The Wheels of Industry.
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"Tne wheel of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is
by the roughness of the roads over which Et runs."—John Beattie Crozier.
Export Licences.
The British Foreign Office announces that the French Government has stopped the issuing of licences for the importation into France and Algeria of both motorcars and motor lorries, except in cases where proof of despatch piaor to the 1st inst, can be given.
Dr. T. Blackwood Murray.
Congratulations to Mr. T. Blackwood Murray, 13.&%, and to his brother directors of the Albion Co., on the conferment, on the 11th inst., of the degree of Doctor of Science upon him by his University. —Edinburgh. His thesis was entitled " Some researches and inventions in hydraulic, electrical and motor-vehicle engineering."
Scottish Shale Oil.
Dr. Addison, Minister of Muni. tions, last week, in the House of Commons, replying to a question by Mr. Joynson-flicks, said that, as a result of the steps which had been taken, there had been an increase in the production of shale oil in Scotland, and that it was hoped still further to increase the output in the near future. With regard to the important question of storage accomroadation, Dr. Addison replied that he was informed that ample storage was available, Motorbus Fares.
The necessity for raising motorbus fares was recognized in many provincial areas more than a year ago. London proprietors have only been forced to move more recently, following increases of
wages and costs of material. All the changes have in part been due to lower mileages, consequent upon the shortage of fuel. Whilst all halfpenny fares have been abandoned, other fares, for longer stages, in which a halfpenny forms a part, have been increased to thenext even number of halfpennies. We observe that, at Brighton, the necessary alterations have usually been effected by shortening the distance covered by the existing fares.
Hiring Rates from the Forage Department.
Considerable dissatisfaction has existed for some time past amongst users who have had to hire road vehicles and engines to the Forage Department of the War Office, in respect of the rates of hire. Representations are now being made to the Financial Secretary to the War Office, through the Commercial Motor Users Association and the Traction Engine Owners and Users Association.
We understand that there is similar dissatisfaction in respect of the manner in which threshing machines are being used. In this case, rates and methods are criticised.
City of London Motor Volunteer Corps : National Guard Squadrons.
An additional heavy squadron is in course of formation in connection with the lst/3rd (National Guard) Squadrons of the City of1London Motor Volunteer Corps. The class of work covered by the Corps, apart from any compulsory requirements in the event of attempted or threatened invasion, includes :—(1) conveyance of troops to working points, for trench digging, field exercises, musketry and other training; (2) conveyance of arms, stores and equipment ; (3) conveyance of . wounded soldiers ; (4) M.T. practice in convoy running and march discipline. There are still a few motorvans and motor lorries, private motorcars and motorcycles required, to 'complete the establishment of the squadron. Owners who are willing to assist in this branch of the scheme of home defence are invited to communicate with LieuVenant and ActingAdjutant F, G. Bristoiv, at the headquarters, 83, Pall Mall, S.W. 1.
Coal-gas: Latest.
Messrs, Andrew Barton Bros. of . Beeston, Notts., have now supplied close upon 300 flexible gas-holders, for the equipment of as many commercial motors. Upwards of 90 orders are in hand for additional supplies, many of them being repeat orders. Arrangaments are being made for considerable extensions of output.
The matter of relief at the hands
of coal-gas promises to attract the attention of the Government at no distant date. The fact that petrol is already being replaced at a. rate in excess of half-a-million gallons per annum, by the use of flexible gas-holders, has made a distinct impression on both Sir Albert Stanley, President of the Board of Trade, and on Sir Evan Jones, Bart., M.Inst.C.E. Chairman of the Petrol Control bepartment.
The Sunderland Corporation is selling eoal-gas,. for use in one of its own motorvans, at one shilling per 1000 cubic ft. "at the gasometer." '
This is equivalent to petrol at 3d. per gallon. The Sunderland Gas Co., of which Mr. Roman ES., Cox is secretary, pays 2s. id. a gallon for petrol, and its adapted motorvan (a 20 h.p. Studebaker), according to our contemporary, " The Gas World," is showing a saving nearly £5 a month on the fuel. This economy for a small van compares, of course, with an even greater saving per week, for a vehicle of the three-ton. size.
The Motorbus Department of the Todmorden Corporation is now making good progress with the use of coal-gas as a substitute for and Auxiliary to petrol, in connection with its public services. Very considerable economies are assured, quite apart from the advantage of, being able to continue to put travelling facilities at the disposal of workers in the distriat. The' sacrifice, of the top-deck seats on a, double-decker has been sanctioned, and the departure may lead to preference for large single-deckers. Straker-Squire Booklet.
We omitted to make it clear, in our issue of last week, that StrakerSquire (1913), Ltd., of Nelson Square Blackfriars S.E. 1/ will be • happy io send a copy of its illustrated booklet, entitled "Our Part in the War," to any applicant. No doubt snot a few readers of TB.E COMMERCIAL MOTOR will be desirous to apply. A postcard will be sufficient.
