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"The wheels of Wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever Pointe arising, as a carriage is by the roughness of the roads over which it runs, "—John Beattie Crozier.
Lucas Obtain Control of Rotax and C.A.V.
Ever since the offer was made by Messrs. Thomson McLinteck and Co., chartered accountants, to purchase the shares of C. A. Vandervell and Co., Ltd., rumours have been current as to on whose behalf the offer was made, and it has been suggested that General Motors Corporation of America were behind the deal. In a special statement to the Editor of The Motor last week, Mr. Oliver Lucas made it quite deer that the offer was made solely and entirely on behalf of Joseph Lucas, Ltd., of Birmingham. No American influence had entered into the negotiations, and the new business developments which had taken place were absolutely and solely British in origin, and would not be other than 'Britieb. controlled.
Messrs. Lucas had acquired the whole of the ordinary capital of Rotas (Motor Aceessoriss), Ltd., and the acceptances of O.A.V. shareholders represented 90 per cent: for the deferred and 85 per cent, for the preference shares. The object in view was stated by Joseph Lucas, Ltd., to be to increase output by Standardization and to bring prices down. Further, it was not their intention to strangle the individuality of either of the two concerns in which Ines, now have a controlling interest.
Orders for Thornycrofts.
Among the interesting orders which have been received by John I. Thornycroft and Co., Ltd., since the commencement of the year—apart from that from the Aberdeen Town Council which was referred to in our last issue—is one from the National B-enzole Co., Ltd., for 10 type J chassis. This company own a large fleet of vehicles of this make and, at the present time, are running more than 100 such vehicles.
Messrs. Thornyeroft have also re. ceived a repeat order for two type J. chassis from the Leeds Industrial Cooperative Society, Ltd., who standardized upon Thornycroft vehicles in 1921.
The Second World Transport Congress.
The Second World Motor Transport Congress opened in New York at the beginning of last week and lasted for three days. In _all, nearly 200 delegates attended, as representing 50 different countries, and during the period of the Congress interesting papers were read at morning and afternoon sessions, whilst vieits to a number of prominent motor works were arranged' for the benefit of the delegates. Mr. John Willys, chairman of the Foreign Trade Committee of the National Automobile Chamber of Commerce, presided at the opening of the Conzress.
L.G.O. Co. and the Catnbrian Co.
It was announced -by the London General Omnibus Co., Ltd., some days ago that they had acquired a substantial interest in Cambrian Coaching and Goods Transport, Ltd., who have for some time been running buses on the London streets, and own one of the largest fleets of independently owned vehicles plying for hire in the The interest of the L.G.O. Co. was acquired. following a communication from the Cambrian Co. which stated that they found it necessary to make provision for further finance.
The Cambrian fleet numbers about 50 vehicles, and they have been operating on nine different routes.. The Cambrian Coaching and Goods Transport, Ltd., were registered on January 0th, 1021, although not under this title, this name having been adopted in the early part of 1922.
The original capital of the company was £10,000, but this had been ins creased to £61,000.
A Fowler Steam Wagon in Use by its Makers.
Some idea of the capacity of the Fowler steam wagon can be obtained from the illustration which appears on page 768, showing, as it does, one of the company's vehicles hauling a steam ploughing engine, weighing about 23 tons, to the railway station for delivery to its purchasers. This particular steam wagon is used by the company for shunting and general haulage work in and around their headquarters at Leeds. Before being used 'for this form of service the wagon accomplished about 7,000 miles on demonstration work, and it has since done all that is required in the way of shunting railway wagons and hauling heavy loads from the company's works to the station and stock yard. Experience has proved that the wagon will easily shunt up to 90 tons of railway rolling stock on severe gradients and also in the shops.
Walthamstow Seeking Bus Powers.
Walthamstoev municipal authorities are to promote a Bill to empower the local council to inaugurate motorbus services for the purpose of linking up tramway services and also for developing residential parts of the district. The Bill is to authorize the raising a £30,000 for the provision of 20 buses and £8,000 for the erection of a garage. although at the outset only eight buses will be required.
Situations Vacant.
We would direct the attention of those of our readers who are particularly interested to the number of announcements which appears in our" Situations Vacant" column in the small advertisement section of this issue. There is a number of pests advertised in which men are required for various branches of the industry.
