Financial News of the Industry
Page 28

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Buseeff arid Son, Ltd.—Private company. Reg. September 4. Cap. 45,000 in 5.000 shares of 11 each. To carry on the business e coach proprietor, etc. Subscribers:—Chas, W. Russell, 632, ugh Road. N. Finchley. London, N.12; Geo. W. Russeil, 86, Marylebono High Street, London. Reg. ofece:-123, High Road, East Finchley. London. N. C. anie T. Transport,. Ltd.—Private company. Reg. September 4. Cap. £3,000• in 3,000 shares of £.1 each. To acquire the business al haulage and general contractor carried en by Charles Rose and Bertha Rose. Subscribers:--Lestie Tobias and John Clew, both of 5.8, Margaret. Street, London, W. Solicitor:—Lucian Fier, 58. Margaret Street, London, W.1.
Johnson Wild and CO.. Ltd.—Private company. Reg. September B. Cap. £3,000 in 3,000 shares of £1 each. To acquire the business of cartage contractor, etc., carried on by Johnson Wild and Co., at Reliance Garage, Winwick Road, Warrington, and to carry on the business of manufacturer 'of and dealer In buses, lorries, etc. Directors :—Reginald Johnson, 156, Manchester Road, Woolston, no. Warringtan; John R. Forster. Longford Hotel., Longford. Warrington, Reg. ogice:—Reliance Garage, 'Winwick Road, Warrington,
J. W. North (Coals), Ltd.—Private company, Reg. September 7. Cap. 41,000 in /,000 shares of £1 each. To carry on the butineee of carrier, etc. Directors:—John W. North, Alice North and Harry North, all of "Summerville," Legrime Lane, Bradford. Solic i LOT :— Sarapaun Horner and CO.. Beadier& Reg. office:—" Summerville." Legrams Lane, Bradford. Gibbs Bros. Garages (Pontllanfratth) Ltd.—Private company. Reg. September 7. Cap. £1,000 in 1.000 &Imre& of £1. each. To carry on the business of cartage contractor. etc. Directors:.—Albert, G. Gibbs, Holmleigh, Llanarth Road, Pontllantraith, Mon.; Richard V. Bartlett, 3S., Ridgeway Crescent, .Newport, Mon.; Albert R. Gibbs; Leslie R. Gibbe; Sarah J. Gibbs, addresses not. stated. Invacar, Ltd.—Privste company. . Reg. Augnst 29. Cup. £1,000 in 1.000 shares of £1 each. To carry on the business of manufacturer -of and dealer in vans, lorries. etc. Directors:.—Osea.r B. (*reeves. 2, Greenfield Avenue, Surbiton; Derek P. Cobb, 9, Queen's Drive, Surbiton, North Staffordshire Contractors, Ltd.—Private company. Reg. August 27. Cap. £1,000 in 1,000 shares of £1 each. To carry on the business of cab, bus and coach owner, etc. Directors:— Wm. Robinson, 23 Fielding Street Stoke-on-Trent; Abel Green. 14/, eaultion Road, Stoke-on-Trent; Horace Davies; James Kimberley; Albert Hughes; and Felt. Starkey, all of Stoke-on-Trent. Reg. office:— Portland Rouse, Church Street, Stuke-on-Trent, Riviera Services, Ltd.—Private company. Reg. August 27. Cap.
£1,000 in 1,000 shares of £1 each. To acouire the business of motor coach proprietor carried en by Mrs. Lilian M. Rearte from Myior Bridge, Cornwall,' Sc Riviera Services. Directors:—Litian bE. Hearie and Geo Id. Resoleboth of Myler Bridge. Fahnouth Cornwall. Solicitor:— L. Frank, Ti.7 Princes Street, Truro Cornwall. Reg. office:—Myter Bridge, Myler, Cornwall.
INCREASES OF CAPITAL George Mahoney, Ltd., haulage contractor, 7, Deane Road, Fairfield, Liverpool.—The, nominal capital has been increased by the addition of 41,700 in £1 ordinary shares beyond the registered capital of £.800.
H auliers (Engineers), Ltd., Manchester, 4,—Debenture dated August 21. 1942 to secure £4,000 and to further secure 14,000, secured by
debenture dated March 11, 1941, charged on leases of premises in Atlas Mill Hoed, Brighouse, Furlong Road, Tunatall, and Spoke Hall Road, Liverpool, and the company's undortaking and property, present and future, including uncalled capital. Holder --TInited Dominions Trust, Ltd., Regis HOUK, King William Street, London, R.C.4. Howard Bell Transport (U.K.), Ltd., London, E.C,3.—Particulars of debentures, authorized July.13, 1942, to secure not more than £3,000, charged on the conipany's property, present and' future, including uncalled capital, the amount of the present Aim being 41,000. E lah Broadbent, Ltd., carrier, Failswqorth, Lancs.—Debenture dated August 14 1942, to secure 11,600, charged on the company's undertaking ana property, including uncalled capital. Holder:—Marcus Broadbent, 31, Wrigley Road, Fallswortb.
Frank White Transport, Ltd., Newton Abbot.—Mortgage dated . August. 13, 1942. to secure all monies due or to become due from the company to the Midland Bank. charged on 24-26, Woolberough Street. Newton Abbot,
Parichoad Transport,• Ltd., Wolverhampton.—Partictilars 'filed of debenturesnot exceeding 41,000, authorized August 19 1942, charged on the company & property, present and future, including uncalled capital, the amount of the present -issue being £600,
Tyne Taxis, Ltd., 135, Sandyford Road, Newcastle-on-Tyme, 2.--Satis
faction in on August 20, 1942, of mortgage and debenture, both dated September 15, 1938. and registered September 2.9.1938, eecuring 12.200.
William Evans and Sens (Pentraeth), Ltd., h
contractor, etc., Mar Awelon, Pentraetla, Anglesty.—Satistaction In full on August 17, 1942, of equitable mortgage dated September 16, 1940, and registered September 26, 1940, seeming all monies due or to become due from the company to Lloyds,Bank, Ltd.