In Public Service.
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At Dorking, the L.G.O.C. has been granted 60 lieenees.
Preparations are in hand to convert many two-cylinder Renault cabs to four-cylinder type.
The Great North of Scotland Railway Co. put a motor lorry into service. on Monday last, between _Newburgh and Aberdeen.
Proposals and Purchases.
Alt.Idlesbrougli Town Council is purchasing a 15-20 lep. Austin ambulince.
Southampton Fire Brigade Committee is recommending the complete motorization of its brigade.
Daventry R.D.C. has accepted the tender of Marshall. Sons and Co., Ltd., for the supply of a steam tractor.
S. and A. Fuller, Ltd., has -contracted with the Bath Corpora,tion to supply an ambulance chassis at
Stapleford parishioners have resolved not to proceed in the matter of purehasing a motor fire-engine, by ,e9 votes to 34.
Bognor U.D.C. is applying to the L.G.B. for sanetiou to a loan of zt-L'O for the purchase of a steam roller with accessories.
Hasliugden Town Council has resolved that " nothing less than an up-to-date fire-engine will meet the requirements of the borougn."
Formby (Lanes.) U.D.C. has instructed the Clerk to Submil. a, report, at its next meeting, as to the cost of the equipment and upkeep of a small motor fire-engine.
The Tynemouth Corporation proposes to appointa sub-committee with. full power to hire a motor and two trailers for a. period of three months for highway purposes ; the sub-committee will also report as to the advisability of purchasing similar vehicles. The Inspector of Iron Structures, Vtitte Office, S.W., wants a motor ambulance from stock at once (see page ;12 of advts.).
Epsom U.D.C. is proceeding in Vie matter of purehasing a 150gallon motor fire-engine, at an estimated cost of .0050.
A report by the superintendent of the Bolton fire brigade, in which the yurchase of a new motor fireetignie is recommended, has been adopted by the Town Council.
The receipts c.f the National Strain Car Co., Ltd., for the week en-did 14th March, 1914, were l3bi)7. This shows an increase of X127-1 over the corresponding pertml of last year.
Woolwich Guatdians have received a letter from Messrs. Herwin. C,inney and Co., with respect to the substitution of motors for horses. The firm has been asked to submit a detailed estimate of its scheme, and this will be considered together with the next tenders fm horse hire.
The Newport (Mon.) Corporation has refused the offer of the local Chamber of Commerce to colleet subscriptions to defray the cost of the proposed motor ambulance, as it -feels that the municipality ought to provide the ambulance ; a committee has accordingly been appointed to go into the matter.
The tender of Dennis Bros., Ltd., has been accepted by Bournemouth Corporation at £675 for the supply or a 45 h.p. motor fire-tender and escape carrier.
The Town Clerk of Rotherham hiss been authorized to take counsel's Opinion on the construction of certain motorbus clauses in the Corporation's Act of 1911.
The East Suffolk and Ipswich Hospital is about to purchase a motor ambulance by subscription ; about £:100 has already been raised. The hon. secretary of the fund is Mr. Herbert FL Brown, of Museum Street, Ipswich.
The Penalty of Lateness.
A London taxicab driver was reeently summoned, at Bow County Court, for damages due to his late arrival in discharge of an order. A gentleman who was going to Bournemouth for his holiday, with his wife and family, ordered the taxi-driver overnight to call for him the next morning at a certain time. The cab arrived late, and a particular exetirsion train was missed by a few minutes. The plaintiff was awarded 24s., which he ineurred in respect. or additional expenses.
Used Tickets.
With reference to the recent action of the Kensington Borough in endeavouring to get receptacles for used tickets placed upon all motorbuses, the Council has received a letter from the L.G.O.C. stating that the company is proposing, ill the first instance, to al range with the police authorities to have the buses on one or two of the services running through the borough equipped with mirth boxes, before proceeding on a larger scale. The National Steam Car Co., Ltd., has also written stating that it is in communication with the police authorities on the matter.
The General's General Foremen.
On Saturday last, the first annual dinner of the general foremen of the L.G.O.C. establishment was held at the Holborn Restaurant, under the chairmanshio of Mr. G. J. Shave, with Mr. W. I. Johnston in the viee-chair. Messrs. C. Cundy amId S. Courtney, two of the assistant depot engineers, were present, but Mr. D. Clarke was unfortunately absent through indisposition. This inaugural function, which it is hoped may become an annual one, was capitally organized by a committee consisting of Messrs. S. Breeze, H. Holmes, R. S. Hadson, S. Prince arid B. Vince, with Mr. R. T. Smith energetically undertaking the duties of secretary. About 50 sat down to dinner, which was followed by a musical programme.