Steam-wagon Sales.
Messrs. F. W. Berkeley and Co., of 39, Victoria 'Street, London,. S.W. 1, report that, amongst recent sales of steam wagons through them as intermediaries are a fiveton Foden arid two five-ton Aveling and Porters to Macdonald, Ltd., timber merchants and shipowners, of Union Stfeet, Inverness, and a five-ton Burrell to Messrs. Massey and Williams, of Manchester.
British v. German Trade.
. A group of British capitalists and manufacturers, with a live business organization, is desirous to cooperate in financing or manufacturing on a large scale any lines of wares which were previously in the hands of Germans. This group has already successfully taken up at least one business which was largely monopolized by alien ene: mica. Any holders of patents, or others who a're interested in this announcement, can communicate with the group by addressing themselves to "Development," care of the Editor.
A first and final dividend of 9s. 10d. in the has been declared in the winding up of the Market Harborough and District Motor Traction Co., Ltd. The dividend is payable at the official receiver's office, 1, Berridge Street, Leicester.
At extraordinary general meetings of the Car Owners Supply Association, Ltd., resolutions were adopted that the society be wound up voluntarily, and that Mr. Alan R. Berkeley, Solicitor, 35, Lincoln's Inn Fields, W.C., be appointed liquidator.
Notice is given of the following dissolutions of partnership (1) between Alfred Charles Wright and Gabriel Douhairet, carrying on business as manufacturers and manufacturers' agents of motor, electrical, and ignition accessories at 64, Poland Street, Oxford Street, W., under the style of Leo Ripault and Co. All debts due and owing by the late firm will be received and paid by Gabriel Douhairet ; (2) between Ernest Childs and Frederick John Hill, carrying on business as motor repairers and engineers, at 137, Belgrave Gate, Leicester, under the style of F. J. Hill and
Notice is given of the dissolutions of the following partnerships :—(1) between John Hacking and John William Strickland, carrying on business as general motor carriers, at Lowl?Moor, Glitheroe, " under the name of Strickland and Hacking All debts due and owing by the late firm will be received and paid by John Hacking, and the business will be carried on by ,John William Strickland in his own name ; (2). between Frederick Peel and Walter Peel, carrying on business as. motor garage proprietors, etc., at Alfreton, Derbyshire, under the title of W. Peel and Sons. All debts due and owing by the late firm will be received and paid by Frederick Peel ; (3) between George Lilley, Percy John Snead and Henry )Smith, carrying on. business as motor and carriage proprietors, at the Old Mews, King's Norton, Birmingham.
The BurfordwCieveland Tractor.
There has just arrived in this country a tractor which, as we recently stated in an account of our interview with Mr. H. G. Burford, will be known over here as the Burford-Cleveland. This tractor embodies the experience extending over many years of Mr. H Rollin White, one of the founders of the White Truck Co.,, of America. In addition, there has arrived a sample machine known as the " Once-over-Tiller,", which can be drawn either by tractor or horses, and at one operation ploughs the land and leaves a complete seed bed behind it. The capabilities of these two implements were demonstrated on Blackbrook Farm, Ditchling, belonging to Mr. S. F. Edge, on Tuesday, before a gathering representative of agricultural interests in this country.
The motor of the Burford-Cleve
land tractor is of the four-cylinder heavy type, the power being transmitted to an endless track 6 ins. wide, the surface contact being 56 ins., long, so that 600 sq. ins, of traction surface are employed.
Woman-driver Available.
We know of a, competent womandriver who is desirous of obtaining employment. She would like to act as driver of a. van or of a doctor's car.. Any locality, and immediately available. Any letters addressed Oxford, care of this journal, will be forwarded.
A Lady Storekeeper Available.
The storekeeper of our late Campaign Comforts Fund, a lady, is desirous to obtain an engagement in a, similar capacity, either to a war organization, or in some branch of the motor industry. Accuracy, care and devotion to duty were shown by this lady in the course of her engagement by the Campaign Comforts Fund. She is at liberty to accept an immediate appointment. Fuller particulars may be obtained on written application to the Editor. London district only.
Classified Advertisements.
Recent additions to announcements from readers of this journal, on the pages which are devoted to small (classified) advertisements at the end of the issue, now promise to include interesting references to agrimotors, ploughs, agricultural implements, coal-gas carburetters and fittings, plant generally, machine tools, and weighbridges. A comparatively-small outlay here often brings a user or would-be user exactly what he wants, as repeated testimony in our possession shows, quite apart from the considerable and varied support which these pages receive from all over the country at the hands of traders. The Queensbury (Yorks.) U.D.C. is considering the purchase of a motor ambulance.
The Epping R.D.C. has received further complaints concerning the fouling of water in the drinking troughs by drivers of steam wagons, and has now drawn the attention of the police to the matter.
