News of the Week ,Birthday H on,ou rs in Our Industry
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PROMINENT in the Birthday Honours is Mr. J. F. Heaton, dhairtnan and managing director, Thomas Tilling, Ltd., and member of the Inland Transport War Council, who becomes a Knight Batchelor, as do also Messrs. F. Godber, chairman, Overseas Supply Committee, Petroleum Board, and managing director, Shell Transport and Trading Co., Ltd., and G. F. Burton, DirectorGeneral, Mech. Equipment, Ministry of Supply, and chairntan, Daimler Co., Ltd.
The KsB.E. is awarded to Mr. R. H. Hill, Deputy Director-General, M. of W.T.
The O.B.E. (Civil Division) goes to Messrs. F. Cook, sub-district manager, Road Transport Organization, M. of WT., Hull; A. H. Dodd, engineering inspector, grade 1, M. of W.T.; C. J. Hurst, member, Midland Regional Transport Committee, Birmingham; H. W211shaw, chairman, Birmingham Reconstruction Panel, and equipment engineer, Dunlop Rubber Co., Ltd., who has given technical assistance to the B. of T. on factory-floor space, and to the Machine Tools Control on the utilization of machines.
Recipients of the M.B.E. Civil Division) are Messrs. H. Allen, managing director, Yenoway Motor Seri*tes, Ltd., who has been a prominent member of the passengertransport world for many years; F. Fellowes, technical superintendent, Dunlop Rubber Cos, Ltd. (London staff), who, at the outbreak of war, was in the Middle East studying tyre performance under desert conditions; D. E. Skelding, member, Midland Regional Transport Committee and manager, Road Passenger and Transport Association, Ltd., H. Wood, chairman, N.B. Regional Coal Transport Advisory Joint Committee,
THE new Minister of Fuel and Power was recently announced to be Major G. Lloyd George. Immediately wider hip will be Lord Hyndley as ControllerGeneral. The latter was formerly Comptroller-General of the Mines Department. He is ,a coal owner and a director of the Bank. of England.
THE first of 18 trolleybuses originally intended for Johannesburg went into service in London, this week. Certain South African municipalities had uncompleted contracts in this country for trolleybuses and London Transport has acquired some of them. In addition to the Johannesburg buses, 25 vehicles which were to have gone to Durban have also been acquired. The South African buses are 6 ins. wider (8 ft. overall) than the maximum permitted in this country.
RECENTLY, the Wholesale Meat and Provisions Transport (Defence) Association discussed with Sir Cyril . Hurcomb, -Ilirector-General of the Ministry of War Transport, the position in connection with the administrative changes at the Ministry, having regard to Mr. Tapp's continued convalescence. As a result, Mr. H. F. Minter is being appointed as Assistant Director (Meat) in the Road Haulage Branch, this title giving recognition to his special responsibility for Meat Pool vehicles.
The Meat Pool Section at the Ministry. will, in future, be known as the " Meat Section of the Road HaulageBranch " instead of the " Meat Sub-section."
Mr. Guy T. M. Fairclough has been appointed to the Road Haulage (Operations) Advisory Committee, ALBION TRADING RESULTS FOR 1941 • TRADING of Albion Motors, Ltd., for 1941, after making provision for all charges, including taxation and contingencies, resulted in a profit of £120,024. A sum of £50,000 has been transferred to the reserve fund, and the preference dividend for the year at the rate of 6 per cent. (less tax) takes £8,032. Of the balance of £118,804, which includes £56,811 brought in, a dividend of 12i per cent. (less tax) on the ordinary shares will absorb £62,175, thus leaving £56,629 to be carried forward.
MTORE standard buses will shortly be in service on London Transport routes. At the end of 1941, the first bus—a Leyland—made its appearance on route 22 from Putney to Homerton. A further 11 buses followed in the New Year. Now there are to be 51 more42 G types (Guys) and 9 B types (Bristol). The new vehicles are fourwheelers with Gardner five-cylindered oil engines. The seating arrangements are the same as on existing types of London Transport buses—for 56 persons, 30 on the upper deck and 26 on -the lower deck
In general appearance the standard bus varies little from the normal types. Principal differences are the elimination of all non-essential fittings and refinements—to save labour and material. The bodies of the Leyland and Bristol buses were constructed at the Park Royal coach works, whilst those for the Guy chassis were made by the Park Royal and Weymann concerns.
