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19th December 1996
Page 8
Page 8, 19th December 1996 — BRIEFS
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

• In a written reply to a Parliamentary question, transport secretary John Bowls (above) says it is estimated five or six fatal road accidents a year involve LGV • About 1% of trucks stopped during a recent multi-agency checwere found to have faulty wheels, figures published this week reveal.

The surge in just-in-time has increased

damage to roads and the environment, says a new TDG-sponsored report Delivering A Balance—Road Freight and the Environment.

• Motorway tolls in Austria will rise from 1 January for lorries up to 12 tonnes. Costs are: one year, 12,000AS (£686); two months, 3,000AS (21711; and one week, 600A5 (£34).

Scotland Yard's antiterrorist branch has called on the vehicle rental industry to be extra vigilant in the continuing campaign against rorist r7rtIvii,. It has issued a list of guidelines.

• P&O European Ferries is to raise the cost of taking an additional driver on its Portsmouth/Bilbao route from 260 to 275 in 1997. The extra driver is entitled to a bunk and four meals.

Road groups have criti cised the Government for

cutting next year's [rt: rt supnlementcry urlqr by 238.3m. Local authorities will receive £196.7m in 1997/98 for road mainte

nance down from £235m this year.