OPINIONS and QUERIES Road Licences for Two Years. Disagreement on Cattle Transport. Points on Forming a Clearing
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Why not Road-service Licences for Two Years?
[3630] Sir,—We are in the year 1932 and still there is an enormous number of applications to be dealt with by the Traffic Commissioners for the 1931 season.
At every sitting there have been hints by the Commissioners that they have much work on hand, and the realization of this fact by applicants has meant in many cases that they have refrained from amplifying their cases to any great extent; they have regretted this step where an appeal has been necessary and when they have discovered that no new evidence was admissible.
The Metropolitan Commissioner has on many occasions sat until 8 p.m., and, however much we may disagree with their decisions, none of us feels that it is justifiable to ask Commissioners to work those hours; some claim that, in fairness to all parties, there should be a Section 19 to govern Commissioners' hours.
Is not the solution to the whole matter the extension of the validity of a road-service licence to a period of two years? The cost could be double that of the existing licence so that the cost of administration would be amply covered. Commissioners could in this way afford more time for hearings; they would be better able to arrange hearings on actual days and not to keep applicants in attendance for several days; time would allow of more frequent conferences between the Commissioners, and this would mean the removal of many anomalies ; also, there would be a great relief to applicants in the time and money saved by such a step.
Against it we have the possible continuance of a licence when there has been no proved public need— but would any Commissioner refuse a licence on the grounds that one year's working had shown it to be unnecessary? Surely every Commissioner would say that he would give another chance to see if conditions were exceptional.
Against it, also, is the need for amendment of the Act. Although the Ministry looks upon such a suggestion in the light of vandalism, we cannot see any difficulty whatever in this. Although we understand that it is simpler to repeal it, we feel perhaps that that would be asking too much.
F. A. FUN,
London, S.W.1. for M.T. Co.
The Haulage of Cattle.
[3631] Sir,—Regarding the article on the carriage of live stock which was published recently in The Commercial Motor, being one of these live stock carriers I disagree with " S.T.R.'s " views.
In the first place he mentions the use of a winch for the loading of refractory cattle. I think if he was seen to use the winch he would very ,soon be B36 summoned, as I have been. Secondly, he gives the price of carrying sheep from Liverpool market to the abattoir, a distance of two miles, as 6d. per head end 10s. a cow or bull, 15s. for two, which I think is ridiculous. If I know the Liverpool butchers, I think that the price will be about the same as at Manchester, which is about the same distance and is lid, per head for sheep.
Again, the weight of a cow he gives as 560 lb.; if he had said 10 cwt, he would have been nearer (they are often 12 or 13 cwt.); as for bulls I have had several over 18 cwt, in my wagons, and one a few weeks ago was 23 cwt.
I understand that the article was written for those about to commence in the business. I notice " S.T.R." did not mention the 15 per cent. that the Government grant the railway on such haulage and the people he will have to deal with being business men he will have to take this into consideration. It is true that " mentioned the Ministry of Agriculture regulations, but he did not give a good impression of the humbug of all this.
One last word, if the man who is thinking of taking 'up this class of work is not used to driving a bargain, tell him to keep out or he will soon be insolvent.
Rochdale. B. BLEASDALE.
[All the figures given in the article on cattle haulage are actual examples of what is being done and what has been done. It is, of course, quite possible for a winch to be used in a way which any humane man would deprecate, and in those circumstances we can well understand the user being summoned. The rates quoted for Liverpool are actual. The weights quoted for cattle are for what are called "store beasts." It is well known, of course, that the weights vary within very wide limits.
We do not see what purpose could have been served by reference to the rebate on railway rates, and we do not agree that the Ministry of Agriculture regulations are all humbug.—S.T.R.]
Forming a Clearing House.
[3632] Sir,—Being readers of your excellent journal we would appreciate your advice on a question that is giving us considerable anxiety. We have been carrying on business as haulage contractors for the past three years and are now thinking of opening a clearing house. We shall be pleased if you will inform us as to what type of policy we should be required to take out for insurance, and in what way we can bind people as sub-contractors not to go direct to our customers, also as to any other regula
tion we will have to comply with. CONTRACT.
London, will, [The answers to your questions are mainly negative in character. There is no special form of insurance policy designed to cover the risks of a clearing house. You should negotiate for an "All-risks Goods in Transit" policy to cover all the loads for which you are responsible. It is possible to obtain a policy which can be varied according to the risks run, so that the premium you pay is proportionate to the work done. If you cannot arrange this with your usual insurers I can give you the name of a broker who will arrange it for you.
It is impossible to bind sub-contractors in the way you suggest. You might enter into an agreement with each sub-contractor, but it would be practically impossible to enforce it.
There are no regulations which specially apply to clearing houses.—S.T.R.]
Charges for Miscellaneous Haulage.
[3633] Sir,—I am commencing a haulage business and should be pleased if you could give me some information.
What charge per mile should be made for haulage with a Morris-Commercial 30-cwt. truck, myself as driver, and no mate?
Work will generally be for 5 miles to 15 miles, with load and return empty, although back loads will be carried where possible.
I shall have one day per week regular work for the truck as a start, and want to be in a position to quote for all classes of work to fill up with.
