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Illustrated Motoryans. By 1 The Extractor." Englishmen Wanted for Jobs.
An interesting staff dinner has just taken place in connection with one of the departments of the Dunlop Rubber Co., at Birmingham, and, following a modern custom, which to my mind is-quite commendable in such circumstances, they ran through the loyal toasts, then " our noble selves," adjourning afterwards to booked seats at the theatre, the whole forming an entertaining evening. Some care and ingenuity were expended on the menu card, which I would like to reproduce, hut lack of space precludes. The front page showed various machines, while on the back was given a pictorial representation of the arms of the engineering department, with the following description in true heraldic fashion :—The arms are, ecu, solid tire section, party per cross. The drawing, board on a field sable ; two, master templets on a field argent three, millwrighting gear on a field argent ; four, electric light and power on a field sable. The crest, draughtsman's and mechanic's arms entwined over a bar shafting motto—" Let there be light.' Supporters—dexter a mechanic, sexter a labourer. Motto'Without us, chaos." There is a timid, shrinking spirit pervading the final " motto " which is very touching.
Mr. J. H. Price, who was largely instrumental in founding the Palmer Tyre Co. in this country, and whose early management of the Armstrong-Triplex threespeed gear was characterized by a rapid success, is open for reappointment. He has ready access to the leading manufacturers in the Midlands, and his business capacity and long experience of the trade ought to make him a valuable help to any manufacturer desiring representation in the MidlandsHis address is, the Wheel Club, Queen's College, Paradise Street. Birmingham.
The advertising value of a motorvan in the streets is still a sound proposition, in spite of the novelty wearing off, if taste and originality be exercised. I have been much impressed by one turned out by the Napier people for the renowned firm of Burberry's. An illustration is given on this page which shows the sporting figures associated with their productions. It may be explained that this effect is obtained by sensitizing the panels and direct photographic printing on the panel. It seems to me that this should open up ideas to many users and prospective users of vans. Artistic and tasteful reproductions can be
et utilized by hosts of manufacturers of specialities. One has only to glance through the advertising columns of a ladies' paper, for in stance, to see the alluring possibilities of such developments_ Thu streets and the traffic would begin to be really attractive.
Two large concerns I wot of are on the look out for representatives. 1 do not think they will have to go to America for them like the G.E.R., but I am told everywhere how difficult it is to find the right man for a very responsible position. In the present instances, however, it is salesmen who are wanted, and, even at the risk of what Shakespeare called "something iteration," I would urge the younger brigade to go in for selling. It is my own opinion that there can be no better groundwork Or basis for the future man in control. Make your name as a salesman. You will in the meantime have some of the corners rubbed off. You will know how to deal with difficulties and if you ars successful you will meanwhile bs making some money.
A tire firm require a man for Lancashire, and the result of their observation is that they prefer a North Countryman for that particular post. It is an odd disability or penalty for being a Londoner: There are exceptions, of course, but, speaking generally, it is inadvisable to send a London man permanently into a provincial district. Tri the first place he is So imbued with the superiority of London that he cannot. settle down socially_ He is apt unconsciously to put on airs which in Lancashire and Yorkshire they particula-rly resent, with the result that they do not "get on." So my friends the tire concern in question, having experienced some of this' aro selecting, if possible, a North Countryman. Applicants can write in here feeling sure of a high-class representation, addressing the letter "Northern," care of THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR.
** The other individual required has to sell commercial motors in 'cite Midland Counties, being stationed at Birmingham. He will have a good range of petrol vehicles and an excellent concern and map_ agement at his hack. Here is an exceptional opportunity, and I shall be pleased to see a good response from men who naturally must have some qualifications. Fortunately the restriction as to place of origin detailed in the case of the tire man does not apply in this instance, Birmingham and London being more alike in temperament. Letters, addressed ." Midlands " to the office of this paper, will be forwarded.