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APPLICATIONS for short-term permits for vehicles to be used for the transport of sugar beet should be lodged without delay. Where similar permits were granted last year, there will be no need to submit statements showing the quantity of beet hauled last year and the estimated 'tonnage to be hauled this year, but where application for a short-term Defence Permit for sugar-beet transport is being made for the first time these figures will be required.
IT has been elicited in the House of 1Commons that the Minister of War Transport is considering big changes ' in the existing road haulage scheme. Addressing the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry, Mr. Hewlett said, last week, that there was dissatisfaction in the road haulage world with the existing Government scheme.
" I am aware that certain features of the scheme have not proVed altogether satisfactory," replied Mr. Noel?' Baker. "The scheme is now being reviewed in the light of the changing conditions of the war, and the Minister of War Transport will issue a statement so soon as be has made the necessary decisions."
There has been forwarded to Lord Leathers, by Major E. G. R. Lloyd, a detailed statement by one of the leading road haulage concerns in Glasgow of the circumstances in which heavily loaded road vehicles to the Midlands of England are returning without load. It is presumed that circumstances of this kind will be considered in Lord Leathers's new proposals.
Readers will remember that we made reference last week to an unofficial statement to the effect that Sir J. F. Heaton had furnished to the Minister a report on the operation of the scheme.
WITH much regret we announce the TV death, which occurred last Sunday, of Captain J. W. Jones, R.M.A., vicepresident of A.R.O., and until recently chairman of that body. He gave valuable service to the Association since its earliest days, having attended the first meeting held in Bristol by the Long Distance Road Haulage Association, touring the area for long periods, even to its most remote corners, to lay the foundations of A.R.O. in the West Country. He was a member 'of the National Council for several years. Capt. Jones had a cheery, likeable personality, and will be much missed.
DESPITE the present criticisms of the Meat Transport Pool because of its inclusion in the Chartered Fleet and its activities in connection with the transport of other classes of freight, there is little doubt that the Pool has done much useful work since its inauguration nearly three years ago.
As a result, the Wholesale Meat and Provisions Transport (Defence) Association, which is its full title, and the individual operators concerned have received copies of a letter sent to Lord Leathers by Lord Woolton. In this, the Minister of Food conveys his appreciation of the excellent services rendered by those who conceived the Pool and control it, also the drivers.
He thinks that it is agreed that at no time since its inception has the turnronnd of important refrigerator vessels been materially held up. for lack of transport facilities.
Mn. JOHN COOPER has been appointed assistant manager of Coventry Transport Department. He commenced his association with municipal passenger transport in 100, when he entered the service of Wallasey Corporation. He has also had experience at Darwen, Northampton and Portsmouth.
SIR HERBERT MATTHEWS is to continue as president of the Industrial Trans.. , port Association for the current year. He was vice-president and patron of the Association before becoming president in 1937. As past . secretary of the Central Chambers of Agriculture, pastpresident of the Mansion House Association, and chairman of Fraser Trust, Ltd., he has had wide experience of transport and large-scale industrial organizing. This year's vice-presidents' are:—Messes. A. L. BAGLEY, H. CURRINGTON, C. E. JORDAN, A. R. POLSON, T. W. READ, MRS. C. R. TAYLOR, and MR. G. S. V1CKARY. MR. C. COURTNEY CRAMP is continuing for a fourth term as chairman, whilst MR. J. W. PORTER has been apPointed vicechairman.
Mn. ROBERT FRASER SMITH, general manager of Glasgow Transport Department, who entered the municipality's service almost 50 years ago, is to retire in the New .year. He has been manager for fix4 years. The transport committee has unanimously agreed to recommend to the corporation the appointment of Ma. ERIC R. L. Frrzeavsre, assistant manager, as his successor.
WITH reierence to a letter from Mr. VV C. F. Bailey, of Turvey, which appeared in our issue dated September 4,_and which dealt with a complaint against the Meat Pool, this matter is being investigated by the Wholesale Meat and Provisions Transport (Defence) Association, and further information will be given when it becomes available. MINISTER RECEIVES GASPRODUCER DEPUTATION LAST Tuesday the Minister of War Transport received a deputation from the Mobile Gas Producers Assce eiation, when matters concerning the independent makers' contribution to the scheme were discussed. None of the conclusions arrived at was available before we went to press, but as the present arrangements involve the production of the whole of the Government producers being carried out by one concern, they could hardly prove highly satisfactory to the Association concerned. It may be, however, that' at least some of its members have arranged to act as fitting agents, for which purpose they would, no doubt, be well equipped.
TOWING EQUIPMENT FOR LONGDISTANCE VEHICLES WE are informed by the British VY Road Federation, which is represented on the Snow Clearance Committee of the M. of W.T., that Sir Frederick Cook, the chairman, requests that operators of long-distance haulage should equip their vehicles with the necessary means for attaching them to other vehicles. This would, in many cases, result in a valuable saving of time in the removal of broken-down vehicles or in the giving of assistance to vehicles unable to move owing to wheelspin.
With some vehicles the equipmeht necessary may take the shape of towing ropes or chains and eyes; in others, an attachment to each dumbiron, with a stiffener between the dumbirons such as is usually fitted to heavy vehicles.
IN a Parliamentary question addressed last week to the Minister of Supply, Sir William Wayland asked why five of the tractors operated by the Home Timber Production Department, working in Kent, were running on petrol, and using about 360 gallons per week, whereas the same kind of tractors were run by farmers on paraffin at half the cost.?
Sir Andrew Duncan replied that the use of kerosene was prohibited by order, except under licence, in all vehicles other than those of certain classes mainly engaged in agriculture. A reduced rate of.duty was charged on kerosene used in agricultural vehicles, and it had been arranged that the Home Timber Production Department should use petrol in order to leave the kerosene supplies available for agriculture.
One would have thought that this was a case for the use of charcoal fuel.
WASTE PAPER TO BOMBERS QOMETHING like 10,000 drawings have to be made before a new type bomber can be developed, and any modification in type adds greatly to the number required. At least a ton of paper is used each week in every large aircraft factory on the production side alone, and this paper is chiefly made from waste; therefore save all you can.