Our Campaign Comforts Fund.
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A.S.C. Headquarters Staff Take Concentrate, to "Keep the Over in Order that We May Wheels of Industry Turning.' '
The Official Fund for the Mectianical Transport Columns and Units of the Army Service Corps.
Regiftcred under the War Charities Act,1915
President: H.R.H. Princess Arthur of Connaught.
Ladies Committee Mrs. A. R. Crofton Atkins, Mrs. Shrapnell-Smith, Mrs. R. K. Bagnall-Wild, Mrs. IL E. Blain. Mrs. W. E. Donohue, Mrs. H. N. Foster.
Remittances to the Ron. Sec. and Treasurer, E. S. Shrapnet1-Stuith, 1-15, Rosebery Avenue, London, THE MONEY FOR OUR MOTOR MEN AND HOW IT COMES.
£120 (October to March) Albion; Associated Equipment ; Belsize ; Car and General Insurance; Claytot (Huddersfield); Commerears; Crossley ; Daimler; Dennis; Hoyt Metal ; Leyland; Thornycroft ; Wolseley. £60 (October to March) Alley and MacLellan; Ferodo; Halley; Hans Renold; Scottish Commercial Cars. £10 Monthly: Foden; Four-Wheel-Drive Auto Co.; Hallford; Pratt's and Taxibus Spirits. .E5 Monthly; Lucas; Macintosh ; Maudslay ; Spencer-Moulton ; St. Helens Cable and Rubber; Shrewsbury-Challiner ; Wolf (Solex); Wood-Milne. Lump SUMS A.S.C. (Corps) Fund, £1147 10s. (five grants); Peerless, £250; Dunlop, £100; LocomoblIe„ £100; Packard, £100; Gaston, Williams and Wigmore, £100; Holt (Caterpillar), £100; Selden, £42; M.T. Sergeants' Mess, Bulford Depot, £40.
We hope supporters will peruse with interest the first leading article in this issue. It deals by way of comment writh certain factors which have led up to the following exchange of letters between the Editor and the Director of Supplies and Transport at the War Office.
7-15, Rosebery Avenue, E.C. I.
4th April, 1917.
Brigadier-General Crofton Atkins, Director of Supplies and Transport,
War Office, 5,1V, 1.
Dear Crofton Atkins,Increasing staff difficulties, arising from the war and the loss of men to the Services, render it more and more difficult for this journal to carry on the Campaign Comforts Fund for the M.T., A.S.C. I have, therefore, with no little reluctance, to confirm my earlier private intimations to this effect, and to express the hope that the Central Comforts Fund of the Corps will be agreeable to take over the work done by this Fund.
It has afforded us great pleasure to do this voluntary work for the overseas strengthof the MT., A.S.C., and we have witnessed that strength grow from under 10,000 to within comparatively few of 100,000, going back to October, 1914, and embracing three severe winters.
• If you are agreeable to take the Fund over from us, aS froth the 31st March, by merging it entirely into the A.S.C. Corps Fund, leaving us only to work off the remaining stocks in our storesduring the next few, weeks, we are glad to say that we -A"hall be in a position to hand over to 'you forthimith an unexpended balanceof cash in hand which will ne in the neighbourhood of £1000.—Yours sincerely,
'War Office, Whitehall, S.W.,
11th April, 1917.
• Dear Shrapnell-Smith,—Thank you for your letter of the 4th .April.
I very much regret that, for the reasons you give, it is impracticable for you to continue THE COMMERCIAb harroR Campaign Comforts Fund, which has so greatly contributed to the comfort of the Mechanical Transport branch of the Army Service Corps serving in the Eeld.
shall be glad to adopt your suggestion that the balance of the Fund should now be incorporated into the Army Service Corps Central Comforts Fund and the provision of comforts to the Mechanical Transport arranged in future by that Fund.
With regard to the details of handing over cash balance, etc., perhaps you would kindly 'communicate direct with Colonel W. K. Tarver, the Honorary " Secretary of the Central Comforts Fund. I should like to take this opportunity of expressing on behalf of the.. Corps my sincere thanks to you and those associated with yon,in the long-continued and successful task of brightening the lot and reducing the discomfort of so many of our comrades Serving their country beyond the seas.--lirours sincerely, A. IL CROFTON ATKINS, D.S.. and T.
Good' Income for March,
The final list-of cash donations which we shall have to publish in respect of the.winter months now ended, ' bringing us to the 31st March last, shows a, gratifying. amount of support, the receipts being considerably in excess of those for three of the other six winter months, It will be found on-thenext page, Further List of Gilts in Hind.
