Municipal Purchases and Proposals
Page 32

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Coulsdon Urban District Council is to obtain tenders For the supply of a gully emptier. CardiffCorporation has authorised the purchase of an electric 1-ton ran for the electricity department.
Durham County Council has authorized the purchase of a motor ambulance at an estimated cost of £850. Bournemouth Corporation is to obtain tenders for the .supply of a 30-ewt. lorry for the roads department. Shipley Urban District Council is to obtain tendere for the supply of e 30-eat, lorry for the cleansing departmept. Wood Croon Corporation recommends the tender of Messrs. H. Mordle and Son for the supply of a motor roller. Durham County Council has accepted the tender of William Skilbeek. Ltd., for the supply of three Commer +lorries. B ournemouth Corporation has accepted the tender of Shelvoke and Drewry, Ltd., for the supply of a gully emptier. Durham County Council has accepted the tender of Mr. A. Todd. of Wolsinghain, for the supply of six Vulcan 4-ton lorries.
Bournemouth Corporation has accepted the tender of Wallis and Steevens, Ltd., for the supply of an oil-engined road roller..
Cardiff Corporation has accepted the tender of William Lewis and Sons (Cardiff), Ltd., for the supply of three 7 h.p. Austin vans. Huyton-with-Floby Urban District Council requires a Fordson 2-ton lorry for general haulage; tenders close on August 31, Coulsdon Urban District Council has accepted the tender of Leyland Motors, Ltd., for thy supply of a motor fire-pump and escape. B ournemouth Corporation has accepted the tender of Tice and Son. Ltd., for the supply of a Bedford 2-ton chassis with hygienic refusebody. Bohm Town Council requires a Bedford motor. van, and details may be obtained from the borough and water engineer, Municipal Offices, Bacup.
Bournemouth Corporation has accepted the tender of Lee Motor Works (Bournemouth). ltd., for the supply of three Bedford 30-cwt. lorries.
Omagh Board of Guardians is to invite tenders for au ambulaoce.
Cools Town Council is considering the purchase of an ambulance Ruthin Rural District Council is in the market for a 30-cwt. motor vehicle for refuse collection; tenders close on August 24. Bagshot Rural District Council is in the market for a Fordson 2-ton chassis, suitable for mounting upon it a refuse-collection body. Tenders close on Sentember 10.
Congiston Town Council :equine an 8-ton oil-engtued road roller. Details may be obtained from -the borough surveyor, Town Hall, Congleton, tenders closing on August 27. BellIngton Urban District Connell requires tenders for the supply of a 7-cubic.yd. vehicle, Suitable for refuse co ection and general utility service; the closing date for tenders is September 5.
Dewsbury Town Council irvitee tenders for the supply of a 400-500 g.p.m. fire-engine. Specifications may be obtained from the chief constable. Town Hall, Dewsbury, and tenders close on September 7. Caetleford Urban District Council is in the market for a motor ambulance. The chief sanitary inspector, TOWn Hall, Csatleford, can furnish further details, the closing date for tenders being August 24. . West Hartlepool Town Council requires a limousine-type are pump and 35-ft. extensinn ladder. Specifications may be ebtained from the chief officer of the fire brigade, Fire Station, West Hartlepool, tenders closing on August 27. Blackpool Town Council invites tenders for the supply of a 120-ft. all-steel turntable fire escape, equipped with turbine pump. The chief officer of the fire brigade, Albert Road. Blarkpool, can supply further details, and tenders close on August 26.
Northfloot Urban District Council invites tenders for the supply of a 7-cubic-yd. petroldriven reuse collector, equipped with endtipping gear, and a petrol-driven chassis with interchangeable bodies as follow:—(1) a 350,500-gallon gully and cesspool emptier. and MI a 7-cubic-yd._ end-tipping refuse-collection body. The chief sanitary nispeetor. Council Offices Northfieet, can eupply forms of tender, the closing date being August 25.