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A warning to operators is conveyed by the East Midland Licensing Authority, in a special notice just issued. It is ,stated that the attention of the Authority has recently been drawn to a number of 'cases alleging the employment, by public-servicevehicle operators on Saturdays and Sundays, of men who, during the week, are employed elsewhere as drivers of goods vehicles. The week-end shifts, when related to the periods of duty for driving goods vehicles, contravene the provisions of .Section 19 of the Road Traffic Act, 1930.
Operators are reminded of their responsibility for seeing that drivers in their employ (even in a casual capacity) he not permitted to drive in contravention of the provisions of the Section, and warning is given that, in any future substantiated cases of this nature, proceedings may be instituted against the parties concerned.
British Panel Board for Coachlmilders.
A new British-made panel board, which, it is claimed, will have a wide application in coachbuilding, has been developed by Celotex, Ltd., Stonebridge Park, Middlesex. This follows long research to meet demands for a relatively inexpensive material offering high structural strength, in addition to fire resistance, decorative value, workability and long life. It has no ,grain or laminations, is free from splitting and is treated and worked as wood. The canvas texture of the reverse side can be used as a " natural" decoration or as a base for painting.
When Counties "Can't Afford It." That the day is rapidly approaching when county authorities will find themselves quite unable to deal with highways from a financial standpoint, is suggested in a report from the Durham County Surveyor. Fe states that the questisn of financing highway alS
administration at the present time is certainly one of great importance, not only to the highway authority, hut to the community and he has repeatedly advised the committee that financial resources even of a county, are inadequate to meet the demands on the highways caused by the ever-increasing amount of traffic thereon. It is true to say that increased grants have been forthcoming from national funds during the past few years, but it is also true to say that the standard now required in any highway improvement is such that the balance of the cost, after deducting the grant, means a heavy burden upon the locality.
Co-ordination in Haulage.
An important conference was held recently at which were present representatives of Beresford, Caddy and Pemberton, Ltd., Tunstall; Blackburn Parcels Express, Ltd., Blackburn; Globe Parcel Delivery Co., Ltd., Liverpool; and Red Arrow Deliveries, Ltd., Birmingham.
The object was to provide for closer working between the four companies in -respect of canvassing and quoting for traffic. Briefly, each of the four has been given power to quote for traffic between Lancashire and the Midlands, whilst the others agree to share • the throughout rate irrespective of any previously arranged terminal and trunk costs. I.A.E. RESEARCH COMMITTEE PROGRESS.
At a recent meeting of the Automobile Research Committee progress was reported on many different researches being carried out by the I.A.E. The principal subject under investigation relates to bearings and crankshafts, particularly in respect of wear and failure. Thus, wear tests have been carried out on a dozen crankshaft materials running against bearings made of copper-lead or leadbronze alloy. The materials studied included chromium-plate, nitrided steel, and various steels and cast irons. In the case of white-metal bearings, the usual form of failure is a kind of fatigue cracking of the white metal. and this has been studied at various operating temperatures and with a range of lubricants.
Such bearing-temperature measurements are being made not only with an engine running under power, but also when the engine is being motored at high speed. An important development of this research, which is now in hand, is the measurement of bearing and sump temperatures on a vehicle driven at speed on road and track.
The high explosion pressures occurring in compression-ignition engines give rise to crankshaft stresses which may cause premature fatigue failure, and machines have been designed for testing the strength of full-size crankshafts, with the object of studying the effect of design features and materials of constrisction.
Night-time Overloading.
The annual report of the Chief Inspector of Weights and Measures to Dorset County Council, which has just been published, states that considerable time had been devoted to work having regard to the loading on vehicles. Experience had shown that attempts had been made to evade the regulations between the hours of 8 p.m. and 6 a.m. Steps had accordingly been taken to counteract this by night duty. During the year 808 vehicles were stopped and examined. and there were 70 prosecutions and 80 convictions, whilst fines and costs totalled £62 9s.
