Mldays (SO).
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One box van for a two-ton load, a lighter van for 12-15 cwt., a light van chassis, and a toh.p. railway inspection car, will form the exhibits of Alldays and Onions Pneumatic Engineering Company, Limited, of the Matchless Works, Birmingham. It is also probable that this company will show an example of its traveller's-brougham type of vehicle.
Alley (59).
Alley and Maclellan, Limited, of the Sentinel Works, Polmadie, Cilasgow, will exhibit one each of its three-ton, and six-ton steam wagons, a rubber tire and ring, as is sometimes fitted to its three-ton wagon, and an assortment of component parts for its standard vehicles.
Argyll (44 and 72).
Argyll vehicles are to be greatly in evidence at Olympia. This maker's exhibits, which occupy two stands, comprise the following machines :two CI-111s; one light van, which is mounted on a chassis similar to that of the cab; one is-cwt., sample carrier; one ts-cwt. van, of the type now in use by Waring and Gillow; a oneton van, and a one-ton lorry; two twoton chassis; and various examples of goods and passenger vehicles mounted on the latter type of chassis. The oneton type is of the latest pattern, and
it is fitted with a ish.p. engine and all the usual, Argyll features. It is also probable that a 40h.p. fire tender will also find a place on one of these stands.
Armstrong-Whitworth (65).
A three-ton, Armstrong-Whitworth. convertible, military wagon, for the transport of troops and baggage, which may be carried separately or together, will form the principal exhibit of Sir W. G. Armstrong, Whitworth. and Company, Limited, of the Elswick Works. A three-ton lorry, and a chassis with a 28-32h.p. engine, will also be found on this stand.
Arrol-Johnston (64).
One of this company's latest omnibus chassis will eccupy a prominent position on the above stand. This machine embodies ninny features which will be new to visitors to this show. In addition to the chassis, the New ArrolJohnston Car Company, Limited, will also show : a three-ton brewer's dray; a 3n-Cwt. furniture van, which has been built for Messrs. Bannister, of Blackpool, and which embodies many special interior fittings; a t,-seated
■ yag,onette, suitable for estate work ; 20-seated char--bancs; and a one-ton van. The machines built by this wellknown Paisley manufacturer are everywhere giving good accounts of their running.
Atkey (65).
For the first time at Olympia, A. R. Atkey and Company, Limited, of Nottingham, is showing three of its machines which are built to take loads of three to four tons. One of these is a chassis, which will give visitors a good opportunity of examining its many interesting. features. Two lorries, one of which is fitted with a canopy, complete this maker's exhibit.
Aveling (16).
The Broom and Wade paraffin wagon, which ran through the R.A.C. trials, and which earned special mention from the judges, will be represented at the show by a similar machine, with canvas-covered, lorry body; this will be exhibited by T. C. Aveling and Company, Limited, of Birmingham.
Austin (51).
A type of motorcab which has many unique points embodied in its design will he found on the stand of the Austin Motor Company, Limited, of Longbridg,e Works, Northfield, near Birmingham. The accessibility of both the engine and the gear-box has been specially looked after and the vehicle has the merit of being designed specially for cab work, although, with a suitable body, it makes an excellent little van. Examples of both cabs and vans will be staged. Barford and Perkins (5).
From the Queen Street Iron Works, Peterborough, this company is sending two of its serykeable motor rollers. The largest of these is one of its " E " type, water-ballast rollers, which, when its tanks are .filled with water, weighs about six tons. The smaller of the two is one of the company's " D3 " type; this is much lighter, has wider rollers, and is particularly suitable for large lawns, cricket grounds or other similar spaces.
Bayley's (40).
A large, box-van body which is mounted on a " Cornmer Car " chassis will be shown by Bayley's, Limited, of Newington Causeway, Southwark, London, S.E. The vehicle bodies of this company are well known for their sound construction and smart design.
Belsize (51).