M. of T. and a West Riding Bus Appeal.
The appeal of the West Riding Automobile Co., Ltd., against the refusal of the Bradford Corporation to grant them licences for buses to run on service from Drighlington into Bradford became known a few days ago, and the result is that the Ministry of Trans port upholds the application of the company. The fire-brigade and licensing Committee of Bradford has been advised by the Ministry that it cannot support its action in refusing the company lice.nces, and it asks that the committee will reconsider its decision and 'meet the requirements of the company. So long ago as November, 1924, an official inquiry was held into the company's application, but certain factors intervened and a further inquiry was held in December laSt.
This particular application may have a hearing upon a number of others of which consideration has been deferred pending the decision of the Ministry in this particular ease, and some of these include proposals for running buses into Bradford from other outside centres.
Berliet's House Magazine.
The January issue of "The Berliet Times," which is the monthly house organ published in the interests of Automobiles M. Berliet, contains, amongst other interesting features, details of the company's range of passenger-carrying vehicles which are suitable for different forms of service. In addition, details are given of Berliet ambulances. and tipping wagons, and a list is included of those vehicles of different types which are available for immediate delivery. A copy of the magazine can be obtained from the company at Richmond Bridge Works, Twickenham, near London.
A Treatise on Worm Gearing.
A treatise has just been issued by David Brown and Sons (Hudders-. field), Ltd. Park Works, Lockwood, Huddersfield, which deals in a very thorough and authoritative manner with the subject of worm gearing for motor vehicles. The book is divided into four Sections, these dealing with the final transmission, the DBS patent worm gear, worm-gear design and the application of the DDS warm gear, The contents of the book have been prepared by the technical staff of the company, and the subject is not
treated on the surface, but dealt with in a comprehensive and highly skilled manner, and, as the company have had many years' experience in connection with the production of all forms of worm gearing for automobile transmissions, their views must command much respect.
Allen-Liversidge in India.
Allen-Liversidge, Ltd., inform us that they have just registered a company in Bonsbdy under the title of AllenLiversidge (India), Ltd., with the object of carrying on the business of dissolved acetylene manufacturers, carbide merchants and lighting and heating engineers in India.
A Leyland Fleet in Canada.
There is a number of Leyland vehicles in use in Cartada, and amongst the prominent fleets of this make is that owned by the J. E. Russell Co., Ltd., builders' supplies merchants, of Toronto. This company's fleet in
eludes a number of Leyland Q models, which are generally used for carrying sand, and have a capacity of 5 cubic yds., whilst they also employ several Model C chassis of this make, each of which hag a capacity of 2 cubic yds. In addition to these vehicles, they own a number of 4-ton lorries, whilst a subsidiary organization known as the Independent Concrete Pipe Co., Ltd., of Toronto, also employ vehicles of the same make.
A number of the Leyland vehicles is shown in the picture which we reproduce on this page, the photograph having been taken at the place where the company's loading bins dare installed.
Motorbuses Win Through.
Two years ago, when the Rawtenstall Corporation proposed the establishment of a motor omnibus service, the Property Owner's' Association was the greatest opponents of the scheme, which has since proved to be one of the most profitable of the corporation's undertakings. In its annual report, just issued, the Rawtenstall Property Owners' Association expresses the opinion that buses are of great utility in getting from town to town, and that the age of tramways is almost ended. "We fought the matter," the report adds, "not because of their usefulness. but because we felt, and still feel, that corporations should not be traders."
A Flexible "Organic Glass." A New Discovery.
An interesting chemical product, fully reported in to-day's issue of our associated journal The Motor, consists of an organic substance appropriately termed "organic glass," because it exhibits many of the properties of ordinary glass ; it is perfectly transparent, colourless, unaffected by the atmosphere or the hottest weather conditions, non-inflammable and is sufficiently hard to be safe from accidental scratching. With all these characteristics this remarkable substance combines a great degree of flexibility, and is unsplinterable, fracturing, when bent excessively, 'without 'sharp or jagged edges.
In short, "organic glass" would seem to possess the desirable qualities of ordinary glass without its dangerous characteristics, and should, therefore, be eminently suitable for windscreens, windows and a host of other purposes.
Its strength, in the form of sheets, is adequate to prevent distortion or sagging, and its specific gravity is only one-half that of ordinary glass. Another important property is that "organic glass" is transparent to ultraviolet rays, which are cut off by ordinary glass.
The new substance is only one of a newly discovered chemically allied " family " which possesses great possibilities for the paint and varnish, textile, electrical and-. other industries. Complete data are not yet available, but we are assured that "organic glass" will be produced and marketed at commercially practicable prices.
Bristols for a Fuel Company.