When George. Henry Acton, of Marchetter, appeared at Dunblane Sheriff Court last week, charged with driving a lorry restricted to 20 m.p.h. at a speed of 31 m.p.h., it was stated that since March, 1931, he had been convicted of speeding offences on 17 occasions and had paid fines totalling £60, ranging from 20s. to £10.
Sheriff-Substitute Valentine warned him that another offence might mean the loss of his licence. He fined him .82, with the option of 14 days in prison.
E.R.F. and Gardner in Birmingham.
One of the few women to run a commercial-vehicle service and sales organization in this country is Miss V. Berry, who took over the business of Messrs. Geo. Buxton and Son, in November, 1936. A year later she was able to move to larger and more convenient premises at 34, Palmer Street, Birmingham, and in rather less than nine months 275 vehicles have been into the new premises for repair or overhaul. The concern distributes E.R.F. vehicles and is the Midland sales and service .depot for Gardner engines.
Commercial Vehicles in Holland.
So far, this year, there has been a marked increase in the imports of commercial vehicles and chassis into Holland. Thus, during the six months which ended June last, 410 complete machines were imported, as against 319 machines in the corresponding half of 1937, the value, at nine guilders to the £, advancing from £37,888 to £45,2=. In the case of chassis, the number imported increased from 1,615 to 1,994 and the value from £248,222 to £330,888. An analysis of the returns shows that, of the complete vehicles, 161 came from Belgium, although it is understood that the bulk of these consists of American assembled productions.
Bolton Loses a Pioneer.
We regret to announce the death, last week, of Mr. John Barnard, M.B.E., general manager of the Bolton (Lanes) Corporation transport undertaking.
Mr. Barnard was one of the senior principal municipal officials, having joined the staff of the tramways department, as it then was, just over 38 years ago.
In the New Year's honours list of 1920 he was awarded the M.B.E., and in 1935 was one of a number of Bolton Corporation officials to receive the King's Silver Jubilee medal.
Hardening by the " Shorter " Process.
The Shorter Process Co., Ltd., Celtic Works, Savile Street East, Sheffield, 4, has issued a new leaflet, illustrating a number of " Shorter " process hardening machines, which shows the development of this business. The process can be applied to the scientific surface hardening of steel in all its forms and cast iron, plain or
alloyed, where combined carbon is present, The principle is controlled heating and quenching by means of especially designed oxy-fuel burners, followed by jets of water or air. The machines are supplied without a licence agreement and trained operators are provided for their installation.
Wireless Communication with Drivers.
The transmission of instructions by wireless to police cars has, of course, been common practice for some years.
The same idea has recently been put into practice by the Detroit Edison Electricity Co., of Detroit. U.S.A., which has lately received a permit for, and put into operation, a transmitting station which will be used for one-way emergency communication with the drivers of some of its lorries. The receivers on the vehicles are permanently tuned in to the station, which is situated at a point in the centre of the system and has a transmitter rated at 150 watts. Should a man leave his lorry, to work at some distance from it, the signalling device is set to blow the horn in order to attract attention.
MR. ROBERT MCCARTNEY and MR. JOHN V. FRANKLIN were, on August 9, elected joint managing directors of Black and Decker, Ltd.
MR. G. J. RACKHAIK, chief engineer of the Associated Equipment Co., Ltd., will leave for Quebec on August 27, to study the working of A.E.C. buses and trolleybuses in Montreal and plants in the U.S.A.
The works manager, MR. E. JONES, and the works accountant, Ma. J. HAWKINS, will leave on September 2 to visit industrial concerns in the Eastern States, and attend the seventh International Management Congress, at Washington.
MR. JAMES WATT, M.I.A.E., who was associated with the Albion concern for many years, has been in hospital for nearly 12 months following pneumonia and an operation; he is now in the Middlesex Hospital. We are glad to learn, however, that he is progressing favourably, although we understand that it will be some time before he is able to get about.
Mr. Watt is interested in developing machines, trailers, etc., applicable to the showman's business, and has had much success in this sphere. We are sure that his many friends will .wish him a speedy recovery and will extend a hearty welcome to him on his return to " active service."