A 14-16h.p. delivery van, suitable for the use of bakers, or other trades where light articles are to be conveyed, will be staged by Belsize Motors, Limited, of Clayton, Manchester. This vehicle is put on the market at a rather low price.
Bentall (21).
E. H. Banta11 and Company, of Maldon, Essex, will show examples of its uh.p. commercial-traveller's car, and of its to cwt. tradesman's van.
Berna (39).
Five machines will be exhibited by Berna Motors, Limited, of 3, Lombard Street, Bank, E.C., and these are as follow :—a 14-16h.p. cab chassis; a 2.i-ton lorry chassis; a similar chassis fitted with a lorry body measuring 14 feet by 6 feet 6 inches; an aSh.p. laundry van, and a five-ton lorry chassis.
Burrell (4).
On this stand, Charles Burrell and Sons, Limited, of the St. Nicholas Works, Thetford, will show one of its standard, five-ton tractors, similar to that which was awarded a gold medal in connection with the recent R.A.C. trials.
Churchill (35).
Three lorries, one char-h-bancs, and one chassis, will be staged on this stand by Durham, Churchill, and Company, of Grimesthorpe, Sheffield. The now well-known " champion " types of clutches and gear boxes will be embodied in all these machines.
Clarkson (62).
We are glad to see this maker will be represented again at Olympia, after being absent for a year. The principal exhibit on this stand will be a new, double-deck bus for London service, the appearance of which differs, in many ways, from those which are at present in use. Clarkson, Limited, of Chelmsford, although still retaining its water-tube boiler, has managed to re duce its height, and the driver is now provided with a much-needed canopy. Another exhibit of this company is a 24-ton van, the chassis of which is similar to that of the bus. Clayton and Shuttleworth (7).
The tractor which this company introduced at the Royal Agricultural Show, at Lincoln, has been so successful that its maker has not found it necessary to make any departure from the original designs. The tractor which it will exhibit will, therefore, be one of the standard machines turned out from the company's works at Lincoln.
Clift's (1).
A friction-driven, 2o-ewt van, and a similarly-driyen cab, will be staged by Clift's Engineering, Limited, of 69, Middle Street, Brighton.
" Commer Cars" (57).
The interesting feature of this stand will be the vehicle which ran through the R.A.C. trials, and which obtained a silver medal. A representative of " THF. COMMERCIAL Mo-roa " sealed up the gear box of this vehicle on the 3rd of August last ; the machine ran through the trials -and the gears were then cpened up for the examination of the judges, after which, the box was again sealed by the R.A.C. officials and the lorry has since been in constant service. Since the original sealing of the box, the lorry has run a distance of about 7,000 miles. On the opening day of the exhibition, the seals will be broken, and the box will be opened up for inspection. Commercial Cars, Limited, of Cambridge Circus, W.C., will also have a good show of its " convertible " cars.
Critchley-Norris (71).
A steamer of entirely new design will he shown by the Critchlev-Norris Motor Company, of Bamber Bridge, Lancashire. The chassis is suitable for either bus or lorry use, and it has a threecylinder, single-acting, vertical engine which is situated under the bonnet ; the " flash " generator, which supplies the engine with highly-superheated steam, is placed immediately behind the dashboard. Ordinary paraffin fuel is consumed in a burner of new design. The chassis presents a very clean appearance and should command much attention. In addition to the steam-propelled chassis (see page 41), this company will show a 4oh.p., petrol-engined, 24seated char-a-bancs.
Daimler (55).
An Auto-Xfixte, petrol-electric bus will be shown by the Dahnler Motor Company (1004) Limited, of Coventry. The Auto-M.ixte system of transmission has been previously described in " THE COMMERCIAL MoToR." The general details of construction, as carried out by this company, are quite original, so far as motor vehicles are concerned. The whole of the after part of the chassis is unsprung, and. each hack wheel is driven by straighttoothed spur gear which is completely enclosed in oil-tight casings. The body is pivoted at the forward end, and the after end is allowed to rest on two semielliptical springs which are bolted to the chassis; lateral motion of the body is checked by means of a slipper which works within the faces of a horn-plate bracket.
