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Steam Vehicles in the Ascendancy. Remarkable Record of a Prize-winning Wagon built in 1904.
NUMERICALLY. the entries for he third annual motor parade of the Manchester Commercial Motor Users Association were hardly so last year, but as the eighth event of its kind to be held in Lancashire, the organizing arrangements were executed with a celerity that did credit to the committee, of which Mr. H. Howard Robinson is the secretary. This was the first parade to be organized by Mr. Robinson.
The steam vehicle classes commanded the most. interest, 36 of the entries falling within this category, the remaining 24 being petrol-driven. The only class which did not receive any support was that for passenger-carrying vehicles.
• The users who entered vehicles were ; Bleachers' Association (Garrett tractor); Norman Box (two Garrett tractors and a Fowler tractor); A. Cork and Sons (one 6-ton, four 5-ton Garrett and one Foden steam wagons); Sam Nove (three 6-ton Sentinels); J. T. Lawton, Ltd. (six Fodens); Thomas Lamb (a Foden steamer and a Hallford petrol wagon); Garlick, Burrell and Edwards, Ltd. (Foden steam wagon, three-6-ton Leyland petrol lorries and a Ford); Thomas Rowe (5-ton Robey); H. Viney and Co. (Leyland wagons); C.W.S. (Dennis and Lancia lorries); Wilson's Brewery (six Thornycrof La); Level's (Ford); Kendal, Milne and Co. (Albion and Ford); Simp
son and Godlee, Ltd. (Albion, Austin and Darracq); and B. Buckley (Napier and Seat).
The system of awarding marks was the fairest imaginable. Each vehicle was given a parade number and allocated a marking sheet. Every machine had to be inspected by seven judges, whose work was sectionalized so that one paid attention to (a) general appearance and neatness of presentation; another to (b) condition of lamps, lamp brackets, horn or gong and similar fittings ; and others to (c) condition of tailboard and wings ; (d) condition of bodywork ; (e) general cleanliness and condition of engine (steamers) and condition of radiators and bonnets (petrol wagons); (f) condition of footboard, bunkers and tank (steamers), • ard general cleanliness of all parts under the bonnet (petrok).; (g) -general cleanliness of smokebox, lagging and mud covers (steamers), and general cleanliness of all parts under drivers footboard (petrols).• Two interesting personal awards figured in the prize list :-23 for the driver having the longest record in the service of any one riser, and 22 for the driver having a' clean licence of the longest standing. It was not possible fmally. to determine the recipients of these prizes on the parade ground, . as the claims of the numerous' driVer-cornpetitors had to be investigated. . •
The oldest vehicle on parade was a hale and hearty Foden, which first Saw road service in 1904, owned by Messrs. J. T. Lawton, Ltd. It has 180,000 miles
to its credit and is still acquitting itself with distinction. In point of age and mileage, its -record on the parade ground was unique. Not only that, for it won second prize in the open class for steam vehicles and was one of the fleet of three Fodens which won the second team prize.
The judges were Messrs. F. G. Bristow, J. Bentley, J. T. Lawton, Mather, H. Ballinger, H. W. Roberts, R. J. Armstrong, J. Hancock and B. H. Reynolds, and the marshals Messrs. A. T. Dean (chief inarsha4), J. Bacon, W. E. Hall, T. Lamb, S. Novo and A. C. Roberts.
The prize-winners were
Steam Vehicles, any type.-1, 2 and 3, J. T. Lawton, Ltd. (Fodens).
Teants of Three Steam-driven Vehieles.-1, A. Cook and Sons (two Garretts •arid Foden); 2, j. T. Lawton,
Ltd. (three Fodens). Messrs. Cork alst won challenge cup.
Steam Tractors.-1, Bleachers' Association (Garrett);. 2, Norman E. Box (Fowler).
Heany Petrol Vehieles.-1, (larlick, -Burrell and Edwards, Ltd. (Leyland); 2 and 3, Wilscirt's Brewery (Thorny. ,crofts).
Light Petrol; Machines.-1, 2"and 3, Simpson and Godlee, Ltd. (Austin,
Darra.cq and Albion). -_ Teams of Three Petrol Velticles.-1, Simpson and Godiee (Austin, Darracq and Albion); 2„ Garlick, Burrell and Edwards, Ltd. (three Leylands). Messrs. Simpson and Oodles also won the challenge cup.