MR. COLIN J. SMITHELLS, D.Sc., has been appointed general manager of Lodge Plugs, Ltd., Rugby, as from September 1 next. He has earned an enviable reputation amongst the younger scientists of the day and is a son of Professor A. Smithells, F.R.S., the famous physicist.
Born in 1893, he studied chemistry at Leeds University, took First Honours B.Sc. in 1914, served throughout the war, rising to the rank of major, and was awarded the M.C. He then joined the General Electric research staff, taking his D.Sc. in 1921. He is chiefly interested in the application of physical chemistry and metallurgy to the electrical industry.
MR. WALTER HOLDSWORTH, controller of the spring-service branches of J. Brockhouse and Co., Ltd., this month celebrates the 30th anniversary of his joining the staff of Messrs. James Leach, which forms part of the Brockhouse organization.
In 1936 Mr. Holdsworth received his present appointment, in which he is responsible for the operations of Messrs. James Leach ; the springservice department of Messrs. Richard Berry and Sons, Aston, Birmingham ; and the Brockhouse spring-service depots in London and Glasgow. Mr. IIoldsworth is also concerned with the Brockhouse spring section's export trade.
One of the chief centres of transport education in London is the NorthWestern Polytechnic, Prince of Wales Road, London, N.W.5, which reopens on September 19 for enlistment for the next session. The senior transport lecturer, Mr. E. T. Milburn, Will attend from 6 p.m.-9 p.m. on September 20, 21 and 23. Courses will be for the preliminary, graduateship and associate membership examinations of the Institute of Transport, also for the Royal Society of Arts certificates in road transport.
White Distributors Appointed.
lArhite Distributors (Great4 Britain), Ltd., 74a, Regent Street, London, W.I. has appointed the following distributors for White commercial vehicles:—Percy Rimmer, Ltd:, 35, Norton Street, Liverpool, 3, for Lancashire, Cheshire, Flintshire, Denbighshire, Carnarvonshire, Anglesey and the Isle of Man. London will be split up between the Loughton Motor Co., Goldings Hill High Road, Loughton, Essex; The Chiswick Lorry Co., High Road, Chiswick, London, W.4 ; and Messrs. Taylor Beckman, 266, Brixton Hill, London, S.W.2 • •
Bolton's Bus Order.
We are informed by Messrs. Massey Bros. that they have secured the complete contract from Bolton Corporation for 40 double-deck bus bodies of composite construction, and not 20, as given in our issue for last week.
Shipping Guide for Hauliers.
The following is the number of ships arriving at the London docks, wharves and jetties named from August 19 to 27 inclusive :—Docxs: King George V. 5; Royal Albert, 8; Royal Victoria, 6; Surrey Commercial, 8; Vast India, 2; West India, 6; South West India, 2; Tilbury, 9; Tilbury Stage, 3; Millwall, 7 London, 2. WITARVES : Hayes, 6; Butler's, 3; Tilbury Jetty, 1; Regent's Canal, 1.
Vehicle Registrations for June.
A return recently issued by the Ministry of Transport shows that the number of new goods vehicles registered during the month of June was 5,419, compared with 6,607 in the corresponding month of 1937, the figures for hackney vehicles being 1,040 and 1,133 respectively. A full analysis of this return, so far as commercial vehicles are concerned, will be given in our issue for next week.
The Chevrolet Reappears. •
We are able to announce tO-day that the Chevrolet is to be reintroduced to the British market, and that deliveries will commence probably in December next. The range will include a 15-cwt. and a 25-cwt. model and two 3-thrillers, one with short and one with long wheelbase, and it Will be handled by General Motors, Ltd., 3, St. James's Square, London, S.W.1,
n20 New premises are being erected at Southampton, which will be the Chevrolet headquarters, whilst there will be a service organization covering the whole of Great Britain.
Big Hungarian Lorry-orders.
Accord■ng to the Hungarian journal Masehinen, the Hungarian State Railway authorities have recently given out orders for 200 new lorries: One Hungarian engineering concern is to supply 300, another 50, whilst the remaining 50 have been ordered from a German undertaking. PROHIBITION NOTICES TOO OBSCURE?