Darracq (54).
Four cabs, one traveller's brougham, and three one-ton vans, comprise the exhibit of A. Darracq and Company (1905), Limited, of Walnut Tree Walk, Kennington Road, S. E. The cabs represent types of vehicles which the company has built for the General Motor Cab Company, and the United .Motor Cab Company, of London, and the New York Taxicab Company, of the U.S.A.
DarracqSerpollet (55).
Steam vehicles will completely occupy this stand, and the exhibits will include one of the Metropolitan Steam Omnibus Company's buses, which are, undotUoedly, the most comfortable of the buses now in London service, and five other examples of vehicles from the works of this maker. The Darracq-Sernollet Omnibus Company, Limited, of Amelia Street, Walworth Road, S. E, is doing good business \s-hli its steam vehicles, especially for Colonial and foreign service. fhese vehicles may be run on any ordinary grade of paraffin and give very economical results.
Darwen (41).
The Foyer-Miller commercial vehicles, which are imported by the Darwen Automobile Agency, of 38, Featherstone Street, City Road, London, E.C., are amongst the novelties of the show. The engines are provided with cooling jackets, but the cooling medium is air instead of water. The circulation is maintained by a geared blower. A 2i-ton lorry chassis, and a 5oh.p. engine, embodying this system of air cooling; will be shown.
De Dion (54).
On the stand of De Dion-Boaton (1907), Limited, of 10, Great Marlborough Street, Regent Street, W., a serviceable little six-seated, hotel bus, fitted with a sheet-steel body, will occupy a prominent position among the other exhibits of the company, which include : a 3oh.p. bus or lorry chassis; a two-ton lorry ; a regulation cab ; and a commercial-traveller's brougham for town use.
Dennis (61).
Worm-driven vans and lorries will be well represented on this stand. We understand that the company is send ing the following vehicles from its works at Guildford :—one r5-cwt. van, which is the seventh repeat order from Messrs. Macnamara, Limited; one 30cwt. van chassis; one two-ton von ; one three-ton van for Carter, Paterson, Limited, which is the ninth repeat order from that company; and a fourton lorry, which, with nine similar vehicles constitutes an order from Mr. Price, of Kieff, Russia.
Dodson (58).
A fine, " wen her proof," observationcar body to seat 25 passengers, which has been built to the order of the Great Western Railway Company, will be exhibited by Christopher Dodson, Limited, of 45, Horscferry Road, Westminster, S.W., in addition to a singledeck, 20-seated bus body for the same company. Both these bodies are mounted on Milnes-Daimler, 3-ton chassis.
Electrobus (25).
Ambulance vans, light delivery vans, and a complete Electrobus, of the type now in service in London, will be staged by The Electric Vehicle Company, Limited, of 1, Earl Street, Westminster, London, S.W.
Fiat (68).
Many of our readers will have their first opportunity for examining a Fiat cab, as we understand it is the intention of Fiat Motors, Limited, of 37 and 38, Long Acre, London, W.C. to exhibit such a vehicle on its stand, together with a four-ton chassis, and a similar chassis surmounted by a covered-van body.
Foden (20).
Steam wagons with wheels shod with solid rubber tires are not very numerous, but one such vehicle will be staged by. Fodens, Limited, of Sandbach. This is one of that maker's standard, three-ton models, built to the order of the Eastern Motor Wagon Company, of London, and is the 3oth repeat order. A five-ton wagon, built for Messrs. Robinson's, millers, of Greenwich, will also be shown by this maker.
Foster (10).
Messrs. W. J. Lobjoit and Sun's fourth " Wellington " tractor will be staged by Wm. Foster and Company, Limited, of Firth Road, Lincoln. The machine in: one of that company's standard models and its wheels will be shod with wooden treads.
