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Attracting the bright boys to transport

19th June 1970, Page 25
19th June 1970
Page 25
Page 25, 19th June 1970 — Attracting the bright boys to transport
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

• There was at the present time a need to create a career structure in transport and to improve the training programme in the managerial sphere, said Mr R. S. Burgess, head of the department of professional courses, at St John's College of Further Education, Manchester, last Friday. Proposals for the institution in the College's 1970-71 session of a full-time course of Transport Studies were being discussed by representatives of the road transport industry.

During their first year trainees under this scheme will be prepared for the graduateship examination of the Institute of Transport as well as studying other aspects of the subject on a non-examination basis. Students are likely to be released at regular intervals in order to work for, and establish a relationship with, their sponsoring companies.

Possibly because road transport had grown up very much on a family basis, commented Mr Burgess, this type of training had not been normal in the past, the emphasis being on night school and day release classes. The suggestions being presented were based on the Institute's graduate examination, plus preparation for the Ordinary National Certificate in Business Studies, and would allow time for a good element of practical training. Candidates who went through to the end would be ready to go forward to the full professional courses.

There had been training within the industry for a long time past and now attention must be pail to -the careers aspect, observed Mr James Broster. What was now offered gave an opportunity of obtaining practical experience as well as a diploma. He thought they should not set their sights too high on educational qualifications.

Mr Alan Cusick felt that there was a field for the sort of development that would bring the lower level worker up to the supervisory grades.

Education had to give the industry young people who -knew what they wanted to do and were capable of doing it, said Mr Jack Wood. The industry already had Transport Managers' courses available and the authorities were examining supervisory courses down to foreman level.