M. of W.T. Scheme Discussed at A.R.O. Meeting
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AT a meeting of the Meitropoli•tan Area of A.R.O., held' on-February 9, at Caxton Hall, the chairman, 'Mr. J. F. E. Pye, s'aid that he wished to, dispose, once and for all, Of the suggestion that the S.J.C. or the associations had anything to do with the formulation of the M. of W.T. Scheme for the control of long-distance traffic.
Mr. Pye is chairman of the Finance Panel convened to consider all points of a financial character arising out of the Government Scheme. Other members of the Panel are:—Messrs. Isaac Barrie (S.C.M,U.A.), C. Bostock (N.C.E.C.), F. F. Fowler (C.M.U.A.), B. G. Turner (N.R.T.E.F.). and Major WrTaylor (N.A.F.W.R.).
The Finance Panel had mit considered it part of its duly td pass judgment on the Scheme as a whole, but to suggest certain improvements -which could be made. Until now, the main discussion had been the terms for controlled undertakings, and a number of modifications had already been secured. Mr. Pye said that for the first
time in his experience they had succeeded in making changes in something' which Was declared to be unalterable= an achievement of no little magnitude. At "the sante time, the fact that the national interest must come first had not been overlooked. Rubber and fuel niust be conserved, yet an efficient road-transport industry.kept in being. Both he and Mr. Sewill referred to the care which had been taken by the S.J.C. to safeguard the interests of the small operator.
They had asked the Ministry fcir per• mission for operators to form their own groups, but this had not been given. If, however, the Scheme be extended • to cover shorter-distance operators, it Timid be helpful if the latter were to form their oivn groups in anticipation. It seems possible that, -in any extensien, vehicles operating between 40 and 60 miles might ,be attached to, existing controlled undeftakings.' Therefore, the groups should include only those whOse vehicles do not normally run journeys exceeding 40 miles.