Fowler (67).
The tlaree-cvlinder, compound, steam tractor which is one of the standard designs of John Fowler and Company (Leeds), Limited, will be represented on that company's stand, as also will be its two-cylinder model. Both machines are built On precisely the same lines., the only difference being in the matter of cylinders.
Greenwood and Batley (26).
The petrol-electric bus which was described on page 22 of our last issue will be shown on this company's stand. The chassis is the same one which was sent from the company's Albion Works, Leeds, for the last Olympia Show, but, since that time, it has undergone some severe trials and a few necessary alterations to details.
Halley's (57).
The simple machines built by Halter's Industrial Motors, Limited, of Yoker, Glasgow, will be represented by : a furniture van, which has been built for Arnold Brothers, of Great Yarmouth ; a 2oh.p. fire tender, for the Corporation of Clydebank; and a new one-ton chassis in which the chain drive of the larger models has given place to a worm-driven, five back axle.
Hallford (36).
One of the vehicles which called forth general admiration, both on account of its smooth running and its general appearance, was the " Hallford " wanon, built by .f. and E. Hall, Limited-, of Dartford, which company was awarded a gold medal for its vehicles' perform
ance and for its condition after the trials. Two similar chassis, one of which will be surmounted by a tiltwagon body, will be exhibited by the above company, which maker will also show a petrol-electric bus, in which the Stevens and Frost Smith system of petrol-electric transmission is embodied. One of the " Hanford," four-cylinder, 3o-38h.p. engines will complete this company's exhibit.
Howes (6).
A special omnibus body, mounted on On i8h.p. Siddeley chassis, will be shown by Howes and Sons, of Chapel Norwich.
Humber (66).
Motorcabs will form the principal exhibit of this company, but specimens of its " convertible " car will also be shown. Fuller particulars of these vehicles will be found on pages 27 and 28 of our present issue.
Hutton (38).
Three Bernet vehicles will be staged by J. and E. Hutton, Limited, of Si83, Shaftesbury Avenue, London, W., two of which are lorries for loads of IA. and 3 tons, and the other is a inseated hotel omnibus.
Industrial Motor Co. (28).
Among the exhibits of the Industrial Motor Company, of 59, Thames Street, Windsor, are :a 3o-cwt. furniture van ; a 3o-cwt. chassis; a van body for the latter machine, built to the order of the Army and Navy Auxiliary Stores ; and two smaller vehicles for loads up to in cwt.
Lacre (43).
Four vans, one chassis, and one open lorry will be shown by the Lacre Moto: Car Company, Limited, of Poland Street, W. The lorry, which is desinned for a load of one ton, is for a well-kn,iwn wine merchant, and one of the vans is that which formed the first vehicle of Messrs. .Shoollwed's large fleet of Lacre vans. This machine has run a distance of 4o,000 miles without giving any trouble. The other three vans are for loads of 25 cwt., 30 cwt., and two tons, and have been built to the orders of : William Whiteley, Limited ; Spiers and Pond, Limited ; and the White Heather Laundry Company, respectively.
Leyland (76).
A steam wagon, fitted with a watertube boiler, the tubes of which are "
copper-sleeved,'' will be staged by the Lancashire Steam Motor Company, Limited, of Leyland, in addition to one. of that maker's two-ton, petrol-propelled chassis, and a heavier, three-ton bus or lorry chassis. The latter machine is similar to those in the service of the London Central Omnibus Company, Limited, which ply between Waterloo Station and Chalk Farm.
Liversidge (74 and 200).
Vehicles of various makes will be shown on stand No. 74, the bodies for which have been made by T. Livers'dge and Son, Limited, of Old Kent
Road, E. These include : two " Lacres "; one Straker-Squire; and one Darracq-Serpollet. On its stand in
the gallery, this company will make a show of : De-Nevers, grooved, solid tires; Scott's non-skid; and other useful accessories.
Mann (18).