An interesting point was raised at the Daresbury Petty Sessions, Stockton Heath, last week, when Mr. G. F. Parton, of Stretton, was summoned for permitting a goods vehicle to be used at a time when a prohibition notice was in operation, also for not keeping current records. He was defended by .Mr. E. A. Whitehead, who said: "There is an old Italian saying about ' See Naples and die.' To this I offer most seriously a comparable English saying: 'Study the Road Traffic Act and qualify for the county lunatic asylum! ' " The prosecution alleged that after the issue of the prohibition notice, the vehicle was seen on the road on six occasions and it was not until two months later that defendant had the vehicle re-examined, when it was passed as fit for the road.
Mr. Whitehead said the prohibition . • notice was so worded as to make it appear, to an ordinary person, that if the defects were remedied the notice would not come into force at all. There was nothing in the notice to indicate that the vehicle must be re-examined before it could be used " The repairs," he said, " were done before the prohibition came into force, and Parton's only mistake is that he did not study the Act, and realize that he should have had the prohibition officially removed."
Mr. Mace said he could not accept that the repairs were done before the coming into force of the prohibition. The defendant was fined, the fines and costs totalling £4 Is.
S.M.T. to Supply Fire Tenders.
TheScottish Motor Traction Co., Ltd., has received from . Edinburgh Corporation an order for three Bedford fire tenders, to be used in connection with the A.R.P. scheme. These will he equipped with drawbars for trailer fire pumps.
Voluntary Overwork?
Charges of allowing its drivers to drive for more than the number , of hours permitted by law were preferred against Thomson, Ltd., Fair City Dyeworks, Perth. at Perth Sheriff Court, last week. There were 52 charges.
For the company it was pleaded that the men had worked the extra hours voluntarily, and had they wished to falsify the records they could have done SO; A fine of 410 was Unposed.
"Transport in Lancashire."
A copy of a useful book, " Transport in Lancashire," has been sent to us by the Manchester Chamber of Commerce, Ship Canal House, King Street, Manchester, 2. This is a record of the papers and speeches delivered at the representative Conference held in Manchester, last July, and can be obtained at Is. from the secretary. Digests of those papers of particular interest to our readers were included in The Commercial Motor at the time of the Conference. NEW EQUIPMENT FOR ROAD CONSTRUCTION During our inspection of the German motor roads last September, we were greatly impressed by the remarkable machines for mixing and distributing the concrete A notable feature of these is the accurate control that can be exercised over both water ratio and period of mixing. thus ensuring a constant supply of uniform quality. This is produced by the action of a powerful double-bladed paddle mixer, especially designed for " dry-mix " concrete, the product being forcibly expelled directly into the travelling distributor, which is equipped with an adjustable levelling base.
We are interested to learn that arrangements are being made to manufacture machines of this type in England, in capacities of 2, 14 and cubic yds., to span 22-24, 20-22 and 10-12 ft. respectively. Particulars can be obtained from Goodwin, Barsby and Co., Ltd., St. Margaret's Ironworks, Watling Street, Leicester,. or Mr. Eric Collinson, 00, Avonmore Road, London, W.14.
Machines of this type work at extra. ordinary speed. varying from 240 yds. per day to as much as 580 yds.
Dodge To Help In Speed Bid.
In connection with the forthcoming attempt, by Mr. John Cobb, to break the world's land speed record at Bonneville Salt Flats, Utah, the Dodge organization at Detroit has prepared a Dodge 3-tonner to act in the capacity of an auxiliary unit.
Not only will this machine carry spare tyres, wheels, tools, service equipment and a crew of mechanics, but will be used to push the prospective record breaker through the agency of a specially arranged push-rod, until a speed of approximately 20 m.p.h. is reached.
This Dodge will have to push a car weighing 8,000 lb. at 20 m.p.h. and cover 13 miles in 15 minutes in order to service the Railton car for the return trip.
Britain's Biggest Traffic Census.
