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How they Are Able to Help in the "Better Coach" Campaign.
THE PROPRIETORS of The Commercial Motor are firm believers in the future of the motor coach. They recognize in the motor coach-. ing movement a development fraught with tremendous possibilities for the motor industry and for the .country. A new avenue of prosperity is opening up in which not only users and manufacturers but
workers all will share.
But. they recognize, also, that the development of this great new movement will depend very largely on the development of the motor coach itself. The success of democratic motoring rests on the successful design of the perfect democratic motor vehicle.
The present-day, coach is, in many respects, an excellent production. It reflects great credit on the industry which has produced it. But these are early days, and the coach is only in the early stages of development. It is not yet perfect. The ideal vehicle has yet to be designed. The Commercial
. Motor wants to help towards the improvement of the coach, •and its ultimate. perfection. That is the object of the great Coach Competition which is no.s7 _ to be inaugurated—as part. of our campaign for better coaches.
The competition is for drivers. Every coach driver in the country may compete. There is no entrance fee. We regard the coach driver as an important pioneer in the new movement. Drivers all over the country are -gleaning valuable information about the coaches which they drive. Theirs is practical, firsthand experience which, often, the designer's and draughtsmen have no time or opportunity to acquire.
The driver lives on his coach. He hearsgthe remarks of passengers -about it. Out on the open roads of Britain he encounters daily the incidents and difficulties: of the daily run. In the garage he sees just how his coach is standing up to the arduous work it has to do. The good driver should know almost everything about his coach.
That is why The Commercial Motor wants drivers, far and wide, to help in the campaign for better coaches.
The competition is a simple one. All that a driver has. to do is to write a short letter giving his ideas under this heading, "How I Think My Coach Could . Be Improved," and then to fin in the coupon printed on this page, and send it, with the letter, to The Editor of The Commercial Motor, 7-15, Rosebery Avenue, London, E.C. 1, marking the envelope "Coach Competition" (do not forget that).
For the letter which, in the opinion of the Editor, Contains the best suggestions, a prize of 210 will be awarded. The second and third best letters will secure prizes of 25 and 23 respectively, whilst we shall give tea consolation prizes of 21 each to the writers of the best letters who do not receive prizes.
No one need hesitate to enter because he "I's not much of et hand at letter writing." We have 11 dictionary in the office, and we will put in the commas and semicolons where they are wanted. It is the ideas and suggestions that will count—not the literary quality of the composition.
We shall keep' the competition open for a few weeks and, later on, stall announce the closing date, giving our readers ample notice.
The decision of the Editor on all matters relating to the competition will be final. '
The winning letters will be published in an early subsequent issue of The Commercial Motor. The Editor also reserves the right to publish any of the letters which do not win prizes, and to pay for those published. The writers' names will appear, unless the -competitor desires to make use of a nom de plume. Entrants will get the full credit for their suggestions and their •enterprise. We are not out to " crib " your idea-s. We want you to' help us in our campaign, and we will help you. To get your letter in The Commercial Motor will be a distinction. You will stand out from the ordinary crowd.
Moreover, you .can be as critical as you like, because we shall not divulge the make of the vehicle you drive—only its specification. We do not want remarks that are merely complimentary, and we do not want just grouses. We want constructive criticism—suggestiong that will help either towards better chassia or improved coachwork.
In the provision of luggage 1,.iecorrimodation that, whilst being ample for the needs 'of passengers, does not entail excessive overhang; in providing better protection for the passengers e in the devising of comfortable seating; in. the improvement of the entrance and exit., and in numbers of other directions
• there is scope for a great deal of advancement.
Do not say to yourself—" I expect somebody has already thought of that idea! '' Perhaps they have, .very likely, they have not put it into effect or 'written about it.' You never know. .
-Write to us on any .point on.which you may he in doubt. Tell your tmates of the corn-petition, and endeavour, by co-operation and by the pooling of ideas, to make your joint. effort the one that shall be so full of good suggestions that it is bound to be a prize-winner.
Read your copy of The Commercial Motor every week, and. see how the competition is progressing. Wo shall tell you.1There is-plenty of time, so think it over well, and then send us something good. By doing so, you will be helping not only to produce better coaches, but also to build up a new industry, and to make more and more jobs for coach drivers! Remember, we are all in the same." coach," and we stand still, or go along the road of progress, all