Exhibitors of Accessories, Components, Stores, Tires, Wheels, Etc.
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Acetylene Illuminating Co. (157). This company, which has its offices at 268-270, South Lambeth Road, S.W., will stage dissolved acetylene outfits for motorbuses and other commercial vehicles, as well as showing autogenous welding as done with the oxyacetylene blowpipe.
Aster (201). The Aster Engineering Co., Ltd., Princes Street, Hanover Square, W., will display nine engines of powers ranging from eh.p. to 45h.p., and also, carburetters, pumps, gears, steering gears, clutches, and sparking plugs. Brampton (162).
Brampton Brothers, Ltd., 138, Long Acre, W.C., will show numerous sizes of chains for commercial vehicles, together with suitable sprockets, which are specially cut for use with Brampton chains.
Benton and Stone (170).
Messrs. Benton and Stone, Bracebridge Street, Birmingham, wil/ make a display of their" Enoto " specialities, such as : lubricators; sparking plugs; petrol filters; pumps ; horns; and a patented form of drip lubricator suitIle for forced feed.
Bosch (171).
The Bosch Magneto Co., Ltd., 23, Store Street, W. C., will display working models of magnetos, and also of the new Bosch magneto with electro-magnetic sparking plugs.
Burgess and Harvey (174).
Burgess and Harvey, Ltd., 48, Glasshouse Street, Piccadilly Circus, W., will have five engines placed upon its stand, and the power of these ranges from 6h.p. to 3oh.p. Other items that will be shown include : component parts; shock absorbers; and small tools. Connolly (186).
J. W. and T. ConnoIv, 57-67, Wharfe_ dale Road, King's Cross, N., will show a number of artillery wheels of various diameters, and a g-ood assortment of both solid and pneumatic tires.
Cowey (145).
The Cowcy Engineering Co., Ltd., 1, Albemarle Street, Piccadilly, W., Nvill present a representative selection of speed indicators, but the special features of the exhibits will be : an indicator for commercial vehicles ; a trip mileage recorder ; and the Cowcy patent fire alarm.
Coventry Chain (175).
The Coventry Chain Co. (1907), Ltd., of Coventry, will show numerous types of its patented chains for transmitting power. The chains are made Ili) to, and including, a pitch of 21 inches, and having a breaking strain of 63,000lb. The " Worm° " roller for chains will, also, be on exhibition here.
Dunlop (198).
The Dunlop Rubber Co., Ltd., of ..liston, Birmingham, will exhibit a large number of tires for motorbuses and ether types of commercial vehicles. In addition to the 22 tires shown for hte ye work, there will be others for every make of horse-drawn vehicle,
Drummond Bros. (95.
Drummond Brothers, Ltd., of Ryde's Hill, near Guildford, will show samples of lathes, having centres of 31 inches, 5 inches. and 6 inches, respectively, and Small shaping machines and lathe accessories.
Elastes (195).
The Elastes Co., Ltd., 79-So, York Road, Westminster, will display its elastes-filled inner tubes for motorcars, and the Elastes movable-flange rim will be demonstrated upon the stand.
Fastnut (176).
Fastnut, Ltd., 6o, Aldermanburv, .P.C., will show various applications of its patented washer to different sized bolts. The washers will he also shown on bolts holding down bearings on a shaft -with a ?,-inch play running at r,000 revs, per minute, in order to demonstrate the principle of the washer.
Flather (181).
W. T. Mather, Ltd., Standard Steel Works, Sheffield, will have various forms of " [has " steels on view, samples and test pieces of nickel steels, nickel-chrome and nickel-vanadium steels, " standard " high-speed steel, and high-speed steel files.
Gamage (160).
This company, whose .name is a household word in the motorin3:27 world, will have a big show of motor clothing, tools, lamps and accessories.
Gaulois (1901.
Gaulois Tyres, ltd., of 6o, Great Marlborough Street, W., will exhibit : Bergougnan solid tires; Gaulois pneumatic tires ; inner tubes; pumps ; and accessories. Hoffmann (210).
The Hoffmann Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Chelmsford, will exhibit a representative collection of its specialities, such as : steel balls in various sizes ; and complete standard ball bearings suitable for conlmnercial work.
Krupp (185).