No fewer than 12,000 enumerators are at present engaged in logging traffic on the roads of Britain in connection with the biggest census ever taken. The census began at a.m. on Monday last and will continue for a week. At some points the traffic has been so heavy as to be almost beyond the capabilities of one person to observe and record at the same time.
Rayon Carcases for Tyres.
News comes from America that the Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company is making passenger-vehicle tyres from rayon instead of the usual cotton base, It is claimed that these give easier riding, greater strength and more mileage. The rayon employed is not the ordinary commercial cord, but a new silk-type cord called Rayotwist. spun from rayon filaments. Its weight is only two-thirds that of the cotton now generally employed, but it is 11 per cent. stronger. Because it is thinner, more cords can be used. ROAD-TRANSPORT SECTION FOR MANCHESTER CHAMBER. Substantial support has already been received for the proposed road-transport section of the Manchester Chamber of Commerce. Membership of the section will be open to C licensees, as well as to hauliers of all classes. Details are obtainable from
the Director and Secretary, Manchester Chamber of Commerce, Ship Canal House, King Street, Manchester.
Production Engineer and Salesman Required.
A well-known maker of commercial vehicles requires a co-ordinating production engineer, also a good type of salesman for London; both must be first-class men.
Letters should be addressed to "Production Engineer" and "London Salesman," respectively, care of the Editor. RAILWAY ROAD SERVICES IN SWEDEN.
The railway companies of Sweden are operating a large number of road vehicles. The statistics for last year's traffic show that the total length of the motor route was 16,016 kiloms., or nearly the same as that of the railway lines. This shows an increase of 3,571 kiloms., or nearly 29 per cent., on the road mileage in 1938.
The road services are chiefly for passenger traffic, the buses running 41,100,000 kiloms. in 1937, and the goods vehicles 1,600.000 kiloms. At the beginning of 1938 the railways and affiliated companies operated 1,081 passenger vehicles and 235 lorries.
New Factories Act Affects Oil Storage.
Many operators of commercial vehicles will be affected by a provision of the new Factories Act, which came into operation on July 1, 1938,
relating to the storage of oil. It is coitmon practice to force oil out of the storage tank by compressed air, consequently the tank becomes an air receiver. There have been cases of such tanks and air containers bursting, as a result of the safety or reducing valve failing to function, Under the new Act it is stipulated that such tanks shall be periodically examined by competent persons and records kept of all tests executed. With the object of saving the cost of these tests and of any insurance that may also be necessary, John B. Pillin, Ltd., Church Hill, Beckenham, Kent, has produced a pump which utilizes the storage tank without rendering it an air receiver. Named the Jaybec, this pump is fitted outside the tank and impels the gravity-fed oil along the s22 delivery pipe. No air is compressed in the tank.
Actuated by compressed air this pump can be driven from an existing compressor and is, therefore, safe and economical to operate. Full details may be obtained from the manufacturer at the address given above. BETTER C.V. SALES RETURNS IN GERMANY.
Following a quiet period, there was a satisfactory renewal of demand for commercial vehicles in Germany during May last, the sales and first-time registrations in the country reaching a total of 4,742 machines as contrasted with 3,662 units in May of last year. 'The aggregate sales and first-time registrations during the five months ending with May last are returned at 18,692 units, an increase of 1,986 vehicles or nearly 12 per cent. The May total comprised 665 units with a carrying capacity up to 20 cwt., 1,189 between 1 and 2 tons, 1.355 between 2 and 3
tons, 958 between 3 and tons, 150 between 34 and 4 tons, 228 between 4 and' 5 tons. 175 between 5 and 74 tons, and 22 over 71 tons.
Injector Cleaning Undertaken.
Messrs. Wilson and Wood, 21, Britton Street, London, E.C.1, have been specializing in the cleaning of injectors for oil engines. The work usually takes three to four days and a charge of 9s. is made for each injector.
Showmen's Tractors.
Our Lttention has been drawn, by Watts (Factors), Ltd., Lydney, Gloucestershire, to the fact that this company has been marketing for four years showmen's tractors of a type similar to that described in the article entitled " The Oil Engine Invades Yet Another Sphere," that appeared in the issue of The Commercial Motor dated August 5.