Commissioners Remove "Thin End of Wedge-"
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THE Western Traffic Commissioners last week refused an • application by Mr. B. M. Marshall,'. Fishponds, Bristol, to run a 14-seater from Knowle to Fishponds because it would be " the thin end of the wedge against the BriSto.I Tramways and Carriage Co.. Ltd.
The Licence .was, however, granted for a 7-seater to pick up workers from various parts of the city to take them to the Robinson factory at Fishponds. with a dispensation to allow a 14-seater to be used while petrol rationing lasted The applicant said he had been operating this service, for five years, picking up men at 430 a.m. to -be at work by 5.30 a.m.
THE Registrar of Restrictive Trading
Agreements has announced that the public register of agreements is now open for public inspection daily from 10 a,m.-4.30 p.m.. except al week-ends and holidays. About 1,400 agreements have been received for registration, most of which were delivered after February 22. The register will not contain all the agreements at first.
It may be inspected on payment ol Is. fee a day at: Chancery House, Chancery Lane, London, W.C.2; 9 Wemyss Place, Edinburgh 3; and Chichester House, 64 Chichester Street, , Belfast, . • . . ,
Now that the register is open, the Registrar. can initiate action • on .cases before the Restrictive Practices Courts
TANK BUILDERS' MERGER 'TWO tank makers have amalgamated.
1 Thompson Brothers (Bilston), Ltd., have acquired the issued share capital of Darham Industries (London), Ltd.
There will be a full exchange of technical knowledge., experience and resources between the companies, but Darham Industries will continue to trade independently. Mr. G: A.
Darrington rem a i n managing director.
AN.order valued at £80,000 has been placed by Bournemouth Corporation with the Sunbeam Trolleybus Co., Ltd. It is for 20 62-seat double-deckers to replace an equivalent number of 103 Sunbeams supplied in 1935. The old trolleybuses have carried millions of passengers.
The new vehicles will have 'two axles,. M.C.W. bodywork 30 ft. long, and Crompton-Parkinson t ra c t ion equipinent
More Competition in Free-trade Area
"THE market ' for Vehicles would L become much more competitive in a European free-trade area, it is stated in a survey published on Tuesday by the Economic Commission for 'Europe.
Removal of protection against competitors in other member countries of the European Common Market would probably have the greatest repercussions on industry in France and Italy, and the least in the Benelux and the Scandinavian countries. ,
In the long run, however, efficient industries in all countries should benefit from -the economies of scale which would be achieved if all the industrial countries of Western Europe joined the
E.C.M. • Investment in Western Europe by overseas countries was likely to flow into already highly developed' industrial centres, and the report recommends allocations of funds by the' richer countries to aid depressed regions in Europe
R.T.C: SET UlP TRAININGDIVISION THE British Transp-ort Cornmission are to set up a separate division for training and education in the rnanpower adviser's department at headquarters. The director in charge will be required to play an important part in the training of potential leaders in the organization, and to ensure adequate contact with' the universities and technical colleges.
Mr. J. E. M. Roberts, fbrmerly assistant traffic adviser (passenger) of the Commission, has been appointed director. of training and education. He is a member of the central selection committee for traffic apprentices of the B.T.0 GREATER SALES EFFORT
Q ALES-PROMOTION activities are P-1 being intensified by F. Perkins, Ltd., to meet increasing competition from Germany, Japan and the U.S.A. and other British manufacturers. The company have reintroduced sales
• schools for manufacturers of chassis who install Perkins engines, and a bulletin is to be sent regularly all over the world to tell users and salesmen about new developments in and applications for the company's products.
Educational facilities are to be augmented and more engines arc to be on public exhibition., A new publication, to be named On Show, will he issued regularly.
WE regret to record the deaths of Mn. ALBERT VICTOR COVF.NEY and MR. NORMAN STODDARS.
Mr. Coveney was the transport manager of Currys, Ltd., whom he had served all his working life. He died suddenly at the age of 43.
Mr. Stoddart, who was aged 51. was a Notthallerton cattle haulier.