The Ford vehicle which the Folkestone T.C. is purchasing, referred to in our issue of the 28th June, is to be fitted with a one-ton truck attachment and tip-up garbage body at a total inclusive cost of £268 10s.
The Lighting and Cleansing Committee of the Salford B.C. invites tenders for the supply of two motor tipping wagons. Particulars can be obtained from the Cleansing Superintendent, Wilburn Street Depot, Salford.
The Town Clerk of Sheffield has brought to the notice of the Pa,rlianienta.ry Committee the fact that the period for the provision of motorbuses in certain districts under the 1907 and 1914 Acts will shortly expire.
The prohibition of motor vehicles on certain roads in Argyllshire has now been removed by order of the Secretary of State-for Scotland. . This applies to all vehicles, except those exceeding two tons in weight, and motor chars-abanes, as well as machines exceeding 30 cwt. in weight which fall within the classes specified in Sections 1, 2 and 3 of the Finance Act, 1909-10, Schedule 5, Part 1, viz., "motorcars constructed or adapted for use for conveyance of goods, motorcabs, motor omnibuses, etc."
The Hove T.C. is to hire three steam tractors so that refuse can be collected without the aid of contractors. It is expected to effect a saving in this manner.
The Hindley (Lancs.) U.D.C. has accepted the tender of Gordon's Motor Carriage Works for the supply of a motor ambulance. The chassis is to be a Maxwell.
The Dewsbury T.C. has accepted the tender of Mossay and Co., at 2911, for the supply of an electric wagon for the use of the Electricity and Tramways Department.
The .Newmarket U.D.C. has asked its T.C. to consider an application from a motor company for a licence to ply for hire on race days for a motorbus driven by coal-gas.
The order for the additional motorbus for the Walsall Corporation, referred to in our issue of the 5th July, has now been placed. The total cost of the vehicle will be £1107.
The Fire Brigade Committee of the L.C.C: has accepted the offer of Dennis Bros. (1913), Ltd., and Armstrong, Whitworth and Co., Ltd., to supply spire parts for motor appliances.
The Oxford Watch Committee has licensed motorbuses which are to be propelled by coal-gas, The Council has passed plans for the erection of a gas meter house for use in connection with the service of buses run on coal-gas.
In a report on the year's estimates the B,oehdale T.C. states that there has been considerable difficulty in removing sludge manure, and as a remedial measure the Sewage Disposal Committee has purchased a. five-ton petrol wagon. It is anticipated by this means to be able to deal satisfactorily with the work. What an Agrimotor AVM Do.
A.comprehensive list of duties for an agrimotor is often sought. We have seen none to excel in effect of arrangement or its extent the one for which Whiting (1910, Ltd., of 334, Euston Road, N.W.' is responsible in respect of its 24 11.p. Whiting Bull agrimotors. The statement is divided into work according to seasons. The following are the four sub-divisions :—
Spring. — Ploughing ; discing ; harrowing • drilling ; spreading ; packing ; dragging loads.
Summer. — harvesting ; threshing; mowing; bailing hay; loading hay ; spraying ; hulling clover.
Autumn.—Shelling corn ; digging potatoes; filling silo shredding ; fall ploughing ; husking, hauling.
Winter.—Hauling crops ; stretching wire ; grinding feed; grinding, tools ; loading logs; sawillg; pump. ing London's First Laundry Van on Coat-gas.
The. Thistle Laundry, of Mill Aill Park, London, W., to which establishment Mr. F. E. Raymond is the engineer, has the credit for being the first London user to put into service a motorvan which is dependent upon coal-gas for propulsion. We illustrate the vehicle herewith, following its being brought to our offices for inspection one day last week. We learnt that the engine pulled well, either on coal-gas or petrol. 'The chassis is an 18-22 h.p. Mercedes, the unladen weight of the complete vehicle being 34 cwt.
The flexible holder is a small one of standard size (200 cubic ft.), supplied by Messrs. Andrew Barton Bros., of Beeston, Notts., with a length of 10i ft., and a diameter of 5 ft. The cost of this size of flexible holder is 10 10s., to which has to be added about 25s. for installation on the vehicle. A length of armoured hose carries the gas supply, via the dashboard, the fuaal connection to the inlet manifold being by means of a length of rubber tubing to an ordinary metal cock, the latter screwed into a tapped hole. There is a stop-tap on the dashboard. The petrol arid gas sup• plies, are interconnected, so that when one is shut off the other is opened.
This user finds coal-gas to give ample power, and to pull up hills without difficulty, although sometimes the second gear has to be used instead of the third. The consumption of gas is about 20 cubic ft. per mile, the container being found in practice sufficient for . a run of ten miles, after which distance, if a refilling cannot. be immediately arranged, petrol is used, without stopping the engine or van. Mr. Raymond is most enthusiastic about the results, and is convinced that a dearth of petrol is no longer a serious matter for him or his firm, so far as road transport. goes.