Mann's Patent Steam Cart and Wagon Company, Limited, of Leeds, will send one of its standard five-ton, gear-driven, steam wagons, fitted with a board-sided lorry.
Maudslay (49).
The attractive feature on this stand will be the gold-medal winner which was entered by The Maudslay Motor Company (1907), Limited, of Parkside, Coventry, which maker will also show its latest Model, in the shape of an omnibus which has been built for the Midland Railway Company. The three-speed gearbox on this vehicle is rather unusual in design, and it makes a very strong unit in the transmission. A chassis of the same type will also be exhibited, and the visitor will thus have an opportunity of examining its component parts carefully, and of noting the general proportions of the chassis.
Mero (9).
An extremely interesting device for combining with the ordinary type of sliding, change-speed gearing, will be shown by Mero, Limited, of 8, Mezvanine Floor, Albion House, New Oxford Street. A brief description of this invention was given in " Iiia COMMERCIAL MOTOR " of the 7th of November last, but since that date many great and practical improvements have been effected, and the models which will be exhibite.d may be studied with advantage by all who are interested in securing some more mechanical method of gear-changing, and at tile salll.0 time retaining all the efficiency of the sliding-gear type. This will also be shown on a vehicle.
MilnesDaimler (53).
These well-tried machineswill be well represented on the stand of MilnesDaimler, Limited, of 221, Tottenham Court Road, 'W. The exhibits include : an 18h.p., Post Office van], with liveaxle drive; a three-ton, Lip wagon ; a two-ton, box van; one of this mdker's latest bus chassis; and a five-ton, 35h.p., chassis, similar to that which was shown at the Berlin Show in December last. This latter vehicle embodies several new and very practical points of design which should not fail to attract the notice of many visitors to the show. The engine suspension, the change-speed gearbox and its self-contained selecting lever, and the triangular .arrangement, and swivelling of the steel perch bars, are points which _should be specially noted by our readers.
Ryknield (60).
From Burton-on-Trent, the Ryknielcl Motor Company, Limited, is sending three of its three-ton vehicles, and a polished, five-ton chassis. The lighter vehicles include : a single-deck bus, in which the seating arrangement is rather unusual; a covered van for the conveyance of three tuns of furniture, or for carefully-packed, perishable goods: and a three-ton van with a removable tilt.
Robson (11).
William and Thomas Robson, Ltd., 6o, Farringdon Road, E.C., will have a tilt van body, fitted to a 30-cwt. chassis, and a panelled, van body on a I218h.p. chassis, on exhibition. Motor bodies are a speciality of the company.
Star (27).
Two new models will be shown by the Star Engineering Company, Limited, of Wolverhampton, and these are both motorcabs made to meet the metropolitan police requirements. One has a two-cylinder, 911.p., engine, and the other is fitted with a four-cylinder, 12h.p. engine.
StewartThornycrolt (29).
The Thornycroft system will be represented by a five-ton, end-tipping, steam wagon, which has been built for the Corporation of Smethwick, by. D. Stewart and Company (1902), Limited, of Glasgow. This company is now the sole British maker of these vehicles, which are so much in use by municipal authorities, brewers, and colliers.
St. Pancras (17).
One of the largest individual orders ever placed for steam wagons was that for 25 St. Pancras wagons given by the Italian Government. These were required for work in connection with the railway service of that country. We understand that these machines are giving most satishIctory results, chiefly on account of their steaming capacities. One of this make of wagon wilt be exhibited by the St. Pancras Iron Work Company, Limited, of 171, St. Pancras Road, near King's Cross, N.W.
Straker-Squire (45).