The Bristol Tramways and Carriage Co., Ltd., Tramways Centre, Bristol, advise us that they have received an order from the British Petroleum Co., Ltd., for six 4-ton chassis of their manufacture, and that this constitutes the fifth repeat order received from this fuel company.
A Huge Cheque for Licences.
At the beginning of last week the London General Omnibus Co., Ltd., drew a cheque in favour of the London County Council for £321,796, this being in connection with the renewal of licences for the " General " fleet of omnibuses. This makes a total for the present year of £331,909.
Annual Bus Inspections.
At a meeting of the Hull Watch Committee the chief constable reported that he had circulated other licensing authorities as to the procedure adopted with regard to the inspection of vehicles. He submitted the replies received, from which it appeared that, although in some eases the procedure adopted was different from that in Hull, yet in no case was an annual inspection dispensed with altogether, as suggested by the deputation from the Heavy Motor Vehicle Defence Association.
The committee decided that in future, instead of confining the annual inspection to two days as hitherto, to spread it over a stipulated period, and that arrangements be made for so many vehicles to be inspected at a given date, and that a rota of members of the subcommittee to attend such inspections be drawn up.
C.M.U.A. and Bridge Weights.
As a result of complaints by the Liverpool Area Committee of the Commercial Motor Users Association regarding the limitation of weights on Penkford Bridge, the Lancashire County Council has intimated its willingness to make the necessary alterations, but it has been unable to come to an agreement with the London, Midland and Scottish Railway Co., who are the responsible authorities.
Hutchinson Tyres in Scotland.
We are informed that Mr. W. P. Nisbet, son of the late Mr. J. R. Nisbet, founder of Bowden Wire, Ltd., has been appointed manager of the Glasgow depot of Messrs. Hutchinson, who make a range of tyres for various types of motor vehicle. Mr. 'Nisbet will have his headquarters at 60-62, West Regent Street, Glasgow, and will be the company's representative for the whole of Scotland.
Orders for the Guy Premier Six. One of the outstanding exhibits of Guy Motors, Ltd., on the occasion of the last Commercial Vehicle Show at Olympia was the Premier Six chassis, which is designed to carry 26-35-seatcr bodies and to meet the demand for a high-speed passenger model. Its outstanding features include a six-cylinder C92
Knight sleeve-valve engine, which develops 45 h.p. at 1,000 r.p.m. and 76 h.p. at 2000, r.p.m., a patent form of sub-frame whereby engine and transmission are insulated from stresses due to main frame distortion, whilst frontwheel brakes can be fitted if required.
This chassis is attracting the attention of many users, and, apart from seeuring a large contract for this type of vehicle from 'South America the com pany have obtained an order for Premier Six chassis from the Liverpool Corporation, and also one for nine similar chassis from Messrs. Keith and Boyle, of London, who are the proprietors of the Orange motor coaches.
" . . . is in the Eating Thereof."
"The Proof of the Pudding" is the apt title given to a brochure -which Alfred Herbert, Ltd., Coventry, have just issued. It contains a number of pages of illustrations of the company's machine tools installed in the works of many of their customers, each being accompanied by an expression of opinion relating to the efficiency and cost reducing capabilities of the machines. The brochure is attractively produced and the illustrations are remarkably clear. A Bus Station for Carlisle.
Municipalities in the North of England have of late begun to appreciate the necessity for the provision of recognized motorbus stations and suitable accommodation for welling passengers. Already two or three of these stations are in use, and the Carlisle Corporation has now decided to meet an urgent local deficiency by the erection of a fine passenger waiting-room at a cost of about £1,000. There are at the present time nearly 100 metorbuses which are engaged on regular service to and frem that city.
Another Cup for Liverpool Users. With a view to stimulating more competition in the haulage contractors' classes at the Liverpool Parade, organized by the local branch of the Commercial Motor Users Association, another challenge cup will be offered for competition at this year's parade, the donors being W. and R. Jacob, Ltd. The cup will be awarded to the best petrol vehicle owned by a haulage con tractor. This will make fonr silver challenge cups in all. The other three are :—The Sentinel Cup, for the best fleet of three steam vehicles of any make ; the Thornyeroft Cup, for the best fleet of three petrol vehicles ef any make ; and the Fairrie Cup, for the best steam vehicle of any make which is paraded by a haulage contractor.
Seiherling Tyres.
We are informed that the Seiberliug Tyre Co. (Great Britain), Ltd., 19, Summer Row, Birmingham, have been formed to take over the sole representation in Great Britain of the products of the Seiberling Rubber Co. Mr. Seiberling was one of the pioneers of the tyre industry.
