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Transport failures hit a high

19th December 1996
Page 13
Page 13, 19th December 1996 — Transport failures hit a high
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

• Business failures in the transport industry are the highest within the British economy, according to figures released last week by accountants Deloifte & Touche.

There were nine receivership and administration order appointments during November in the sector compared to six in October.

In addition, Deloitte & Touche points out that the transport and communications sector is the only area where business failures are rising: there is a 28% increase—to 97—in appointments for the year so far, compared with 76 appointments for the same period in 1995. "Comparing the appointments in 1996 with 1995, all industry sectors except transport and communications reflected the decreasing trend," the company says. Deloifte & Touche collates its figures from the notices of appointment published in the London and Edinburgh Gazettes.