• Ensure safety. If required, the emergency services should be
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called immediately. Remember that you must report an accident as soon as practicable if it involves injury or damage to property It boosts a simple insurance claim if it can be recorded that the accident scene was dealt with efficiently and legitimately.
• Be aware that although you have insurance cover, It is no good having a textbook of information waiting at home. Ensure that drivers have the key insurance and policy telephone numbers stored in their cab or wallet, where they are easily accessible.
• Don't admit any liability at the scene of the accident.
• Recovery vehicles should be arranged as quickly as possible so that the insurance company can be contacted for any arrangements it might demand.
• Pen and paper should always be kept in a handy place. James Harrison, chief executive of insurance comparison site Insurancewidacorn, suggests: "Make a sketch plan and notes of the accident while the details are fresh in your mind," • Make a note of other vehicles involved, including make, model and registration number.
• Record any other information from the site that may boost your claim case. Harrison adds: "Take note of the names and addresses of independent witnesses before they lose Interest and leave the scene."
Evidence in the form of photographs can help insurers, says Ivan Goddard, managing director of Aspect Insurance. It might even pay to have your drivers carry a disposable camera in their cabs. "Pictures will help if there's a dispute,' explains Goddard. "We recommend to fleets that drivers should take photos of the damage to road and vehicles on their mobile phones."