ROUGHLY, 22 cwt. of waste paper will produce 1 ton of pulp, and every 1,000 members of the population should provide a quota of a ton of paper; if more can be obtained, so much the better. Each ton will produce any or the following :-100 A.A. large shell containers, 300 mortar shell carriers, 800 cases for two-pounder shells, 7,500 gun fuses, 40,000 boxes for cartridges, 60,000 aero-engine dust covers, or 484,000 washers for boMbs, Very lights, A.A. shells, etc.
W. are notified by Mr. E. L. VV Cadwallader, honorary secretary to the ".Henry Spurner" Memorial Fund, that by June 12 sub,scriptions had reached £9,570. The committee reminds friends and admirers of the late Mr. Spurner that bothlarge and• small gifts are equally acceptable.
AT Southend Police Court. last week, when the/leafing was resumed of a case in which George Samuel Chase, a corporation bus driver, was summoned for driving at over 20 m.p.h. during the hours of darkness, the case was dismissed, and defendant awarded five guineas costs against the police. At the previous hearing defendant's solicitor contended that the •alleged offence was committed at 10.35 p.m., but that lighting-up time on that day was not until 10.88 p.m. and there was, therefore, no case.
The chief constable, in announcing the decision, expressed his regret for the inconvenience and expense which had been caused to defendant by a slip on the part of his department.
THE well-known Newcastle-on-Tyne removal -.contracting concern of Alfred Bell (Newcastle), Ltd., which has been carrying out tests with producer gas, has decided to convert all its long-distance vehicles to this method of propulsion. The company 'recently sent a load of 4i tons from Newcastle to London—atiout 300 miles —on 5 gallons of Petrol, plus 3 cwt. of anthracite coke.
OWNERS of vans in the Wigan furnishing and dry goods trade have decided to operate a combined transport organization to be known as the ‘Vigan Traders Retail Delivery Service.
Vehicles will be provided to do the work of any of the members and the service will meet all running expenses. Also, the organization will engage its own staff of drivers, sorters, etc., and take central premises for use as a collection and sorting depot; special arrangen.ents are being made for the handling of furniture. Goods carried will be charged at agreed rates, according to size and weight. Any working surplus will be credited to members, in proportion to the amount of the transport accounts.
ASCHEME adopted for the decentralization of the activities of the Industrial Transport Association in West Yorkshire aims at the stimulation of interest by means of local appeal. The scheme .provides that the area hitherto served by the Leeds branch shall have three branches-one at Leeds, a second at Bradford, and a third to cover the Halifax and Huddersfield districts. The following have been nominated for appointment as officials of the respective branches: Leeds: Cheirman, Mr. W. II. P Att.:, of Joseph Watton and Sons, Ltd.; hon. secretary, Mr. C. it Henderson, of Boult Bros., Ltd. Bradford: Chairman, Mr. B. F. Horsman, of John Newbould and Son, Ltd.; hon. secretary, Mr. C. Robinson o: Allied Industrial Services, Ltd. Halifax-Huddersfield: Chairman, Mr. L. S. Dyson, of David Brown and Sons (Huddersfield), Ltd.; hon. secretary, Mr. J. T. Steel, of Richard Whitaker and Sons. Ltd.. Halifax.
A.R.P. PRESIDENT WRITES TO HIS MAJESTY TO mark the centenary of the first use of mechanical transport by Royalty in this country, which was the' occasion on which Queen Victoria travelled by train from Windsor to Paddington on June 13, 1842, Major H. E. Crawfurd, President of A.R.O., sent a letter, on behalf of his 10,000
members, to the King. Major Crawfurd draws His Majesty's attention to the way in which members of A.R.O. are playing their part in the war against aggression; lorry drivers in the Forces are doing notable work, whilst those on civil work are operating for long hours carrying goods to and from the factories.