The company are making a speciality of pneumatic tyres for lorries and buses, and are marketing sizes up to and including those of 404n. by 8-in. dimensions. They are making a point in their sales policy of drawing attention to the fact that their tyres can only be obtained through their own sales organization or their authorized agents.
Local Proceedings.
Woodford "Urban District Council is to purchase a motor ambulance at a cost not exceeding £500.
Oldham Corporation has decided to purchase a 2-ton motor lorry for the cleansing department.
East Ham Corporation haa decided to invite quotations for the supply of a motor road sweeper, Stretford Corporation is to purchase two small delivery vans for the electricity department at a cost of about 1350.
. Wakefield Corporation has accepted the tender of Merryweather and Sons, Ltd., at £590, for the supply of a trailer fire pump.
Bradford Corporation is to obtain tenders for the supply of a 1-ton motor lorry and two motorcycles for the water department.
The highways committee of the Torquay Corporation recommends the purchase of additional motor vehicles for refuse collection.
Bangor City Council has adopted the recommendation of its general purposes committee to purchase a motor tireengine for £1,230.
The tramways committee of the Hull Corporation has decided to obtain particulars regarding petrol and electric tower wagons.
The tramways committee of the Chesterfield Corporation has decided to run a motorbus service between New Whittington and Barrow Hill.
The tramways committee of the Sheffield Corporation. has decided to extend the Heeley motorbus route when road repairs have been carried out.
The health Committee of the Hull Corporation has accepted the tender of the Paragon Motor Co., Ltd., for the supply of two motorvans at a cost of £191 10s. 6d. each.
Birkenhead Corporation has accepted the tender of the Mersey Motor Co., of Birkenhead, for the supply of ten double-deck motorbuses at £1,500 each, subject to fluctuations in tyre prices.
The 1924 report of the paving committee of the Manchester Corporation mentions that several tests of devices to prevent mud-splashing have been made during the year, but without conspicuous success.
Gloucester City Council has just decided to abandon the running of tramears on the Tuffley route and to remove the track. Trolley-buses, or omnibuses will be run instead on this and a subsidiary route.
The cleansing committee of the Bradford Corporation has accepted the tender of the Laere Motor Car Co., Ltd., to supply three motor sweeping machines for £1,725, less an allowance of £350 for three old Laere machines.
Bradford Corporation has accepted the tender of the Associated Equipment Co., Ltd., to supply three trolleybuses for £4,013 Sc, 6d., and also that of Richard Garrett and Sons, Ltd., to supply three other trolley-buses for the sum of 15,040.
The bus committee of the Merthyr Corporation recently attended a demonstration of a life-saving apparatus and instructed the omnibus superintendent to report upon the practicability of the apparatus being given a thorough trial on one of the corporation's omnibuses.
Birkenhead Corporation is seeking sanction to borrow £675 for the purchase of a 2-ton motor, lorry for the water department.
Birkenhead Corporation has accepted the tender of Henley's Tyre and Rubber Co., Ltd., for the supply of motorbus tyres for one year.
The electricity committee of the Portsmouth Corporation recommends acceptance of the tender of Portsmouth Commercial Motors, Ltd., for the supply of a motor lorry with a sliding tilt at 1369 10a., with the option of purchasing a second vehicle on the same terms within four months.
The Darlington Fire Brigade has just strengthened its motor fleet by the addition of a 65 h.p. 500-gallon Leyland fire-engine and escape. The' ladder, which is in four sections, can be raised to a height of 65 ft. in 10 secs., and will enable the brigadesmen to reach the top of any local building.
The tramways committee of the Birkenhead Corporation has again considered tenders for the supply of three special-type motorbuses, and has accepted the tender of the Mersey Motor Co., of Birkenhead, at 13,585.
Goodyear Tyre Folders.
The Goodyear Tyre and Rubber Co. "(Great Britain), Ltd., Lots Road, London, S.W.10, have just issued a new series of folders dealing with the various types of tyre which they make for use on goods and passenger-carrying vehicles. The folders relate to pneumatic cushion -tyres, heavy-duty cushion and giant pneumatic tyres, and each type of tyre incorporates the company's non-skid all-weather tread.
Vickers' Bodywork Shops on Overtime.
The large bodyworks of Vickers, Ltd., Crayford,Kent, are, we are told, very fully occupied and working overtime on a number of contracts, including vehicles required for the Plymouth and Newport Corporations and a number of transport companies, as well as chassis builder.