From wool supplied by the Fond (18 scarves). Mrs. Mason, Eastbourne (6 prs. of socks). The Regimental Agency, Tothill Street, S.W. (bundle of books).
Mrs. Bruce, Galashiels t2 sweaters and 2 prs. of socks). Mrs. arapnell-Sinith, West Byfleet (1 scarf). Mrs. ,J. A. Barratt, Kensington Gate, S.W. (5 scarves, 4 shirts, 4 prs. of mittens, 1 pr. of socks, 1 helmet, 1 pr of gloves and 1 pr. of pants). Miss Earle, Liverpool (8 scarves and 2 jerseys). Miss Cornish,Nktoria Street,S.W. (1 scarf, and 1 pr. of 'kittens).
Mrs. Ainslie, Peebles (1 pr. of socks). Mrs. Gillespie, Dumfries (12 prs. of socks,
Mrs. May, Shcostlands (4 prs. of mittens, I cardigan, 1
scarf and 1 waistcoat).
No name (3 scarves).
WEss Hale, Coleman's Hatch, Sussex (16 scarves, 7 prs.
of mittens and 3 caps).
Mrs. and Miss Scott, Hawick (11. prs.. of socks, 2 scarves,
tobacco and chocolate). Mrs. Prescott, Banbury (2 scarves). Miss McVittie, Edinburgh (1 scarf). No name (6 prs. of socks and 6 prs. of mittens). Mrs. Hobart-Hampden, Teddington (2 prs. of mittens).
Mrs. Urquhart, Saxmundham (1 scarf). Miss Wigram, Bournemouth (3 prs of socks). Mr. J. G. Day, Temple Press Ltd. (packs of playing cards).
Miss S. E. Baxter, Reigate (2 scarves).
Mrs. Bruce, Galashiels (12 prs. of socks and 3 sweaters) Mrs. Dowding, Bath (6 prs. of mittens, 5 scarves and 5 prs. of socks).
No name (1 pr. of mittens).
Lady Evelyn Farquhar (2 scarves).
The Offices of :" John Bull," Long Acre, W.C. (bundle of papers). Typical Letters of Appreciation: " On behalf of this unit I beg to thank you very sincerely for the case of assorted gifts you have so kindly sent to us. The articles are of the greatest use to the unit, and are very much appreciated by the officers and men."—O.C. No. — Pontoon Park, B. E. F.
"Please accept my most sincere thanks for the splendid box of useful and practical gifts that your Fund has been so good as to send to the officers and men of this company. I can assure you we are all most appreciative of your kind generosity."-0.0. No..— Motor Ambulance Convoy, B.E.F.
"I have to thank you for so very kindly sending the gramophone and other comforts, which arrived quite safely. They are very much appreciated by the men. Will you be so good as to convey our thanks and ap
preciation to the Committee."— , Captain Commanding, 111111 Australian Supply Column.
"I acknowledge a case of comforts sent on the 20th January. It is only a few days since I acknowledged receipt of your last case, and this present case, arriving so soon after the other, makes it difficult for me to express how grateful we all are for the gifts sent out by your Fund."-0.0., — Sup. Col., Salonica.
"I am writing to thank you on behalf of the'officers and men of this unit for your very generous gift of two cases of comforts. The selection of articles was particularly good, and doubly welcome as the unit was miles. away from billets and there was three inches of
snow on the ground."— 0.0., Ammunition Sub Park, B.E.F.
"It is th wish of the officers, sergeants, N.C. officers, and men of the, unit under my command that should convey to you and to your committee the heartiest thanks for the presents received. I conclude with my best wishes for every success to the committee of the above Fund in their splendid work." —Officer Commanding — M.T. Co.
"I beg to thank you most heartily on behalf of the officers and men of my company for the gifts of scarves, gloves, footballs, stationery, etc., so kindly sent. The footballs are greatly appreciated by tho men; it is just what they were in need of. We all feel greatly indebted to your Fund, and it will be remembered long after the termination of the war."0.0. Sup. Col., Salonica.
"On behalf of a few of us now serving in the M.Ts A.S.C., in German East Africa, I beg to express to you our grateful appreciation of your kindness shown to us by yOur ' Campaign Comforts' recently distributed; coming to us when we are here in
good distance away from anything in the nature: of real English comforts, they are doubly anpreeiated." —Sergt.., Base M.T. Depot, East African Ex. Farce.