August Reichwahl, of Finsbury Pavement House, Finsbury Pavement, E.C., the London representative of the Krupp Company, will exhibit specimens of axles, crankshafts, springs,. forgings, and other component parts from the world-famed Essen works.
" K.T." Syndicate (189).
The " K.T." Syndicate, Ltd., of 52, Queen Victoria Street, E.C., will show its patent pneumatic, stud tires, for weights of from one to 10 tons, and also the " NT.'' patented wheel with lock-spoke centre. Sections of used tires and treads will, also, be included on this stand.
.Lacoste (182).
Messrs. J. Lacoste and Co., 176 and 176a, Shaftesbury Avenue, W.C., will have specialities on their stand which will include magnetos, cons, C01111111.1tators, distributors, lamps, petrol gauges, and '' Serisol " insulated terminals.
Lucas (161).
Joseph Lucas, Ltd., Great King Street, Birmingham, will make a feature of its " King of the Road " headlight, which will he .fitted with the " Mangin " lens mirror, and is made specially for commercial work. Other items are side and tail lamps and forcefeed oilers.
Marston (208).
Marston-Mei.teeyet, honeycomb radiators are now used extensively by the big London bus companies, and this company, whose works are at Wolverhampton, will exhibit many examples of its work, as applied to well-known
makes of commercial motors, Bonnets, and metal wings will also be staged here.
Melhuish (159).
Richard Melhuish, Ltd., of 50-87, Fetter Lane, E,C., will stage lathes, drilling machines, shaping machines, other machine tools, motor tool rolls, and benches.
Midland Rubber Co. (191).
The Midland Rubber Co., of Ryland Street, Birmingham, will exhibit commercial vehicle tires, both of the pneumatic and solid forms, and also other sundries. The " Ajax " detachable rim will be shown and its good points will be demonstrated.
New Motor and General Rubber Co.
The New Motor and General Rubber Co., Ltd., Rub-Metal Mills, Harpenden, will have on view : motor tires; .vulcanising materials; electric vulcanisers ;. and sheeted compound.
Paraffin Carburetters (149).
A number of engines in the exhibition will be fitted with paraffin carburetters made by Paraffin Carburetters, Limited, of 40, Deritend, Birmingham, which company will show, on its own stand, several examples of its interestbig device.
Parsons (184) The Parsons Non-Skid Co., Ltd., 210, Shaftesbury Avenue, W.C., will show non-skids, sparklet inflators, etc. The novelty on this stand will be a removable rim, which is claimed to be new in principle.
Peter Union (196).
The Peter Tinian Tyre Co., Ltd., 6, Upper St. Martin's Lane, W.C., intends to exhibit solid tires for all types of commercial vehicles ; motor omnibus wheels; and patent rims for solid tires.
Polack (193).
The Polack Tyre Co., Ltd., 31 and 34, Basinghall Street, E.G., will have numerous examples of tires for motor omnibuses, lorries, and heavy work generally. The exhibits will also include pneumatic tires, non-slipping devices suitable for railway -vans, and rubber sundries.
Price's (178).
Price's Patent Candle Co., Ltd., Belmont Works, Battersea, S.W., will show samples of its oils for all purposes, as well as " cirogene '' for motor chains, and " curroleum " for clutches.
Shrewsbury and Challiner (194).
The Shrewsbury and Challiner Tyre Co., Ltd., of Ardwick Green, Manchester, will stage the well-known "Giant" and " World " tires, in various sizes, as well as wheels for light and heavy vehicles and the Challiner interlocking spoke wheel.
Simms (165).
Working models of the British-made, " Siinms " magnetos will be shown by the Simms Manufacturing Co., Ltd., of Kilburn, N.W. These machines are manufactured under license of the famous patents. In addition to the show of magnetos, this exhibit will also include five of the company's engines in varying horse-powers, from 6 to 34.
Sirdar i199).
Long coils of Sirdar motor omnibus tires, for shipment abroad, and made with, or without a canvas base, will be shown by the Sirdar Rubber Company, Limited, of 34, Baker Street, London, -W., which company will also show a selection of its moulded, endless tires.
Smith, Parfrey (146).