Commercial bodywork at Crayford is carried out in one of the largest shops of its kind in-the country,
A Bus Amalgamation.
It is stated that the Westmorland Motor Services, Ltd., who were recently formed, have amalgamated with the Lancaster and District Tramways (Fahys, Ltd.) and the Lamhsfield Motor Services, Ltd., and that in future they will carry on the business under the title of the Lancashire and Westmorland Motor Services, Ltd. The capital of the company has been increased to £75,000, and their activities will now extend from Keswick to Morecambe and within 10 miles of Preston.
The company have ordered a large number of new Leyland motorbuses and coached, and these, it is stated, will shortly be placed in service. e , Edison Batteries for Bus Work.
Edison Accumulators, Ltd., 15, Upper George Street, London, W.1, inform us that their all-steel accumulators are giving satisfactory service for the light lag of independently owned omnibuses operating in London under an interesting hire maintenance scheme. This scheme, we are told, is particularly useful to the small owner Whose fleet is not sufficiently large to justify the employment of a competent electrician.
The Edison all-steel battery is being standardized for lighting purposes by a number of large bus-operating companies throughout Great Britain.
A Thornycroft Hounds Van.
On the first page of our feature, "Problems of the Haulier and Carrier" appearing in this issue, an illustration is published in which a Thornycroft 30cwt.-type Al van occupies a prominent position at a meet of the Vine Hunt, ivhose kennels are in the vicinity of Overton, Hants., in which village the Picture was taken.
John I. Thornycroft and Co., Ltd., have fitted up this vehicle as a hounds van for demonstration purposes, and they expect a good demand for this type of vehicle after the successful trials which they have given of its usefulness for transporting bounds from their kennels to the scene of the meets. By transporting thse hounds! direct to the meet, the animals do not slitter from fatigue, and this is a point which every huntsman will appreciate.
Recent Karrier Orders.
Amongst recent orders which Karrier Motors, Ltd., Karrier Works, Huddersfield, have received are the following :A 25-seater bus for Camplejohn Bros., Darfield, Barnsley ; a 29-seater passenger chassis for Messrs. W. F. Poole, of Dublin ; a 26-seater bus for Messrs. J. Owen, of Pwllheli, N. Wales; a 26seater all-weather coach for Messrs. S. Whittaker, of Guiseley, Yorks; a 2-ton chassis for Messrs. F. Kenning and Sons, Clay Cross ; and a large repeat order for 2-ton chassis for the L.11. and SS Railway Co.
A 21-mile Journey Takes Seven Days.
In a short article which we published a few weeks ago we referred to the fact that, when awkward and heavy loads are being transported by road, it often takes days to complete a journey on account of the obstacles which tire encountered or the circuitous route which may have to be taken. There can, however, be few instances where the haulage of a difficult load for a distance of 21 miles has taken so long as seven days. This, however,
was the case with the steam navvy which is shown in a picture appearing on the L---_ page, and which was hauled by two Holt caterpillar tractors from Aldershot to Bradfield, Berks.
The weight of the steam navvy was 36 tons, and the route which was taken had to be so planned that overhead tramway wires were avoided. The height of the load, too, also rendered it necessary to halt at certain places to lop overhanging tree branches. Two tractors were employed to undertake the haulage of the appliance, and, when descending a hill, one of them was used at the rear to serve as a brake.
A Ford Dealer's Social.
Harold J. Willett, Ltd., High Street, Colchester, who are authorized Ford dealers, entertained their customers and friends at a function which was held at the opening of the New Year. Approximately 500 guests attended, and during the evening Mr. Willett, in accordance with the custom of the company, presented bonus cheques to the staff, the amount varying according to the length of service of each employee.
New F.W.D. Models.
The Four Wheel Drive Auto Co., of Clintonville, Wisconsin, have recently brought out a number of new models with the object of covering all classes of activity embraced by vehicles of 3-ton capacity. So that different .needs can be met, these models are built either with the engine in front of the driver's seat or under it, as in their standard Model B chassis. The new I3SU and BSD models are similar in general appearance to the Model B, but they are arranged to give six speeds forward and two reverse. Other models are the M. MSU and MSD, which are shortwheelbase heavy-duty lorries, built for dealing with loads up to n tons and designed to withstand a certain amount of overloading.
A.E.C. Trolley-buses for Bradford.
The tramways authorities of the Bradford Corporation have placed an order for three Model 607 A.E.C. trolley-bus chassis, which are to be fitted with 36-seater bodies, in which the passenger entrance is located in the centre.