For instance, I shall want to quote for conveying a load of sheep or pigs to market, a distance of 5 miles. Loading coke loose, a similar distance, day work delivering parcels and cases of sweets for a local firm, loading corn on rail at so much per quarter, conveying beet from farm to factory, a distance of 20 miles and returning empty.
[The charge you''must male per mile depends upon the weekly mileage you cover. You should obtain about 8d. per mile, assuming that you are able to get an average week's work. If you apply the foregoing to all the various examples you have quoted you will not be wide of the mark.
You must bear in mind, however, that this 8d. per mile relates to the whole distance covered. For example, if you are considering the cartage of pigs from farm to station, the distance being five miles, you must bear in mind that your total mileage will be measured from your garage whence you start, to the garage again when you return, any at least 10 miles, so that your charge in that case will have to be 0s. 8d.
You will also have to increase your charges in the event of any particular job involving considerable delays in loading or unloading or from any other cause.— S.T.R.]
A Question as to Driving Hours.
[3634] Sir,—Can you please tell me the total number of hours per day that a local transport driver can work under the Road Traffic Act? In a booklet which has been issued it is stated that a driver may not do more than five and a half hours without a break of half an hour, and then I suppose another five and a half hours and he must finish for that day. I have been told that bus drivers must not do any more than eight and a half hours per day. If that is so, why should lorry drivers be required to do more?
I commence work at 8 a.m. and continue until 1 p.m., then from 2 p.m. until between 6.30 p.m. and 7.30 p.m. Some drivers whom I know commence work at 8 a.m. and finish at 8.30 p.m., with merely one hour break at midday.
If these drivers ask for a little consideration they are told that there are plenty of men available.
I think that driving in a town is more strain on a driver than driving in the country.
If you have some copies of the Road Traffic Act please send me three.
• I shall look in The Commercial Motor with great interest for anything that appears concerning the Road
Traffic Act. DRIVER. Leicester. [You appear to have misunderstood the object of Section 19 of the Road Traffic Act, which deals with the hours of work for drivers of commercial motor vehicles. The section does not deal with the number of hours per day that a transport driver is required to work, but with the limitation of time for which drivers of certain vehicles may remain continuously on duty. The section applies equally to owner drivers as to paid drivers.
The section provides that no person may drive, or cause, or permit any person employed by him to drive for any continuous period of more than live and a half hours, or for continuous periods amounting to more than 11 hours in any period of 24 hours commencing two hours after midnight. Any two or more periods of time are counted as continuous unless separated by an interval of not less than half an hour, in which the driver is able to obtain rest and refreshment.
There. is no objection to your being employed to work from 8 a.m.-1 p.m. and from 2 p.m.-7.30 p.m., as that makes a total of 101 hours on duty, made up of two periods of five hours and five and a half hours with a break of one hour between the two periods.
The special provision with regard to bus drivers is that they may be employed for one continuous period of eight and a half hours without the half-hour break at the end of five and a half hours, so long as they are allowed periods of time amounting in all to not less than 45 minutes for looking over their vehicles before and after starting, and for lay over.
We regret that we are unable to send you copies of the Road Traffic Act (1930). It is published by H.M. Stationery Office, and it can be obtained from any bookseller at the price of 2s. per copy.
We dealt at some length with the question of hours of driving in our issue of May 5th, 1931.
Any driver who is required to drive for periods which are not allowed under the Act should take up the matter with his employer, as those who do not observe the Actare taking an unfair advantage of those who do observe it.—En.]
Starting a Parcels-delivery Service.
[3635] am thinking of starting in business on my own account, but before doing so I shall esteem it a favour if you could let me have particulars of the running costs of a Morris-Cowley saloon, to be let out on hire with or without driver. Could this vehicle be used for carrying parcels from a wholesale tobacconist and confectioner to his customers? What would be the cost for a Morris-Commercial or Dennis 2-tonner? This machine I propose to use for general haulage. Would you advise me to work for clearing houses? I am rather in the dark about this work.
ii I have not approached any of the local mills or works round here, but I was thinking of seeing the local secretary of the Chamber of Trade for Rochdale and asking his advice as to whether it would be advisable to approach the local stores and shops, such as drapers, etc., with regard to starting a parcels service ; that is, asking their customers to have their parcels sent home per carrier. Would it be best to charge a fixed rate per parcel—say, 3d. for 10 lb. or 14 lb.—or offer to clear the parcels from each place for a fixed weekly sum,
irrespective of the number of parcels?. PARCELS. Castleton.
[A cony of The Commercial Motor Tables of Operating Costs has been sent to you. You will find data relating to costs and charges for hire cars on Table XV and for the 2-tonner on Table I.
There is no objection to using a Morris-Cowley car for carrying parcels so long as it is licensed and insured accordingly. You will have to license it as a goods vehicle, paying the tax of £15 per annum.
The rates which are usually paid by clearing houses are insufficient to enable you to make a reasonable profit on this work, and if that were your only prospect I should advise you to leave the business alone.
Whether you charge for your parcels according to the .number of parcels or by contract at a flat rate depends entirely upon the class of work. There is nothing especially in favour of either method. The essential thing is to obtain, as a minimum revenue, that which is given in the Tables for the appropriate weekly mileage.—S.T.R. ,