Australian States, but Prof. Burstall considers that, owing to the work of the different makers being unco-ordinated, the technical details of producer units are not yet sufficiently known and that, as a result, some of the makers and users are doomed to meet with disappointments.
The Professor adds that lack of knowledge is most in evidence with regard to the gas-cleaning apparatus and that plans are being prepared to provide suitable testing facilities for gas cleaning in several of the States of the Commonwealth.
A good deal of research work is also in progress at the Melbourne University, where six different sizes and types of producer are under constant supervision with the object of their improvement. The Australian Council for Scientific and Industrial Research is also engaged on, research work to determine the best kinds of available timber for charcoal fuels, in order to arrive at a standardized fuel. WAR BONUS TO VEHICLE BUILDERS
WHILST the war bonus payable to W all grades of employee in the vehicle-building industry was increased from ld. to lid. an hour as from the beginning of the first week commencing on or before August 5, that for employees between 16 and 19 is now Id. per hour, and from 19 to 21 id. per hour. In the case of both adults and juniors, the bonus must be taken into account in computing overtime and night-shift rates. Piece prices or other systems of payment by results are not affected.