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• Read the questions very carefully.
• The questions do not have to be answered in any particular order. Complete the questions that you find easier first, taking note of the marks on offer (these are shown against each question).
• Set out your answers in a clear, concise and logical manner.
• In questions requiring figure work, try to show all your workings, even if not specifically asked to. This enables the examiner to allow for arithmetical mistakes.
• If a question asks you to 'identify and explain', make sure that you do both. If you are asked to identify, for example, four features, make it your best four. If a number is not given, identify as many features as you can think of.
• Marks are not deducted for bad spelling, grammar or lack of neatness. However, you should make your written answers as clear as possible. • Don't be limited by the amount of space provided for your answers in the question/answer booklet. There are several
continuation sheets provided at the back, so don't hesitate to use them. Remember, though, to make it clear which question or questions are being answered on the continuation sheet.
• Remember, this is an open-book exam, so candidates are able to take any notes or books of their choice into the case-study exam. • It is worth downloading the following Vosa publications for reference. These are all available via the Vosa website: • Goods Vehicle Operator Licensing — Guide for Operators (GV74) • Rules on Drivers' Hours and Tachographs (GV262 —03)
• Guide to maintaining roadworthiness (commercial goods and passenger carrying vehicles) And finally, good luck with your exams.