BY an amendment of the Defence (General) Regulations, the Minister of War Transport is given extensive powers to order the modification of commercial vehicles carrying either goods or passengers, in order to increase the carrying capacity or the fuel economy. • Thus he will possess full authority to enforce the employment of alternative fuels or equipment for employing them.
MR. R. E. BarrioN, the Hull haulage operator, has been re-elected chairman of A.R.O.'s Yorkshire Area. MR. E. PARISH, of Felix Motors, Ltd., Hatfield, near Doncaster, is vice-chairman.
MR. T. B. KEEP, M.I.Mech.E., M.I.A.E., M.Inst.T., has been appointed Deputy Director General of Production Services, at the Ministry Of Supply. He was lately managing director of the Brush Electrical Engineering Co., Ltd., and Petters, Ltd.
MR. Wm. GREENRALGH has now taken up the full 'status of secretary of the Bolton branch (passenger section) of the Transport Workers Union. He has had 30 years' experience in Bolton Transport Department.
DURING 1941, Scammell Lorries,. L./Ltd., made a gross profit of £263,177, and after deducting 290,305 for general expenses, etc., the profit on trading amounted to £172,872. Provision for income tax and E.P T. takes £147,500. The net profit for the year comes out at 217,924. A dividend at the rate of 7i per cent. (less tax) absorbs £6,048, whilst 210,000 is transferred to general reserve, bringing it up to £70,000. The balance to be carried forward is £15,037, compared with' £14,661 brought in.
THE revenue of the British Electric Traction Co., Ltd., for the year ended March 31, 1942, amounted to.. 2767,588, compared with £748,552 for the previous year. After deducting £54,966 for general expenses, etc., and £105,750 for income tax and provision for E.P.T., as well as charging 279,479 for debenture stock interest, there is a profit of 2527,393.
The directors recommend the payment of the following final dividends, less tax: Five per cent, on the participating preference stock, making 8 per cent. for the year; 4 per cent. on the preferred ordinary stock, making 8 per cent for the year; 30 per cent, on the deferred ordinary stock, making 45 per cent for the year.
After these disbursements, 28,434 is left to be transferred to the undivided profits account, which now stauds at ..21,983,812.
WHEN dealing with masses of VV figures, a. slip will occasionally occur. So far, • only one has been discovered in our Tables of Operating Costs. This refers to Table I-time and mileage charges. In the last but one column, the figure per hour is given as 3s.; this should read 3s. 3d. Copies should be amended accordingly.
IN the House of Commons last week Mr. Leach /asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of War Transport whether he will now reconsider his former refusal to institute a 30 rn.p.t. speed limit to secure a reduction in petrol consumption and of road aceidents?
In reply, Mr. Noel-Baker said that, in view of the increase in the vehicles and man-powei of the mobile police force•which would be needed to enforce a statutory limit, the Government does not at present, propose to adopt such a suggestion. In order to save fuel and tyres, however, his Department, in collaboration with the Ministry of Information, intends strongly to urge drivers of cats not to exceed 40 m.p.h. outside built-up areas. Instructions are being issued to all Government Departments to ensure that the drivers of their vehicles observe that limit, except for Service reasons of overriding urgency.
MR of the Walsh all-steel collapsible gas container, Neil and Mostyn, Ltd., advises us that it has opened new London offices at 262, Clapham Road, S.W.9. Delivery and fitting facilities are, as a result, much increased.
A MEETING of the North-western Area members of -the National Conference of Road Transport Clearing Houses was .held at the Exchange HOtel, Liverpool, on Thursday, June 4. Mr. H. Murray, member of the National Council of the tonference, was in the chair.
Dissatisfaction was expressed at the continued delay in the appointment of sub-agents under the Ministry at War Transport' Road Haulage Scheme.
The secretary of the Conference, Mr. Boyd Bowman, was present, and reported on the' work of the Conference in various parts of the country.