The steam wagon which will be shown by Sidney Straker and Squire, Limited, of Nelson Square, Blackfriars, S.E., embodies Many features which are entirely new to steam wagon designs. The boiler is a dist'nct departure from any previous steam wagon, and, although of the locomotive type, its novel design has permitted the making of the wheel base of the wagon at least two feet shorter than on the former model, and its heating surface has been materially increased. We had an opportunity of examining the drawings of this vehicle some weeks ago, and we are of opinion that the features which its design contains, will help to place this make of wagon in an exceptionally strong position, so far as competition is concerned. In addition to the steam wagon, this company will show : one of its latest three-ton bus or lorry chassis ; a 16-2oh.p. chassis suitable for loads up to 30 cwt.; a similar chassis fitted with a 12-seated wagonette body ; and a 12-14h.p. motorcab.
Sturmey (48).
" Lotis " vehicles will occupy the stand of Sturmey Motors, Limited, of the Lotis Works, Widdring-ton Road, Coventry. In addition to a chassis, this company will also show : a "Lotis " cab; a light brewer's wagon with canopy top, which has been built for Groves and Sons, Limited, of Bournemouth; a fully-fitted, grocer's, delivery van for Dutton, Limited, of Chester ; a postal wagon that will be pressed into the service of the Burmese postal department and will carry about to cwt. of mails ; and an example of the station-omnibus type of vehicle. The latter machine should command a ready sale for country houses and hotels.
Tasker (32).
One of the well-known, " Little Giant," steam tractors will find a place on the stand of W. Tasker and Sons, Limited, of Waterloo Iron Works, Andover. These sturdy little engines give satisfaction wherever they are employed, and they certainly are very effi cient machines. "
Thames (42).
We understand that the Thames Ironworks, Shipbuilding, and Engineering Company, Limited, of 17, Philpot Lane, E.C., will introduce a new motorcab, in addition to its other exhibits which include : a 15-cwt. van ; a three-ton lorry chassis ; and a similar chassis on which a lorry body is mounted. Six chassis, similar to the latter, but fitted with char-à-bancs bodies, were supplied to the London and South Coast Motor Service, Limited, and these have done some excellent running during the past year.
Thornycroft (46).
A new, two-cylinder, 1648h.n. commercial vehicle chassis, capable of dealing with a gross load of two tons, was described in " THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR " of the 20th of February, and will be introduced, at this show, by its maker, John I. Thornycroft and Company, Limited., of 2, Albemarle Street, Piccadilly, London, W. This vehicle is one of the cheapest in the show, but the workmanship which has been put into it is quite up to the company's high standard of excellence, which gained for the company, one gold, and one silver medal, and the War Office Diploma, for the behaviour of its two vehicles in the recent R.A.C. trials. Examples of the two types which gained these awards will also be staged. One of these is a singledeck bus for the L. and S.W.R. Company, and another is a tilt van, built to the order of the Crown agents for the Colonies; it is intended for use in Nigeria.
Unic (22).
The gold-medal, " Unic," 10-15 cwt. van which ran through the R.A.C. trials during last autumn will be staged on this stand by Mann and Overtons, Limited, of the Victoria Garage, Lower Belgrave Street, S.W. This company will also show one of the to-12h.p. Unic cabs, similar to many of those now in service in London. These smart little machines are well worth a visit of inspection from intending purchasers of light, business vehicles.
Wallis and Steevens (12).
The only exhibit which will be staged by Wallis and Steevens, Limited, of the North Hants Ironworks, Basingstoke, will be one of that company's latest pattern of five-ton steam wagon. Since the last time this make of lorry was shown, many improvements in detail have been effected, amongst which are : increased heating surface for the boiler ; more space for the driver ; and other small but not less important alterations.
Wolseley (52).
Six " Siddeley," commercial vehicles will be shown by the Wolseley Tool and Motor Car Company, Limited, of York Street, Westminster, S.W. There will be two finished specimens of the company's eSh.p. chassis, of which many have been built for the use of market gardeners, and railway companies, and also to serve as ambulance vans, and for many other purposes. Of these two, one is an omnibus for the Midland Railway Company, and the other is a 3o-cwt, tilt van. The toh.p. Siddeley cab and a small box van, will also be shown.