Smith Parfrey and Co., Ltd., of Fulham Palace Road, W., will exhibit different types of wheels for heavy vehicles, and these will include motor lorry and omnibus wheels. Component parts of motor chassis, finished and in the rough, will also find places on the stand.
Steel Barrel Co. (166).
The Steel Barrel Co., Ltd., of Uxbridge, will stage a large quantity of its specialities, including : fuel tanks and storage tanks, for petrol or other engines; drums for the transportation of oils; silencers ; and also a 25-gallon, measuring apparatus with pump attached, suitable for a motorbus or other garage.
Stern Sonneborn (141).
The Stern Sonneborn Oil Co., Ltd., of Finsbury Square, E.C., will stage upwards of nine different types of oils and greases for motor work, as well as lubricators. Other greases specially prepared for clutches and chains will also be on view.
Terry (155).
Messrs. Herbert Terry and Sons, Novelty Works, Redditch, will have an exhibit in which springs will be the principal feature, but, in addition, a very full assortment of oilers, washers, stamped brass and copper fittings, steel cable and flexible shafting, will be found upon this stand.
Tylor (204).
J. Tylor and Sons, Ltd., of York Road, N., will stage four complete engines, viz. : one of r6h.p. having two cylinders ; one of I8-2oh.p. with two cylinders; one of I8-2oh.p. fitted with four cylinders ; and a 26-3oh.p. having four cylinders. All the above examples are fated with forced lubrication systems. Underwriters Fire Extinguisher (154).
The Underwriters Fire Extinguisher Co., Ltd., of Eldon Chambers, 30, Fleet Street, E.G., will make a speciality of the " Accurate," portable fire engines, which are suitable for commercial vehicles.
Vacuum (169).
The Vacuum Oil Co. Ltd., of Norfolk Street, Strand, NV.C., will have a Complete range of its well-known specialities, which include many excellent typesof oils and greases for different applications. An expert staff will be in attendance to give information.
Valor (177).
The exhibit of the Valor Company, Ltd., of Aston Cross, Birmingham, will include the " New Era," chemical, fire extinguishers for garages and motor vehicles. Motor stampings, and drop forgings, will, also, find a place upon this stand.
Winans and Robinson (207).
Willans and Robinson, Ltd., of Victoria Works, Rugby, will stage : An assortment of motor cylinders, in different stages of manufacture; aluminium castings; a number of types of bearings made from " Etonia " metal; and castings for launch engines and body work. Castings which are made by the " Etonia " process have an extremely fine texture. Other Exhibitors.
Amongst other companies the following will also be represented (the number enclosed in brackets immediately after the name indicates the stand) Auto-Carriers, Ltd. (8), 1,58 Norwood Road, S.E.; Donnesthorpe Patents Co. (156); Englebert and Co. (150), 119 and 125, Finsbury Pavement, E.G.; Gaggertau Co. (69); R. Garrett and Sons, Ltd. (13); the Gratze Patents and .Engineering Syndicate, Ltd. (r47), Whitfield Street, Tottenham Court Road, W.; Harvey Frost and Co., Ltd. (i58), 39, Great Eastern Street, E.C. ; James and Browne, Ltd. (47), Hammersmith, \V.; The Kirkstall Forge Co. (14 and 209), Leeds; London and Parisian Motor Co., Ltd. (i9), 87, Davies Street, W.; Pearson's (175), 154, Abbott Road, Poplar, E.; Pfleurnatic Syndicate, Ltd. (192), 82, Victoria Street, S.W.; Pullcar Motor Co., Ltd. (24), Kay Street, Preston; Hans Renold, Ltd. (167), Brook Street,. Manchester; Ross, Courtney and Co., Ltd. (163), Ashbrook Road, Holloway; The Safety Non-Explosive Reservoir Co., Ltd. (148), 62, Frith Street, E.C. ; Salsbury and SOD, Ltd. (183), 124, Long Acre, W.C.; Samuel Brothers, Ltd. (143), 65 to 67, Ludgate Hill, E.C. ; Scammel and Nephew (152) ; Ambrose Shardlow (205); Smith's Flexible Hub Co., Ltd. (188); Societe de Construction de Vehicles Automobiles, (2); C. A. Vandervell and Co. (ect); West, Ltd. (73); and W. H. Willcox_ and Co., Ltd. (179).