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Ogborne in, to lead Wessex buyout team

18th October 1986
Page 34
Page 34, 18th October 1986 — Ogborne in, to lead Wessex buyout team
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• Mike Osborne has been named managing director of Wessex National, of Bristol and will lead the managementstaff buyout bid for the company.

Ogborne has been company secretary of Wessex National since March of this year, and before that was financial controller for two years. He combined his duties of financial controller with those of finance chief at Midland Red Express and Midland Red Omnibus of Birmingham, with whom he was associated since 1981.

It was in 1974 that he first established links with Wessex National when the company was bought by National Travel South West.

At that time he was National Travel's assistant company secretary and accountant, and he now hopes to complete a full circle by leading a manage ment-staff buyout of Lawrence Hill, the Bristol-based coach operators.

Wessex National has a fleet of 43 coaches, which specialise in private hire, short tours and mini-breaks, as well as providing National Express services and National llolidays.